Income Redistribution."Red States Get Fat, Blue States get Fleeced

It always kills me to hear Marxists like rdean bitch about the blue states carrying the weight of the red states, when it is in fact the redistributionist blue state politicians they keep electing over and over who support that policy of sending money out of their own state to others.
I guess if we show a correlation between giving, as in charity being higher in 'red' states that means the 'blue' states are cheap bastards?
If right wingers had their way, we would be the wild west. We are the top technological country in the world because of our government creating and funding NASA. Republicans want to tear that down and replace it with what? Gravel roads? Religion? Guns? What a bunch of loons. Seriously. What do they add to the country? Besides failed policies. The mess the country is in is from 8 years of Bush.

It amazes me how you can mix in a small grain of truth and ignore the large grains. NASA's biggest enemy for years was a guy named William Proxmire, a Democrat from Wisconsin. In fact, he was so famous for dumping on science for political gain that the practice is actually named after him. Does that make Democrats anti-science, or does in make you an idiot?

My guess is both.

The Democratic Party is a coalition. Of course there are right wing loons that are part of the party. We call them "Blue Dogs".

Name two liberals in the Republican Party.

You see, the reason you can point to a single Democrat and say "They all share that point of view" is because that is your "experience". The Republican Party is 90% white and mostly Christian. They really do share a single point of view on MOST things. Democrats do not. Democratic positions are the result of a "consensus".

I don't understand why this is so difficult to comprehend.

Nice try idiot, but this is something I actually care about, so you are not going to get off that easy. The simple fact is that the Democratic party united behind Proxmire in 1977 and helped to kill space colonization simply because they did not see the benefits. That single vote turned me against the Democrats for all time, it took the Republicans a lot longer to convince me they are complete idiots, but they did manage it.

If you ever grow up you might realize that politicians only care about getting power. They do not care about the future, poor people, rich people, corporations, their family, of their country, their sole goal is to get reelected and amass power. Both parties do this, and anyone that supports either party is part of the problem.

Generally, he was a liberal, and he was a fierce opponent of the war in Vietnam, but he never toed the party line.

In 1982, a convention of feminists booed him because he had voted against liberalizing abortion rights. Democrats were also upset when he voted to approve the conservative William H. Rehnquist as chief justice of the Supreme Court.

But he was best known for his Golden Fleece Awards, which he announced in monthly press releases to call attention to what he believed to be frivolous government spending. An award, for instance, went to the National Science Foundation in 1975 for spending $84,000 to learn why people fall in love.

Although he spent only a few hundred dollars on his campaigns, all of it out of his own pocket, Mr. Proxmire was easily re-elected five times.

Another Golden Fleece Award went to the National Institute for Mental Health, which spent $97,000 to study, among other things, what went on in a Peruvian brothel

The Federal Aviation Administration also felt Mr. Proxmire's wrath, for spending $57,800 on a study of the physical measurements of 432 airline stewardesses, paying special attention to the "length of the buttocks" and how their knees were arranged when they were seated. Other Fleece recipients were the Justice Department, for spending $27,000 to determine why prisoners wanted to get out of jail, and the Pentagon, for a $3,000 study to determine if people in the military should carry umbrellas in the rain.

From the beginning of his career in Washington, Mr. Proxmire was a loner, frequently at odds not just with Republicans but also with members of his own party.

Early in his first term, he clashed with the Senate majority leader, Lyndon B. Johnson, because he thought Johnson was compromising too much on civil rights legislation. He also did not like Johnson's support of tax breaks for the oil industry

The fact that you had to look him up proves how ignorant you are.

HEre is a little tidbit for you, there is not a single science fiction or space exploration fan who does not know who William Proxmire was, and we all hate him. We also tend to vote Republican because we understand just how shitty Democrats really are.

By the way, most scientist grew up reading science fiction, want to see space colonized, and are geeks at heart.
It always kills me to hear Marxists like rdean bitch about the blue states carrying the weight of the red states, when it is in fact the redistributionist blue state politicians they keep electing over and over who support that policy of sending money out of their own state to others.

And yet, wealth is concentrated in the top 1% more than any time in US history. If there is any "redistribution", it's up.
It always kills me to hear Marxists like rdean bitch about the blue states carrying the weight of the red states, when it is in fact the redistributionist blue state politicians they keep electing over and over who support that policy of sending money out of their own state to others.

And yet, wealth is concentrated in the top 1% more than any time in US history. If there is any "redistribution", it's up.

It always kills me to hear Marxists like rdean bitch about the blue states carrying the weight of the red states, when it is in fact the redistributionist blue state politicians they keep electing over and over who support that policy of sending money out of their own state to others.

And yet, wealth is concentrated in the top 1% more than any time in US history. If there is any "redistribution", it's up.
Yes the blue states are represented by men like Rockerfeller in WV, until recently the Kennedys in MA and except for Pierre du Pont any politically active members of wealthy families can be safely assumed to be blue state Democrats. Trust us everyone but obtuse liberals caught on to that a long time ago.

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