Intersting Reasearch and Analysis predicts No Republican President within our life time.

What's he talking about? There has been 5 in my lifetime and one more soon to come.
The missing story of the 2014 election - GOPlifer

Note that this was written and and Analyzed by right leaning , Chris Ladd

What, you mean THIS Chris Ladd, who is so far LEFT FIELD
he even surpasses me as a prochoice Democrat who is more conservative than he is???

Four inescapable realities - GOPlifer

^ Look at what Chris Ladd wrote above as a Republican on points dividing his party ^
and look at my reply below urging to seek a more unifying approach, based on
Constitutional respect for equal inclusion and protection of the laws.

Now you tell me how Conservative he is
if even I am more conservative as a prochoice progressive Democrat:

Hi Chris: As a Constitutionalist and Green Progressive Democrat, I express concern that two of your points stray from the central unifying principle of “respecting religious freedom of choice: and not imposing beliefs on those of others: (A). The point about global warming is biased and better replaced with a COMMON focus on environmental conservation, restoration and cleaning up pollution which are “unifying” while global warming is divisive and based on belief in the research (the same objectives can be accomplished by focusing on environmental protections and restoration WITHOUT taking sides and insulting anyone for views on global warming so why go there). (B). The point about evolution is equally unnecessary to “require” as a condition to agree upon and does not respect the equal rights and beliefs of other backgrounds; I find it better to leave it open to ALL views and combinations of “evolution AND creation,” for sake of EQUAL protection of interests and beliefs which is a more inclusive Constitutional principle; [instead of arguing over evolution and creation, I believe scientific research is better focused on Spiritual Healing, and how this practice can be applied to diagnosis, early intervention and cure of mental, physical and even criminal illness connected to spiritual causes that otherwise obstruct natural health and healing. See resources recommended for research:

I agree with your points about the abortion issues, and believe that policies and solutions are better focused on prevention at all levels, rather than dividing or judging over views.

As for the point about race and economics, the solutions I see are to set up equal access to training and experience in financial, legal and property/business management so all people’s interests can be equally protected. As long as not all people have equal knowledge of the laws and how to manage finances and especially property, we will not see human equality.
Until all people have equal right to own their own land, property, schools and businesses and to govern their own cities, we will not be equal with those who have political power and access to the taxing and governing authorities. We will always fight over power until we are fully self-governing and have equal right and access to localized democratic representation.

This is independent of race, but the Blacks have been put 150 years behind on the learning curve of managing property, business and finances; and with the legal and prison system monopolized by money, this imbalance continues. So the solution may involve revamping the prison system to set up equal access to health care, education and preventative services –
Turning prisons, mental health and public housing facilities into campuses to train people to become independent instead of creating more bureaucracy and enslavement.

See also:

As a Constitutionalist, I applaud your intent of unifying people, but regret that two of your points will merely divide instead of unite if these are not revised. There are better ways of pursuing those goals that are unifying across the board and will prevent needless division.

Please check your bias on these two points, and do not exclude the beliefs of others that are equally protected under the Constitution which is the law of the land, not policies or global warming or evolution that should remain the free choice of people to study and believe without being insulted, pressured politically, or forced by law without their consent.

Thank you, Chris

Yours truly,
Emily Nghiem
A blog from the leftwing Houston Chronicle?

Yes, if that's the same Chris Ladd the OP is referring to for "research"
pushing for accepting global warming and climate change as proven reality,
well, there you go....

==================================Sorry I added this part afterwards:
added afterwards said:
This is what I don't get that causes me such despair:
I totally support my fellow progressive Green environmentalists, who feel completely sold out by the politicized left hijacking that whole movement. I totally support conservation, preservation of environment and endangered wildlife and ecosystems and stopping corporate destruction by buying out these areas and creating jobs in restoration.

But I DON'T NEED to rely on arguments for or against "global warming or climate change"
to see that pollution and destruction needs to stop. What is so hard about that?

Why divide people by party over this unless it is some game to divide and conquer?
So WHY Would anyone play into this game to divide their own party? Why?

That just really gets me. There is nothing like the feeling of WTF when I as a prochoice progressive Green Democrat find myself urging and BEGGING Republicans and Conservatives NOT TO DIVIDE THEIR OWN PARTY but to stick to Constitutional principles that include all people and solve problems in unifying ways. It's enough when I have to beg my own party members to quit the divisive mess, but when I have to push Republicans to quit backstabbing each other and get it together if we are going to fix the messes of our govt and economy, that is just too much.

That is just plain too weird when I care more about the unity and success of the Republican party than their own members do who keep dividing it when it isn't necessary.

How am I supposed to work toward uniting the Democrats with Republicans on Constitutional principles if they can't even get their own members united???? Crazi-nesssss.....
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We seen to have pretty well in House,Senate and Governor's races in recent memory...
Does that not count for anything?
We seen to have pretty well in House,Senate and Governor's races in recent memory...
Does that not count for anything?

The rest of the national government seems to move opposite of the white house for the most part. Back in the 70's and 80's the Democrats controlled most of state governments and held congress for all but 6 years, but they sure didn't do too well getting the white house during those times.
We seen to have pretty well in House,Senate and Governor's races in recent memory...
Does that not count for anything?

I highly doubt it. I live in NJ. Although we've had 3 two term Republican Governors within the last 25 years including Chris Christie, the fact is, Reagan and Bush the Elder were the last two Republicans presidential candidates that won in the state of NJ.
"By contrast, Republicans control a far more modest Red Fortress, which currently amounts to 149 electoral votes. What happened to that fortress amid the glory of the 2014 “victory?” It shrunk yet again. Not only are New Hampshire and probably Virginia now off the competitive map, Georgia is now clearly in play at the Federal level. This trend did not start in 2014 and it will not end here. This is a long-term realignment that been in motion for more than a decade and continues to accelerate."

They have the flyover all locked up, and they can keep it.

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