Internet shopping is unsafe … your credit card is at risk.


Aug 17, 2011
Next time you want to buy a product online, like books, DVDs, computers, and clothing. Ask yourself one simple question:

"Do you want your credit card (or PayPal Identity) details sent to many email addresses around the world in a matter of seconds?"

I am very concerned citizen who doesn't want to see other people's hard-earned money goes into the hands of unscrupulous & unlawful people using fraud credit cards. Before you enter your payment details on any internet shopping sites, please note that your credit card details can be sent to any email addresses using simple webpage techniques. These techniques can very easily implemented by beginners …. think what advanced programmers can do with your credit card numbers.

Next time you want to buy anything online, think first … is it worth saving a few bucks buying online and risk losing your credit card identity to internet criminals?

Another alarming news .... after you enter your credit card online, the info is likely stored in the company's records (or database). Unscrupulous people can extract and use that info illegally. It is as easy as a USB stick being stolen from HK Public Hospital. Just imagine your credit card number is on that stick and it is in the hands of criminals.

Don't believe internet companies say you are safe with SSL technology. The technology protects info while it is being sent through the internet. It does not guarantee the info is stored safely in the company's database.

The best solution is stay away from internet shopping sites. They cannot be trusted! A few buck discount is not worth losing your credit card identity.

Stop using internet shopping now! Your identity is at risk!
Next time you want to buy a product online, like books, DVDs, computers, and clothing. Ask yourself one simple question:

"Do you want your credit card (or PayPal Identity) details sent to many email addresses around the world in a matter of seconds?"

I am very concerned citizen who doesn't want to see other people's hard-earned money goes into the hands of unscrupulous & unlawful people using fraud credit cards. Before you enter your payment details on any internet shopping sites, please note that your credit card details can be sent to any email addresses using simple webpage techniques. These techniques can very easily implemented by beginners …. think what advanced programmers can do with your credit card numbers.

Next time you want to buy anything online, think first … is it worth saving a few bucks buying online and risk losing your credit card identity to internet criminals?

Another alarming news .... after you enter your credit card online, the info is likely stored in the company's records (or database). Unscrupulous people can extract and use that info illegally. It is as easy as a USB stick being stolen from HK Public Hospital. Just imagine your credit card number is on that stick and it is in the hands of criminals.

Don't believe internet companies say you are safe with SSL technology. The technology protects info while it is being sent through the internet. It does not guarantee the info is stored safely in the company's database.

The best solution is stay away from internet shopping sites. They cannot be trusted! A few buck discount is not worth losing your credit card identity.

Stop using internet shopping now! Your identity is at risk!

Are you just now figuring this out? Where have you been the last 10 years? :eusa_eh:
There are ways to minimize the risk, duh........
From internet shopping to charity donations, I lost trust & faith in all of them. There are unlawful people who takes your donation money and uses them to wine & dine, buy luxurious cars, wear brand name clothing. I suggest everyone of us cut off the source of charity organization's revenue pool by rejecting to donate their hard-earned money. Let them learn the hard lesson when they are out of funds to sponsor their own projects.
For the next few decades, the best lifestyle is "keep to yourself" and stop all interaction between people. My nickname is "Happy Loner 128". I am proud to be a loner.
From internet shopping to charity donations, I lost trust & faith in all of them. There are unlawful people who takes your donation money and uses them to wine & dine, buy luxurious cars, wear brand name clothing. I suggest everyone of us cut off the source of charity organization's revenue pool by rejecting to donate their hard-earned money. Let them learn the hard lesson when they are out of funds to sponsor their own projects.

Could you possibly paint with a broader brush?

There must be somebody left who you haven't yet accused of being a crook.

Try harder.
You can also get hit by a car walking down the sidewalk. Does that mean I shouldn't walk?

Your credit card info is databased every time you use it whether it is on the internet or at the gas station so the only way to keep it safe is to not use it. You use checks? The account number is databased in the same database as credit cards and therefore open to hacking. They can scan your credit card number by just walking by you on the street now too.

