Independent thoughts on the Democrats


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Thought from an Independent/Swing voter:

The election is now a fading memory, Trump won, and I'm not impressed with what the Democrats have done since inauguration day.

What The Democratic party should be doing is:

* Reaching out to moderate Conservatives, White working class folks and evangelicals, finding why they voted for Trump, what issues they have with the Democratic platform, and what things the Democrats have to change in order to change their vote.

* Reaching out to military Veterans, and the disabled showing them the increased funding the Democratic party backed for their medical care, and employment opportunities.

* Reaching out to the millions of small business owners (such as myself) that have been ignored by this administration as they focus solely on the Fortune 500.

Have the Democrats done this?? NO!! Democrats have done little for 15 months but bitch, whine and complain about Donald Trump. Democrats have golden opportunity to make some major gains in the next 2 elections, but their opportunity is slipping away.

Maybe Bill Clinton was right when he said: "Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats!"
Thought from an Independent/Swing voter:

The election is now a fading memory, Trump won, and I'm not impressed with what the Democrats have done since inauguration day.

What The Democratic party should be doing is:

* Reaching out to moderate Conservatives, White working class folks and evangelicals, finding why the voted for Trump, what issues they have with the Democratic platform, and what things the Democrats have to change in order to change their vote.

* Reaching out to military Veterans, and the disabled showing them the increased funding the Democratic party backed for their medical care, and employment opportunities.

* Reaching out to the millions of small business owners (such as myself) that have been ignored by this administration as they focus solely on the Fortune 500.

Have the Democrats done this?? NO!! Democrats have done little for 15 months but bitch, whine and complain about Donald Trump. Democrats have golden opportunity to make some major gains in the next 2 elections, but their opportunity is slipping away.

Maybe Bill Clinton was right when he said: "Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats!"

But they won't. The Democrat Party is not the party of moderate conservatives, white working class folks, evangelicals, veterans, and small business owners. The Democrat Party is the party of slavery, abortion, the fringe element of society, victimhood and blaming others for their shortcomings, racial, sexual, and economic apologism, anti-capitalist socialism and communism, disregard for the U.S.Constitution, and an overall disgust for the country they live in.
1. Stop blaming men and whites. Calling such people stupid or uneducated or fighting to discriminate against them is a recipe for failure! They're 2/3rds of the population of this country.
2. Stop supporting the witch hunt called me too.
3. Come out as pro-worker
4. Stop being pro-illegal. The party must be pro-law and law enforcement.
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!
Thought from an Independent/Swing voter:

The election is now a fading memory, Trump won, and I'm not impressed with what the Democrats have done since inauguration day.

What The Democratic party should be doing is:

* Reaching out to moderate Conservatives, White working class folks and evangelicals, finding why they voted for Trump, what issues they have with the Democratic platform, and what things the Democrats have to change in order to change their vote.

* Reaching out to military Veterans, and the disabled showing them the increased funding the Democratic party backed for their medical care, and employment opportunities.

* Reaching out to the millions of small business owners (such as myself) that have been ignored by this administration as they focus solely on the Fortune 500.

Have the Democrats done this?? NO!! Democrats have done little for 15 months but bitch, whine and complain about Donald Trump. Democrats have golden opportunity to make some major gains in the next 2 elections, but their opportunity is slipping away.

Maybe Bill Clinton was right when he said: "Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats!"

They do have to come out more for the middle class. Often they seem to be more for illegal immigrants and transgendered...
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!

Somewhere in the dark recesses of the internet, one more independent just became a Republican.

Thank you, Timmy. :biggrin:
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!
No thanks, I don't see how anyone can agree with either side completely. If a side wants my vote they need to work for it.

You don’t have to agree completely.

Indy’s are just self important attention whores .
Thought from an Independent/Swing voter:

The election is now a fading memory, Trump won, and I'm not impressed with what the Democrats have done since inauguration day.

What The Democratic party should be doing is:

* Reaching out to moderate Conservatives, White working class folks and evangelicals, finding why they voted for Trump, what issues they have with the Democratic platform, and what things the Democrats have to change in order to change their vote.

* Reaching out to military Veterans, and the disabled showing them the increased funding the Democratic party backed for their medical care, and employment opportunities.

* Reaching out to the millions of small business owners (such as myself) that have been ignored by this administration as they focus solely on the Fortune 500.

Have the Democrats done this?? NO!! Democrats have done little for 15 months but bitch, whine and complain about Donald Trump. Democrats have golden opportunity to make some major gains in the next 2 elections, but their opportunity is slipping away.

Maybe Bill Clinton was right when he said: "Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats!"
California legalized pot and is scheduled to raise our minimum wage.
Thought from an Independent/Swing voter:

The election is now a fading memory, Trump won, and I'm not impressed with what the Democrats have done since inauguration day.

What The Democratic party should be doing is:

* Reaching out to moderate Conservatives, White working class folks and evangelicals, finding why they voted for Trump, what issues they have with the Democratic platform, and what things the Democrats have to change in order to change their vote.

* Reaching out to military Veterans, and the disabled showing them the increased funding the Democratic party backed for their medical care, and employment opportunities.

* Reaching out to the millions of small business owners (such as myself) that have been ignored by this administration as they focus solely on the Fortune 500.

Have the Democrats done this?? NO!! Democrats have done little for 15 months but bitch, whine and complain about Donald Trump. Democrats have golden opportunity to make some major gains in the next 2 elections, but their opportunity is slipping away.

Maybe Bill Clinton was right when he said: "Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats!"

Bitching about the 'other guys' seems to be the main staple of American politics. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it is the most common theme of politics throughout human history.
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!

Somewhere in the dark recesses of the internet, one more independent just became a Republican.

Thank you, Timmy. :biggrin:

Because that’s what they are ! If you
Are GOP in 90% if issues, just own it .

“Independents” all need a punch in the face . They are the transgender of politics .
Why would any sane person want to reach out to Trump's swamp creatures? Progressives must lead the way.
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A good first step for the Democrats to take to appeal to the type of voters the OP referenced would be to stop electing coastal elites like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi who seem to look at middle America with contempt and disdain as their party leaders.
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!

Somewhere in the dark recesses of the internet, one more independent just became a Republican.

Thank you, Timmy. :biggrin:

Because that’s what they are ! If you
Are GOP in 90% if issues, just own it .

“Independents” all need a punch in the face . They are the transgender of politics .

One would think you'd feel the same way about socialists. Hillary did lose quite a few votes from them, because of the way she screwed over Bernie.
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!
No thanks, I don't see how anyone can agree with either side completely. If a side wants my vote they need to work for it.

You don’t have to agree completely.

Indy’s are just self important attention whores .

We are some of the few who can see through all the BS. Partisans are blinded by party politics.
Who gives a fuck what independents think . Here’s somthing for you to ponder . PICK A SIDE AND GO WITH IT!

Somewhere in the dark recesses of the internet, one more independent just became a Republican.

Thank you, Timmy. :biggrin:

Because that’s what they are ! If you
Are GOP in 90% if issues, just own it .

“Independents” all need a punch in the face . They are the transgender of politics .

wow, keep on hating on these people and they'll be voting republican forever! Good luck convincing them to vote democratic with that nasty attitude.

You win elections by convincing people that you have the best ideas and not by shitting on them.
How about we replace everyone in congress, regardless of party, with people willing to sign a pledge to put country ahead of party and donor$?

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