Indian Boti: Kitchen Dare


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The advent of the printing-press changed the way we conceived of networking and also tools/tech itself! Today, consumerism creates all kinds of discussion about the aesthetics and ethics of tool-use (e.g., Napster, Toys 'R Us, the NRA, etc.).

Here is a sociological discussion between God, Job, and Satan about the proprietary use of the Indian boti (a rustic kitchen-item used by many women in India), a blade-and board tool used to cut foods on the floor with the feet and hands --- efficient...and convoluted!

The purpose of such a mock-discussion would be to better evaluate tool-appreciation for modernism-aesthetics analyses.

This conversation I cooked up was inspired by the archaeology-innocence film Toys (Robin Williams).

Signing off,



GOD: Why do you think women use the boti in the kitchen?
JOB: Such an item/tool is efficient and even strong...
SATAN: The boti should come with precautionary instructions for proper use.

GOD: Valuation of the boti may therefore require proper 'philosophical focus.'
JOB: Yes, after all, we don't want to take tools/tech for granted...
SATAN: Kids buy toy water-guns; they emulate their parents' tools/weapons!

GOD: American horror-films present 'outlandish weapons' (e.g., chainsaws).
JOB: Maybe colloquial tool-dialogue reveals branding items (e.g., 'Ninja Blender').
SATAN: The Ninja kitchen-blender has become popular!

GOD: Would you imagine a story in which a villain would wield a boti?
JOB: Maybe a comic book villain such as Brainiac would 'slander' the Ninja Blender!
SATAN: Without proper adherence to 'customs,' tools/items are 'apocrypha.'

GOD: Men aren't wary using Rogaine; women shouldn't stress about the boti!
JOB: Prayers help us properly 'sanctify' lifestyle 'amenities.'
SATAN: I've noticed that numerous films about centurions with 'amenities' are popular.

GOD: Yes, films such as 300, Troy, and Kingdom of Heaven present 'war amenities.'
JOB: Images of centurions with 'fancy spears' reveal a sentiment toward courage...
SATAN: Hey, women laboring with botis and blenders also requires courage!

GOD: If a centurion can wield a spear with pride, women should wield botis with pride!
JOB: I get anxious when my wife says, "You do not honor my housekeeping labors."
SATAN: Job, you worry too much about the mysteries of the female heart.

GOD: Let's agree then that Toys 'R Us may symbolize 'imagination forgiveness.'
JOB: Why not? After all, tools/tech/toys help us conceive of Herculean labors!
SATAN: I think the message of the labors of Hercules was that labor itself is spiritual.



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