Inside an illegal call centre in India scamming millions from Canadians


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
“Lucy” is barely able to contain her fear, even today.

She has agreed to talk about what happened to her in exchange for concealing her identity. She is ashamed she was taken by a scam so easily, and worried her job in Toronto’s financial community will be jeopardized if her employer discovers how quickly she maxed out her three credit cards.

It took only four hours, and six trips to two different drug stores, to plunge $25,000 into the red. A debt she is still struggling to pay off.

.......Fake ‘taxman’
One young man who worked at the call centre and who was there the night of the raids agreed to speak to W5 on condition his identity was concealed, because he hopes to find future employment.

He has already spent 72 days in jail, charged with fraud, and is currently out on bail. “Raviv”, we are calling him, had worked for several years in the legal call centre industry, before answering an ad for people needed for a collection agency. He’s a man in his late 20s and quickly realized after his training it was a scam.

“I was actually going through a bad phase in my life,” he said in an interview with W5.

“At the same time, I have a child and it so happened my wife got attacked with a disease. Making money totally depended on what kind of collection I did. If you were good enough, I would say incentives were marked to infinity how much you can make."

With the CRA scam proving millions can be made deceiving and terrifying Canadians, the RCMP and Indian police agree those urgent voicemail messages are likely to get more sophisticated and even more numerous over time.
Inside an illegal call centre in India scamming millions from Canadians

But, I don't care how bad your life is and why you continued to defraud people.....
Anyone stupid enough to think the IRS will accept payment in the form of iTunes gift cards deserves to be bilked out of everything they have.
One of the tactics these con men use, is to take a phone number they find for an older person and try consecutive numbers around it, hoping they can stumble onto a Senor Citizens High rise, full of people, many of whom have decreased mental flexibility, at BEST.

The whole is full of people who are below average intelligence, for one reason or another. The people that prey on such people to scam them are the scum of the earth, and I wish for them to die in pain and terror and then go to Hell.
Anyone stupid enough to think the IRS will accept payment in the form of iTunes gift cards deserves to be bilked out of everything they have.

No one deserves to be bilked. You have laid blame on the wrong person. One set out to commit a crime, one did not.

One set out to commit a crime. The other is too stupid to breathe.

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