The only safe way is to use cash but then you have no credit rating and your purchasing power is limited.
Simon has right on one hand.
On the other hand you can minimize your risk if you used a prepaid credit card.
If those credit card details went to wrong hands, those thefts can only consume the paid money to 0,00. If those sum reached, you can't use the credit card till the next time you topped it up!

It's not that intelligent to use a credit card online which hasn't got a cost stop.
With prepaid credit cards you go safer online.
But a little risk is still there but you minimized it!
First off "credit" cards are a fools game.

Here's how it's done.....not sure if you can do in duh land of duh Fee.
I have 2 accounts at each bank. Savings. Checking.
Savings is loaded:cool:. Checking has a debit card attached and the current balance is about $7.
If i want to buy something I simply go online, transfer that amount from savings to checking, open a new window and click "buy it now"
I have my confirmation, my Debit card is back to a few dollars, problem over.

Wasn't that easy ?:eusa_shhh:
You're welcome., sincerely


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I have 2 checking accounts; one is specifically for internet purchases.

I keep 25 bucks in it and transfer the exact amount of any internet purchase into it.
I know it happens, but I've done literally thousands of transactions online, in person, and over the phone, and never a single problem. :dunno:

The only thing that comes to mind is that once Penske double-charged me. I called them and they refunded the second charge.

I'm unable to be overly concerned about the possibility of fraud. If it comes down to it and someone overcharges me or an un-authorized charge comes about, I will get that money back. The card-issuer will almost certainly cover it, because they'll be aware that I will have what legal eggheads call an "absolute defence" against said charges; Eg, 'I did not sign that.'
Douger and Skull have the answer.

Create a checking-debit card specifically for credit card type purchasing.

Keep the balance low except when you are making a specific payment.

Been using that strategy for over a decade.

No credit card is necessary and its damned hard for crools to steal money from an empty account.

easy peasy
Next time you want to buy a product online, like books, DVDs, computers, and clothing. Ask yourself one simple question:

"Do you want your credit card (or PayPal Identity) details sent to many email addresses around the world in a matter of seconds?"

I am very concerned citizen who doesn't want to see other people's hard-earned money goes into the hands of unscrupulous & unlawful people using fraud credit cards. Before you enter your payment details on any internet shopping sites, please note that your credit card details can be sent to any email addresses using simple webpage techniques. These techniques can very easily implemented by beginners …. think what advanced programmers can do with your credit card numbers.

Next time you want to buy anything online, think first … is it worth saving a few bucks buying online and risk losing your credit card identity to internet criminals?

Another alarming news .... after you enter your credit card online, the info is likely stored in the company's records (or database). Unscrupulous people can extract and use that info illegally. It is as easy as a USB stick being stolen from HK Public Hospital. Just imagine your credit card number is on that stick and it is in the hands of criminals.

Don't believe internet companies say you are safe with SSL technology. The technology protects info while it is being sent through the internet. It does not guarantee the info is stored safely in the company's database.

The best solution is stay away from internet shopping sites. They cannot be trusted! A few buck discount is not worth losing your credit card identity.

Stop using internet shopping now! Your identity is at risk!
I use a Discover card. On their website you can get a "use once" credit card number so even if the crooks get the number, it is useless for anything other than the item it was used to purchase.

Secure Online Account Number : Discover
Our Secure Online Account Number service allows you to generate a temporary card number for safer checkout—anytime you shop online. With Secure Online Account Numbers you can:

  • Generate a temporary card number so your real account number is not revealed
Douger and Skull have the answer.

Create a checking-debit card specifically for credit card type purchasing.

Keep the balance low except when you are making a specific payment.

Been using that strategy for over a decade.

No credit card is necessary and its damned hard for crools to steal money from an empty account.

easy peasy
I've been doing this for years. Recently that card number was stolen and someone made a hard card with the number on it. When the sale was denied, the clerk took a second look at it and realized it was a fake copy, called the cops and my bank who put a temporary hold on the account and immediately contacted me. I had a new card in two days and no money departed my account because of it.

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