Inserting Politics Into, And Ruining, Everything They Touch


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
So you think your life is your own, huh?


Look at the threads on this Board..... You can't even choose who you want to bake a cake for.

Wowee-Zowee, Bat Fink. Save us from catastrophe!

Then there's SciFi, my favorite form of media entertainment (you can accurately gauge an individual's IQ by their interest, or lack thereof, in SciFi) which has become the latest target of dimocraps.

It's not enough that dimocraps have TOTALLY fucked up every City and State they've ever governed, (see; Dee-Troit).

It's not enough that they have RUINED the well-intentioned Welfare system creating MILLIONS of Fatherless Children that have no direction, no discipline and no hope.

It's not enough that they've ruined Affirmative Action, another well-intentioned program that has become permanently entrenched in our society (when is enough, enough?)

It's not enough that they got DDT senselessly banned causing the deaths of MILLIONS of people (mostly children) to Malaria. Like dimocraps care. They don't. It's only the perception that they care that's important to them.

It's not enough that liberal scum have DESTROYED our education system. That we have to import Engineers while graduating Tens of Thousands of USELESS fucking Law Degrees, BBAs and Black/Womens Studies Degrees while placing dead last in the Civilized World in PISA Testing.

Now, the Plague of Locusts I call dimocrap scum are targeting, and destroying, the one form of entertainment worth watching in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lame Stream Media

How the Hugo Awards Became a Battleground - Breitbart

Few walks of life are today immune to the spectre of political intolerance. At universities, speaker disinvitations and censorship campaigns are at an all-time high. In technology, there are purges of chief executives with the wrong political views and executives who make the wrong sort of joke. In the world of video games, petitions are launched against “offensive” titles, and progressive journalists wage smear campaigns against conservative developers.

It may not, therefore, surprise you to learn that similar occurrences are taking place in the science-fiction and fantasy (SFF) community, too. Previously a world renowned for the breadth of its perspectives, SFF increasingly bears the familiar hallmarks of an ideological battleground.

Edge: As if I needed another reason to despise dimocraps, one is added anyway.

dimocraps screw up everything they touch, people.


No matter the intentions, no matter the good will, no matter the oversight or who's running it or -- dimocraps turn everything they touch into a pile of shit. Every time.

The moment a subject becomes politicized, it becomes dumbed down, distorted and completely polluted.

And, unfortunately for the rest of the country, hardcore partisan ideologues just have to politicize pretty much everything.

Their toxic mix of ideology, narcissism and immature nastiness turns any discussion into a third grade playground fight.

The country would be much better off if these people would just find another hobby.

So you think your life is your own, huh?


Look at the threads on this Board..... You can't even choose who you want to bake a cake for.

Wowee-Zowee, Bat Fink. Save us from catastrophe!

Then there's SciFi, my favorite form of media entertainment (you can accurately gauge an individual's IQ by their interest, or lack thereof, in SciFi) which has become the latest target of dimocraps.

It's not enough that dimocraps have TOTALLY fucked up every City and State they've ever governed, (see; Dee-Troit).

It's not enough that they have RUINED the well-intentioned Welfare system creating MILLIONS of Fatherless Children that have no direction, no discipline and no hope.

It's not enough that they've ruined Affirmative Action, another well-intentioned program that has become permanently entrenched in our society (when is enough, enough?)

It's not enough that they got DDT senselessly banned causing the deaths of MILLIONS of people (mostly children) to Malaria. Like dimocraps care. They don't. It's only the perception that they care that's important to them.

It's not enough that liberal scum have DESTROYED our education system. That we have to import Engineers while graduating Tens of Thousands of USELESS fucking Law Degrees, BBAs and Black/Womens Studies Degrees while placing dead last in the Civilized World in PISA Testing.

Now, the Plague of Locusts I call dimocrap scum are targeting, and destroying, the one form of entertainment worth watching in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lame Stream Media

How the Hugo Awards Became a Battleground - Breitbart

Few walks of life are today immune to the spectre of political intolerance. At universities, speaker disinvitations and censorship campaigns are at an all-time high. In technology, there are purges of chief executives with the wrong political views and executives who make the wrong sort of joke. In the world of video games, petitions are launched against “offensive” titles, and progressive journalists wage smear campaigns against conservative developers.

