India and its island neighbours


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
Island neighbors are the best.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Indian Ocean visit inspired dramatic headlines and generated acres of commentary. One news portal even proclaimed, "China out, Modi ensures 'Indian Ocean is India's ocean'."

Media excitement about Mr Modi's visits to Seychelles, Mauritius and Sri Lanka is understandable, coming as it does after decades of India's indifference to its own backyard. But one should not lose perspective.

Mr Modi's initiative is indeed a first and long-overdue pushback against the notion of China's inexorable ascendancy in the Indian Ocean, but New Delhi is a long way from countering Beijing's growing economic and military clout. India's policymakers would do well to remember that if they act in haste to gain a foothold in the island nations, it could provoke a reaction that would increase China's attraction as a counter-balance.

Indeed, it is China's overreach in Sri Lanka that has now given India an opportunity to redress its past neglect. During the years when India was consumed by domestic politics and its land borders, China made significant headway in forging ties with Colombo. Of course, Sri Lanka's international isolation gave China a free hand and enabled it to finance the US$306 million (S$425 million) port of Hambantota, where it secured a 35-year lease of over half of its container berths.

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