Internet Freedom Very Much In Question through the back door...


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Published on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 by Common Dreams

ACTA: The International Treaty You've Never Heard of That Could Affect Internet Freedom

US among countries that have already signed ACTA
- Common Dreams staff

While there was massive attention last week to online anti-piracy bills -- SOPA in the House and the PIPA in the Senate -- ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, has received scant media attention yet poses a tremendous threat to online freedom.

RT reports on how the ACTA treaty will work:

Under this new treaty, Internet Service Providers will police all data passing through them, making them legally responsible for what their users do online. And should you do something considered "breach of copyright" like, for instance, getting a tattoo of a brand logo, taking a photo and posting it somewhere, you may be disconnected from the Internet, fined or even jailed.

This, of course, threatens the entire founding idea of the Internet – the free sharing of information. But ACTA doesn't stop there. It goes beyond the Internet, bearing down on generic drugs and food patents. If passed, ACTA will enforce a global standard for seed patenting, which would wipe out independent, local farmers and make the world completely dependent on the patent owners (read "big corporations") for supplies...

ACTA: The International Treaty You've Never Heard of That Could Affect Internet Freedom | Common Dreams
Your fun behind a bogus name is still being threatened big time...
Yea, it was last week too.... when there were a variety of threads on it.

The 'search' function is your friend.

Yea, it was last week too.... when there were a variety of threads on it.

The 'search' function is your friend.


This is an excellent example of a typical CG post.

Let's run down the checklist of requirements to be a true CaliforniaGirl post

1) Offers nothing of substance related to the topic - Check
2) Ends with an insult - Check
3) Has an overall stench of, "I'm better than you" - Check

I'd be worried but I know we already have a censored internet. Right after 9/11 there was an article that said the boxcutters used were planted on the planes, said article disappeared immediately. After the riots broke out in Kenya there was a "eyewitness Rueters" report which states people were being locked in Churches and burned alive. Next day it wasn't there.

Face it, we already are being censored and if you see anything interesting, better make a copy because it isn't going to be there long.

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