In our current state, I say screw the free market


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
I completely support protectionism at this time.
I think the free market is great, but only at times.(just like free market) We have to re-build ourselves up.
Like it or not, labor isn't mobile. So, the globalist free market approach actually has the ability to destroy a Nation. Like now. :thup:
. Labor is the main component of cost.
Depends on the industry. Labor in manufacturing is probably a lot lower component of cost than at Google.
Tariffs on foreign products with laughable standards and labor wages cheap as dirt..................

Yep Tariff it...............

But with the TPP added to the mix................we are screwed.................Offshoring what's left of the jobs here as millions pour into our country to eventually lower our wages and standards TO END WORLD POVERTY WITH THE WTO............

Isn't that so sweet............screw our jobs here to save the world.........................I don't sign on to that...............Not to mention that Corps will be able to Sue us for our laws under these agreements if they don't like our laws............and stick the bill to the tax payers..............

We've been sold out.
I completely support protectionism at this time.
I think the free market is great, but only at times.(just like free market) We have to re-build ourselves up.
Like it or not, labor isn't mobile. So, the globalist free market approach actually has the ability to destroy a Nation. Like now. :thup:
Why not reeducation? Why don't unions help with that?
Tariffs on foreign products with laughable standards and labor wages cheap as dirt..................

Yep Tariff it...............

But with the TPP added to the mix................we are screwed.................Offshoring what's left of the jobs here as millions pour into our country to eventually lower our wages and standards TO END WORLD POVERTY WITH THE WTO............

Isn't that so sweet............screw our jobs here to save the world.........................I don't sign on to that...............Not to mention that Corps will be able to Sue us for our laws under these agreements if they don't like our laws............and stick the bill to the tax payers..............

We've been sold out.

I agree with you and not reading anything. We need to keep our natural resources here and start growing our own food and make our own stuff. Growth is dead here, the top 10-15% get wealthier but the rest of us stay the same or get poorer. I am anti TPP, oh Obama makes it sound good, but I don't see where any trade agreements really worked well for our job market. No doubt we need to trade with other countries, but make a deal , and let it be changed yearly. Some year we may get oil from SA , and next maybe S. America , nothing set in stone. All these container ships, what a waste of energy and dangerous as well. Some trade necessary and good , but not mass trade and free trade. Lets get started in infrastructure, and get Mexico and Latin America clean up their countries.
Tariffs on foreign products with laughable standards and labor wages cheap as dirt..................

Yep Tariff it...............

But with the TPP added to the mix................we are screwed.................Offshoring what's left of the jobs here as millions pour into our country to eventually lower our wages and standards TO END WORLD POVERTY WITH THE WTO............

Isn't that so sweet............screw our jobs here to save the world.........................I don't sign on to that...............Not to mention that Corps will be able to Sue us for our laws under these agreements if they don't like our laws............and stick the bill to the tax payers..............

We've been sold out.

I agree with you and not reading anything. We need to keep our natural resources here and start growing our own food and make our own stuff. Growth is dead here, the top 10-15% get wealthier but the rest of us stay the same or get poorer. I am anti TPP, oh Obama makes it sound good, but I don't see where any trade agreements really worked well for our job market. No doubt we need to trade with other countries, but make a deal , and let it be changed yearly. Some year we may get oil from SA , and next maybe S. America , nothing set in stone. All these container ships, what a waste of energy and dangerous as well. Some trade necessary and good , but not mass trade and free trade. Lets get started in infrastructure, and get Mexico and Latin America clean up their countries.

yes, we should rebuild by making trade illegal between countries and between states too for that matter!! Every state or city even should have its own auto industry to keep employment low or even at 0%!!
Tariffs on foreign products with laughable standards and labor wages cheap as dirt..................

Yep Tariff it...............

But with the TPP added to the mix................we are screwed.................Offshoring what's left of the jobs here as millions pour into our country to eventually lower our wages and standards TO END WORLD POVERTY WITH THE WTO............

Isn't that so sweet............screw our jobs here to save the world.........................I don't sign on to that...............Not to mention that Corps will be able to Sue us for our laws under these agreements if they don't like our laws............and stick the bill to the tax payers..............

