In Order to Cut U.S. military spending dramatically would you be willing to......


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
...make it the policy of the U.S. to use nuclear weapons liberally if necessary?

Across four separate political discussion boards I see the repeated whining about how the U.S. spends too much on its military. Some have even insisted the U.S. could cut its annual military by 50%.

One of the main things used as a basis for this is President Eisenhower's famed "military industrial complex speech" (actually military industrial governmental complex).

But what almost everyone ignores is that Eisenhower was a big supporter of using nuclear weapons if necessary as a response to conventional military attacks. And Eisenhower took it seriously. When he took office the Korean War was still going on. Eisenhower threatened the Chinese with the use of nuclear weapons. And Ike meant it. He ordered the dropping and detonations of several nuclear weapons across the North Pacific.

So in order to cut the U.S. defense budget by half, would you be willing to support the casual use of nuclear weapons by the U.S.? For example if North Korea attacks South Korea again would you support the U.S. conducted a wide ranging nuclear attack on the North? If Iran attacked Saudi Arabia or tried to close the Straits of Hormuz would you support the U.S. making selected nuclear strikes on Iran?

Don't pretend that if the U.S. cuts its defense budget that the other nations on Earth are simply going to "act nice".
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.

Which military bases would you like closed? It's funny how people trot out that line, but can never name specific bases to close because they don't know shit from Shinola about the military and its usage on foreign relations.
...make it the policy of the U.S. to use nuclear weapons liberally if necessary?

Across four separate political discussion boards I see the repeated whining about how the U.S. spends too much on its military. Some have even insisted the U.S. could cut its annual military by 50%.

One of the main things used as a basis for this is President Eisenhower's famed "military industrial complex speech" (actually military industrial governmental complex).

But what almost everyone ignores is that Eisenhower was a big supporter of using nuclear weapons if necessary as a response to conventional military attacks. And Eisenhower took it seriously. When he took office the Korean War was still going on. Eisenhower threatened the Chinese with the use of nuclear weapons. And Ike meant it. He ordered the dropping and detonations of several nuclear weapons across the North Pacific.

So in order to cut the U.S. defense budget by half, would you be willing to support the casual use of nuclear weapons by the U.S.? For example if North Korea attacks South Korea again would you support the U.S. conducted a wide ranging nuclear attack on the North? If Iran attacked Saudi Arabia or tried to close the Straits of Hormuz would you support the U.S. making selected nuclear strikes on Iran?

Don't pretend that if the U.S. cuts its defense budget that the other nations on Earth are simply going to "act nice".

I tell you what. Why don't we start with that long promised audit of the DOD/Pentagon. Why don't we look at it. Then, why don't we discuss the ins and outs of defense spending in the modern era.
Nuclear weapons are non-starters. They are supposed to be deterrents. They won't be used under any circumstances.
How about addressing smaller picture things like pay raises, benefits, and cost of living adjustments for the men and women know, do the heavy lifting?
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.

Which military bases would you like closed? It's funny how people trot out that line, but can never name specific bases to close because they don't know shit from Shinola about the military and its usage on foreign relations.
All of them.
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.
Pull troops from active conflicts in middle east and Saudi Arabia. Sell Israel anything it wants for it own self protection and let them deal with the middle east. Probably would not be closing most bases around the world, as maintaining a presence enhances peace when aiding allies in their own defense and reestablishment on the quick in time of need can be a dicey gamble that might not pay off. Some weapons systems appear to be bought, based more on what state they are manufactured in, more than needs of the military. Can't cut the military budget much without dealing with that.
Nuclear weapons are non-starters. They are supposed to be deterrents. They won't be used under any circumstances.
Who told you that?

Sooner or later some waring rogue state who libs allowed to acquire nukes will use their new toy.

so in that sense our nukes are not a deterrent against crazies in n korea or iran

but I would hate to deal with the murdering chinese without nukes on our side to protect us
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.
you mean fight the next major war on American soil?

thats a terrible idea

That's the excuse the Bush necons used to wreak havoc throughout the Middle East which ultimately lead to the creation of ISIS. How did that work for you neocon tards?
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.

