Inequality Front and Center

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
Does all the attention on income inequality mean that we can expect Americans to be lifted economically, enjoy prosperity, and have comfort and confidence in their finances? Or, is the talk in Washington laying ground work for the 2016 elections, and merely talking points to sway voters? It seems some in Washington politics are taking the topic seriously, and intend to actually look for workable doable solutions.

Talk of Wealth Gap Prods the G.O.P. to Refocus ------

It's difficult to believe that after decades of suppressing the American worker, and driving families and communities into poverty, that all of a sudden our politicians actually want to offer ways to climb the socioeconomic ladder into a better life and better financial ease and comfort. Please excuse me for being skeptical and a pessimist on this particular "possible effort" to at last help someone besides the wealthy and special interests.

Anything short of opportunities to be self-supporting and productive citizens, will be a waste of time, money, and effort. We don't need temporary fixes, economic teases, and short-lived solutions. We need permanent solutions and fixes that will be passed from generation to generation. Right now, it's a "wait and see" proposition.
More like wait and not see.

The compound interest effects of increasing returns from computer chips, LEDs, automation, bio-tech, nanotech et al is highly deflationary.
We need permanent solutions and fixes that will be passed from generation to generation.

dear, the only permanent solution is to compete well in international competition and not build barriers that shield us from international competition thus causing us to fall further and further behind.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
More like wait and not see.

The compound interest effects of increasing returns from computer chips, LEDs, automation, bio-tech, nanotech et al is highly deflationary.

too stuipid and liberal of course. Deflation occurs when there is less money not when some lower prices.

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