Int'l campaign urges Bensouda to address issue of Palestinian MPs

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009

GAZA, (PIC)-- The international campaign for freeing kidnapped Palestinian MPs called on the incoming new chief prosecutor of the international criminal court Fatou Bensouda to address the issue of Palestinian lawmakers frequently kidnapped by Israel.

Member states of the international criminal court elected Gambia's Fatou Bensouda as their next chief prosecutor on Monday, partly to counter growing African and Middle Eastern criticism against the outgoing chief Luis Moreno-Ocampo.

In a press release, the campaign urged Bensouda to table the issue of the kidnapped MPs at the court as a prelude to taking legal action against Israel as an occupation force for arbitrarily arresting Palestinian lawmakers elected democratically by their own people.

The campaign denounced the criminal court's silence on Israel's crimes as unacceptable complicity and noted that the kidnapping of Palestinian lawmakers violates international law and the fourth Geneva convention.

Int'l campaign urges Bensouda to address issue of Palestinian MPs
Shiraz Maher: Muslims Should Condemn Hamas, Not IsraelBritain's Muslims should condemn Hamas, not Israel - Telegraph

I am a Muslim and spent a large part of my childhood in Saudi Arabia – something which, in the eyes of many Muslims, means I should automatically defend the "Palestinian struggle". This is absurd and such support invariably means overlooking the vicious crimes being perpetrated by Hamas – against the Jews and, increasingly, its own population too. Israel is responding to a barrage of Hamas rockets which threaten its citizens who live in the south. Indeed, around 10 per cent of the Israeli population now lives within striking distance of katyusha rockets.

All this follows the unilateral withdrawal of Israeli settlements in Gaza in 2005, after which Hamas swept to power and turned "the Strip" into its own paramilitary playground, using it as a springboard to launch a campaign of sustained and indiscriminate attacks into southern Israel.

Hamas will now pay a heavy price for its bloodlust and innocent civilians will tragically die as a result. Of course, it is in their name that those who have staged loud and noisy demonstrations in recent weeks claim to be acting. But what message are they sending exactly

Muslim leaders...have so far – but cannot any longer – allow this to continue unabated. Those who claim to support and empathise with the Palestinians must recognise that it is the terrorists of Hamas who have so disastrously betrayed their own people. At its core, this is the straightforward decision that British Muslims will have to make: between Hamas, a terrorist group committed to destroying a sovereign state and its people – and Israel, the region's only democracy which is responding to that threat.

My message to the loathed Jews is that there is no god but allah, we will chase you everywhere We are a nation that drinks blood, and we know that there is no better blood than the blood of the Jews. We will not leave you alone until we have quenched our thirst with your blood, and our children's thirst with your blood, we will not rest until you leave the Muslim countries

[ame=]Palestinian - Terrorism - YouTube[/ame]
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GAZA, (PIC)-- The international campaign for freeing kidnapped Palestinian MPs called on the incoming new chief prosecutor of the international criminal court Fatou Bensouda to address the issue of Palestinian lawmakers frequently kidnapped by Israel.
So, what evil-doing were those so-called mps occupied with?
Member states of the international criminal court elected Gambia's Fatou Bensouda as their next chief prosecutor on Monday, partly to counter growing African and Middle Eastern criticism against the outgoing chief Luis Moreno-Ocampo.
Oh, reads like very ethnic, very politically correct, very judicially activist, no doubt.

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