Which military bases would you like closed? It's funny how people trot out that line, but can never name specific bases to close because they don't know shit from Shinola about the military and its usage on foreign relations.

Pretty much all of them with the exception of a few key bases near eastern Asia as that where the biggest threat looms today to American security. We don't need bases in Europe, western Asia, Africa, Central America or anywhere else.
...make it the policy of the U.S. to use nuclear weapons liberally if necessary?

Across four separate political discussion boards I see the repeated whining about how the U.S. spends too much on its military. Some have even insisted the U.S. could cut its annual military by 50%.

One of the main things used as a basis for this is President Eisenhower's famed "military industrial complex speech" (actually military industrial governmental complex).

But what almost everyone ignores is that Eisenhower was a big supporter of using nuclear weapons if necessary as a response to conventional military attacks. And Eisenhower took it seriously. When he took office the Korean War was still going on. Eisenhower threatened the Chinese with the use of nuclear weapons. And Ike meant it. He ordered the dropping and detonations of several nuclear weapons across the North Pacific.

So in order to cut the U.S. defense budget by half, would you be willing to support the casual use of nuclear weapons by the U.S.? For example if North Korea attacks South Korea again would you support the U.S. conducted a wide ranging nuclear attack on the North? If Iran attacked Saudi Arabia or tried to close the Straits of Hormuz would you support the U.S. making selected nuclear strikes on Iran?

Don't pretend that if the U.S. cuts its defense budget that the other nations on Earth are simply going to "act nice".
Babbling about Ike and the past again.

Yea retard we should use nuclear weapons liberally because the enemy will not use them on us. What are the cost of rebuilding the 100 biggest cities in the USA?

Really KID take your meds
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.

Which military bases would you like closed? It's funny how people trot out that line, but can never name specific bases to close because they don't know shit from Shinola about the military and its usage on foreign relations.

Pretty much all of them with the exception of a few key bases near eastern Asia as that where the biggest threat looms today to American security. We don't need bases in Europe, western Asia, Africa, Central America or anywhere else.
LOL so you want all USA military bases closed except a few in Asia.

No homeports or training bases in the USA

Exactly what is your day job
Is that why Obooba authorized the surge in Afghanistan that cost more legs than a crab cracking party in Frisco
And was it the left or the right that cheered that on?

Has Donnie pulled out of Afghanistan piss aunt?
Is that why Obooba authorized the surge in Afghanistan that cost more legs than a crab cracking party in Frisco
And was it the left or the right that cheered that on?

Has Donnie pulled out of Afghanistan piss aunt?
Face it kid Obooba was a war monger, he said he would end the war and sent more boys and girls in to get mutilated

U.S. Pres. Barack Obama went to the White House promising to focus attention and resources on the faltering war effort in Afghanistan. On February 17, 2009, he approved sending an additional 17,000 U.S. troops, on top of the 36,000 U.S. troops and 32,000 NATO service members already there. Three months later Obama took the rare step of removing a commanding general from a theatre of war, replacing Gen. David McKiernan with Gen. Stanley McChrystal. While McKiernan was shifting U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, Obama and other top officials had concluded that a more radical change was needed. McChrystal was brought in to implement a new strategy modeled after the surge strategy in Iraq—one in which U.S. forces would focus on protecting the population from insurgents rather than simply trying to kill large numbers of militants. The strategy also involved trying to persuade enemy fighters to defect and ultimately encouraging reconciliation between the Karzai government and Taliban leaders.
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.
it's a double triple/etc win:
...we stop spending tax $$$ sending people overseas--AND back
...we stop giving other countries our $$$
....those troops will then spend their $$$$ in the US and not in other countries down on spending and increase $$$ to the US economy $$$ spent in foreign countries on bases/food/etc will be spent here in the US
how can anyone NOT agree to this!!!!!?????

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