It may not, therefore, surprise you to learn that similar occurrences are taking place in the science-fiction and fantasy (SFF) community, too. Previously a world renowned for the breadth of its perspectives, SFF increasingly bears the familiar hallmarks of an ideological battleground.

Edge: As if I needed another reason to despise dimocraps, one is added anyway.

dimocraps screw up everything they touch, people.


No matter the intentions, no matter the good will, no matter the oversight or who's running it or -- dimocraps turn everything they touch into a pile of shit. Every time.

"...scifi reveals your intelligence..."

I can't stay mad at you c'mere! :)
Mac, you are the expert on narcissism...
Oh, and you folks utilize deflection as naturally as you breathe.

More damage to the conversation.



Did you actually read the OP? Do you think the person who wrote it is really interested in a "conversation"?
I think most people would recognize that while the OP was pointing the finger in one direction, I equated both "sides".

Which is a statement in itself.

Since I never know when you're being obtuse or just unable/unwilling to practice a little intellectual elasticity, I hope that answer is clear enough.

Then there's SciFi, my favorite form of media entertainment (you can accurately gauge an individual's IQ by their interest, or lack thereof, in SciFi) which has become the latest target of dimocraps.

Well, real science fiction fans don't call it "SciFi".

Incidentally, I've been a SF fan since childhood. But I've gone from being pretty conservative to being pretty liberal.

When I was 16, I thought Battlestar Galactica was cool. Now I just cringe when I watch those old episodes of with the awful dialog and subtle Mormon propaganda.

When I was 30, I thought Star Trek was awesome, even the new stuff. Now I just kind of cringe at how cheezy most of it.

Still enjoy Doctor Who, Babylon 5, and the written works of Asimov and Clark. Heinlein I am kind of not as fond of as I used to be.
I think most people would recognize that while the OP was pointing the finger in one direction, I equated both "sides".

Which is a statement in itself.

Since I never know when you're being obtuse or just unable/unwilling to practice a little intellectual elasticity, I hope that answer is clear enough.

That you are still a narcissist, yes, I think we established that. Frankly, you are as inflexible as the OP is, with your constant ranting about an imaginary PC Police that is lurking behind every action you don't like.
I think most people would recognize that while the OP was pointing the finger in one direction, I equated both "sides".

Which is a statement in itself.

Since I never know when you're being obtuse or just unable/unwilling to practice a little intellectual elasticity, I hope that answer is clear enough.

That you are still a narcissist, yes, I think we established that. Frankly, you are as inflexible as the OP is, with your constant ranting about an imaginary PC Police that is lurking behind every action you don't like.
Your defensiveness and sensitivity regarding my little post is both noted and not at all surprising.

The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants is to be equated with those they loathe.

As is typical in dimocrap scum circles, the moment they hear something they don't like they start with the ad hominem attacks.

Look at TV, Radio, the Print Media, the Morning Shows......

All those people do is sit around and accuse Republicans of everything from rape to murder all day.

Me? I just calls them like I sees them....... dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

We (Republicans, Conservatives and other Patriots) have as much trouble identifying the MAIN enemy of America -- dimocrap scum -- As dimocraps have Indentifying lesser enemies of America -- Jihadist goat fuckers.

Like good Patriots say, you can't defeat your enemies if you refuse to identify them.

I know who the enemy of this Country...... The same scum that FUCK UP everything they touch. I mean EVERYTHING.

Even the things they claim to be success-stories like Social Security are a mess.

Everything else -- A sewer.

dimocraps are the enemy of America, Americans and everything we stand for.

You better wake up
The problem with the Hugo Awards is that anyone can pay to vote for them, so they tend to be what is popular, not necessarily what has artistic merit. Not that this is a bad thing, but it isn't like established SF Writers doing the voting like the Nebula Awards.
Your defensiveness and sensitivity regarding my little post is both noted and not at all surprising.

The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants is to be equated with those they loathe.

Guy, your posts are always the same thing. whining about how the PC police are making your life miserable because the fags and minorities have evened the playing field. You reek of white entitlement.
As is typical in dimocrap scum circles, the moment they hear something they don't like they start with the ad hominem attacks.

Look at TV, Radio, the Print Media, the Morning Shows......

All those people do is sit around and accuse Republicans of everything from rape to murder all day.

Me? I just calls them like I sees them....... dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

You cold actually make your points a lot better if you didn't fill it with all your off the wall screeching about how much hate you have for people who disagree with you.

