INSANE! 2020 election conspiracy uncovered


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Okay, here’s your conspiracy theory for the day.

It all circulates around a shadowy group called The Institute for Policy Studies.

Really looks harmless when one clicks on it. But, Wiki and other sites have a different view of it.

Wiki: In his book The KGB and Soviet Disinformation: An Insider's View Ladislav Bittman, a former Státní bezpečnost[29] agent who worked in misinformation operations, claimed that the IPS was part of the Soviet intelligence network.[30][31] Bittman argued that IPS was one of the several liberal think tanks that acted as pro-Soviet propaganda agencies.[32]

More @ Institute for Policy Studies - Wikipedia

MediaBias/FactCheck claims it’s an extremely far-left group @

The Heritage Foundation also says; The-Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) is an avowedly radical organization formed in 1963 by Richard J. Barnet and Marcus G. Raskin, both of whom had backgrounds of government employment. Barnet had worked for the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, while Raskin had worked for several members of Congress and for the National Security Council. Along with Barnet and Raskin, the most prominent IPS figure has probably been Resident IPS Fellow Arthur I. Waskow, who served at one time as a legislative assistant to Congressman Robert Kastenmeier of Wisconsin. All three have also been noticeably active in radical movements, , including the anti-Vi6tnam war-movement; Barnet traveled to Com- munist North Vietnam during the war, and both Barnet and Raskin were reported to have had contact with representatives of the Communist government of Hanoi in Paris during-the same period.

Why is all this important?

Some of the most important figures in the Democratic Party are tied to an anti-American, Soviet propaganda front — but chances are you’ve never heard of it from the mainstream media.

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders… they’re all on board. Together, they’re conspiring to hijack America’s future by controlling the 2020 election.

Their secret relationship came out of the shadows this week, after Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand signed onto a new racial wealth redistribution plan the group drew up.

Gillibrand threw her support behind a report on “Ten Solutions To Bridge the Racial Wealth Divide” written by the Institute for Policy Studies.

The plan calls for slavery reparations, giving money to every American baby at birth, guaranteeing everyone a job, and adopting Medicare to all. You’ve heard the same things from other top 2020 Democrats — and their far-Left plan isn’t as extreme as the group behind it.

Much more about this @ INSANE! 2020 election conspiracy uncovered

Bernie Sanders wants Islamic TERRORISTS to vote!? @

All part of the agenda

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