We've been sold out.

I agree with you and not reading anything. We need to keep our natural resources here and start growing our own food and make our own stuff. Growth is dead here, the top 10-15% get wealthier but the rest of us stay the same or get poorer. I am anti TPP, oh Obama makes it sound good, but I don't see where any trade agreements really worked well for our job market. No doubt we need to trade with other countries, but make a deal , and let it be changed yearly. Some year we may get oil from SA , and next maybe S. America , nothing set in stone. All these container ships, what a waste of energy and dangerous as well. Some trade necessary and good , but not mass trade and free trade. Lets get started in infrastructure, and get Mexico and Latin America clean up their countries.

yes, we should rebuild by making trade illegal between countries and between states too for that matter!! Every state or city even should have its own auto industry to keep employment low or even at 0%!!

We have 50 states and one federal government.
Lets get started in infrastructure, and get Mexico and Latin America clean up their countries.

yes, we should rebuild by making trade illegal between countries and between states too for that matter!! Every state or city even should have its own auto industry to keep employment low or even at 0%!![/QUOTE]

We have 50 states and one federal government.[/QUOTE]

we have 1000's of cities, 50 states, and once central govt. And????????????
Country did just fine before the Free Trade Agreements. Used tariffs on the negotiating table for over 200 years..................and then someone said it was broken................

Now our jobs, are outsourced to 3rd world shit holes with no standards, and wages that no one here could ever live on.............

Splain the people here that can live on less than $5 a day as over 200 million work for that South of the Border..................

The Free Trade Agreements have and will continue to bring us down.............Not to mention the corps taking us to court to force our laws to change..........or get fined.............Like Country of Origin Labeling................

Our sovereignty is being sold to the highest bidder at the expense of our work force.

Yep....................I'd TARIFF shit to keep jobs here.
Country did just fine before the Free Trade Agreements. Used tariffs on the negotiating table for over 200 years..................and then someone said it was broken................

Now our jobs, are outsourced to 3rd world shit holes with no standards, and wages that no one here could ever live on.............

Splain the people here that can live on less than $5 a day as over 200 million work for that South of the Border..................

The Free Trade Agreements have and will continue to bring us down.............Not to mention the corps taking us to court to force our laws to change..........or get fined.............Like Country of Origin Labeling................

Our sovereignty is being sold to the highest bidder at the expense of our work force.

Yep....................I'd TARIFF shit to keep jobs here.

dear, a tariff is a tax on the American people, its shields business from competition and thus cripples it, it starts trade wars and possibly a depression as Hawley Smoot did in 1930, and it makes our nation's goods second rate and thus our nation subject to conquest.

Now do you understand why economists on the left and right all over the world are moving toward free trade???
Country did just fine before the Free Trade Agreements. Used tariffs on the negotiating table for over 200 years..................and then someone said it was broken................

Now our jobs, are outsourced to 3rd world shit holes with no standards, and wages that no one here could ever live on.............

Splain the people here that can live on less than $5 a day as over 200 million work for that South of the Border..................

The Free Trade Agreements have and will continue to bring us down.............Not to mention the corps taking us to court to force our laws to change..........or get fined.............Like Country of Origin Labeling................

Our sovereignty is being sold to the highest bidder at the expense of our work force.

Yep....................I'd TARIFF shit to keep jobs here.

dear, a tariff is a tax on the American people, its shields business from competition and thus cripples it, it starts trade wars and possibly a depression as Hawley Smoot did in 1930, and it makes our nation's goods second rate and thus our nation subject to conquest.

Now do you understand why economists on the left and right all over the world are moving toward free trade???
I'm not your dear..................Secondly, it worked just fine until NAFTA making Trade Treaties on a nation by nation business..................negotiating Trade................

Did you find the American that can live on 5 bucks a day.............didn't think so..............Our jobs are leaving the country to employ the what's left is do you want a burger with your fries sir....................

Jeff Sessions outlined why the TPP is a bad deal...................He's a true Conservative............and he lays it all out.................but no one is listening.

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