You know what, in your OP, there actually WAS an interesting discussion about how politics have diminished the merits of the Hugo Awards. (Although I would maintain the methods of selecting Hugos has always been flawed. They are the Golden Globes to the Nebula Awards Oscars.)

But it was completely lost in your rants about ten or other subjects.
Joe, must not be paying attention. Mac has a new "crusade". It involves whining about the fact that the POTUS talked about the Crusades. It is borne of his keen intellect.
Then there's SciFi, my favorite form of media entertainment (you can accurately gauge an individual's IQ by their interest, or lack thereof, in SciFi) which has become the latest target of dimocraps.

Well, real science fiction fans don't call it "SciFi".

Incidentally, I've been a SF fan since childhood. But I've gone from being pretty conservative to being pretty liberal.

When I was 16, I thought Battlestar Galactica was cool. Now I just cringe when I watch those old episodes of with the awful dialog and subtle Mormon propaganda.

When I was 30, I thought Star Trek was awesome, even the new stuff. Now I just kind of cringe at how cheezy most of it.

Still enjoy Doctor Who, Babylon 5, and the written works of Asimov and Clark. Heinlein I am kind of not as fond of as I used to be.

Original Battlestar Galactica WAS/IS cool! Visual quality alone is superior to the modern CGI-everything version. Physical models used for scifi prior to CGI often looked better. Plus it wasn't such a ridiculous version as everybody you come to like turns out to be a Cylon. :)

Original Star Trek compared to spin-offs was a moral lesson more than anything else. DS9 was good though, and Enterprise was spectacular - a pox on whatever half-wit axed it.

Babylon 5 remains arguably the best scifi tv series ever made. Mostly due to it's ongoing massive oraching storyline. But owning the dvds, and watching them to this day I'd say while the dialogue is often campy and cheesy, and the visual graphics primitive and pathetic, the actual story, and concepts are far superior to anything else ever done.

New Dr. Who's are awesome, though I wouldn't really lump them in with 'space opera' type scifi.
Your defensiveness and sensitivity regarding my little post is both noted and not at all surprising.

The last thing a hardcore partisan ideologue wants is to be equated with those they loathe.

Guy, your posts are always the same thing. whining about how the PC police are making your life miserable because the fags and minorities have evened the playing field. You reek of white entitlement.
I know this won't matter, but...

You've never seen me say the PC Police have made my life miserable. I'm pro-gay rights and no one has defended blacks and what has been done to them more than I. And, you won't admit to believing this, but I grew up with nothing. Alcoholic, absent dad, bi-polar mom.

The only reason I say that is because you just can't stop lying. You constantly just make stuff up. You prove every point I make with virtually every post.

You just have to make it personal.

You're part of the problem, Joe, but you're too full of yourself and your ideology to see it.

A perfect illustration of my point. Again.

Dewd, that isn't relevant. What I'm saying is that everything dimocrap scum touch, they ruin it. It turns to shit.

Even something as universally repugnant as rape, they manage to somehow fuck that up. Which I personally think rapists should be executed. Slowly.

But let dimocrap scum get hold of something -- Anything, and they will screw it up.

Look at this one.....

First, let's consider that the dimocrap scum among us are claiming that 1 in 5 College women will be raped. The FBI Crime Report Statistics say that the actual percentage is something like 1 in 10,000.

Then, to make matters worse, the Rolling Stone (a favorite dimocrap scumbag rag) runs a story on a fake rape case...

Key elements of Rolling Stone s U-Va. gang rape allegations in doubt - The Washington Post

But how can you totally ruin a campaign against something as disgusting as rape?

Only dimocrap scum can do that.

dimocraps screw up everything they touch. Everything,

You take ANY institution -- ANY OF THEM -- That has been taken over by dimocrap scum..... Like the Media, or Education, or Unions and dimocraps have totally FUCKED IT UP.

Everything you people touch, you turn to shit. And I don't mean just rough around the edges, I mean you DESTROY beyond any chance of repair.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

It's time to destroy that party and start a new liberal party. It would be nice to have a choice once again when I go to vote.

The European liberals don't destroy everything they touch. Not like ours do.

And that is because the dimocrap party is NOT a liberal party..... It is a dimocrap party. A party of criminals. And dimocraps are the scum f the earth.

Wake up, people

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