In Obama's world....

Idiotic thread of the day.

A thread is what you make it. If you make it idiotic, then yes it is.

If you want to take this opportunity to talk, to learn, to teach, to uplift one another, it can and will be a great thread.

If you want to criticize because you somehow thing you are superior and smarter than everyone else, then yeah it's going to be a stupid thread.

It's idiotic because it looks at countries that have been abused by somehow evil.

With the exception of North Korea (Which pretty much has made it's own stew) all these countries have a legitimate gripe.
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The U.S. is no better then these totalitarian countries... I guess he's still trying to make some friends.:cuckoo:

And what makes us better than these totalitarian countries?

A few years ago, I would have said a love of liberty, freedom, good values. But seriously, can we honestly claim that anymore?

How many people here are more than happy to trade their freedoms for security? How many don't even care when the speech of others is being silenced? They ignorantly think they wont be silenced as well.

How many people have good and moral values? How many people on this board are humble? How about the nation? How about honesty? How many people are willing to look at reality instead of wearing their partisan blinders?

Our schools have been indoctrinating people with socialist propaganda for well over a generation already. Our media even longer. How many people truly understand the scientific method? Or what science is supposed to prove and what it doesnt even come close to proving? How many people know our history?

How many people profess a faith they know nothing about? How many profess values they don't even try to live?

Whatever good our society has, it's not because we are somehow superior to the people in these totalitarian regimes. Our greatness was created because of our fathers dreams. It's through their labor that we have been successful. It's through their labor we have any semblance of freedom.

And those totalitarians? It's because of their fathers that they aren't free. They are simply showing us what will happen to our children and grandchildren if we dont make the tough choices now.

We need to start looking at and for the truth. The truth is things as they are, as they were, and as they will be. This is impossible without being humble because we need to lay aside our pride to see clearly.

We aren't better than them. We just were lucky that those who came before us gave us such rich blessings they worked hard for. And unless we are willing to do the same, everything they worked for will be lost.

I never said we were generically better people then they are, but we are a better society because of what the founders put in place, Now of course we are currently in the process of screwing it up,But I actually agree with you’re post, a little long though.
Obama was raised by vehemently Anti-American Leftist parents. The "Church" he attended for 20yrs. was the equivalent of a KKK Rally every Sunday. It was all about "GET WHITEY!!" and "GOD DAMN AMERICA!!" His views have been permanently shaped. He cannot change. Go and do some research on his parents. They really were Anti-American loons. His apology tours and Anti-American rants shouldn't surprise anyone. It's who he is.

we rarely discuss the president's character. why would he say he didn't really have a chance to hear what wright said ?
how bout "i promise i'll finish my senate term"
or what about accepting campaign funds for running in the first place...
what about iran, and chavez, north korea and cuba.
how come he's never been to the mexican border.
what about "you lie" health care for illeagals, funding for abortion..
securing the border ??
why does he blame and finger point all of the time, right or wrong ?
"the cops acted stupidly"
i googled "obama's trip to guantanamo"
why didn't he sit with mitch mcconnell for 18 months.
"republicans want blacks to stay home on election day" i was offended by that...
i see a few "character flaws" here. i don't believe him anymore, he's unbelievable
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Idiotic thread of the day.

A thread is what you make it. If you make it idiotic, then yes it is.

If you want to take this opportunity to talk, to learn, to teach, to uplift one another, it can and will be a great thread.

If you want to criticize because you somehow thing you are superior and smarter than everyone else, then yeah it's going to be a stupid thread.

that is verbatim what they told me about school when i was a kid... you're right though. this is sort of the bread and butter of current affairs. and i can have guns and butter but no bread (low carbing). isn't that ironic ?
Idiotic thread of the day.

A thread is what you make it. If you make it idiotic, then yes it is.

If you want to take this opportunity to talk, to learn, to teach, to uplift one another, it can and will be a great thread.

If you want to criticize because you somehow thing you are superior and smarter than everyone else, then yeah it's going to be a stupid thread.

It's idiotic because it looks at countries that have been abused by somehow evil.

With the exception of North Korea (Which pretty much has made it's own stew) all these countries have a legitimate gripe.

what countries sallow ??
Damn..If I realized that Obama hated America, I never would have voted for him

Does anyone know if Sarah Palin loves America? I would not want to make the same mistake twice
A thread is what you make it. If you make it idiotic, then yes it is.

If you want to take this opportunity to talk, to learn, to teach, to uplift one another, it can and will be a great thread.

If you want to criticize because you somehow thing you are superior and smarter than everyone else, then yeah it's going to be a stupid thread.

It's idiotic because it looks at countries that have been abused by somehow evil.

With the exception of North Korea (Which pretty much has made it's own stew) all these countries have a legitimate gripe.

what countries sallow ??
Haiti, Mexico, Cuba, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran...

The list is long and growing.
Damn..If I realized that Obama hated America, I never would have voted for him

Does anyone know if Sarah Palin loves America? I would not want to make the same mistake twice

Not sure on that. But I am certain that Sarah Palin loves Sarah Palin.

I read on the Interweb that she breeds with someone who hates America and wants his state to seceed..........Is that UnAmerican or is it that she just doesn't care who she sleeps with?
Damn..If I realized that Obama hated America, I never would have voted for him

Does anyone know if Sarah Palin loves America? I would not want to make the same mistake twice

Not sure on that. But I am certain that Sarah Palin loves Sarah Palin.

I read on the Interweb that she breeds with someone who hates America and wants his state to seceed..........Is that UnAmerican or is it that she just doesn't care who she sleeps with?

who are u sleepin with, that's the question.
Not sure on that. But I am certain that Sarah Palin loves Sarah Palin.

I read on the Interweb that she breeds with someone who hates America and wants his state to seceed..........Is that UnAmerican or is it that she just doesn't care who she sleeps with?

who are u sleepin with, that's the question.

With someone who loves this country and would never dream of splitting it know...A REAL American

Why are "patriots" like you always unwilling to examine the crimes of your country?

How does 4% of the world's population acquire 25% of its wealth?

Chomsky knows.

By giving man freedom to do hard, honest work and keep their rewards of their labor.

It's called basic economics. The other nations of the world could create their own wealth at all if they didnt have local governments and totalitarians getting in the way.

Clearly Chomsky doesn't know jack.
If wage slavery qualifies as a reward of labor those toiling in today's capitalist US have more "freedom" than chattel slaves in 19th century Mississippi;however, it doesn't change the fact that nearly 75% of US returns to wealth currently accrue to the richest 2% of "free" Americans.

Obama's Greatest Betrayal

What you see as "basic economics" looks at lot like Empire to victims of US "hard, honest work." Just ask the Haitians who remember US Marines dissolving their government at gunpoint and confiscating the Island's treasury:

"The same book also noted that the U.S. troops who occupied Haiti in July 1915 to establish martial law 'were mostly from the Deep South, 'exacerbated racial and social divisions between the blacks and mulattos on the island, 'reinforced the rigid social structure' and 'when they finally withdrew in 1934 their only contribution to the country was a few roads and sewers and a pro-United States local militia...'"

The Occupation of Haiti

As for Noam Chomsky he's widely regarded as the 8th most widely quoted author of all time.

Shakespeare, Plato, Freud, Marx, Chaucer, Cicero, Chomsky...the list begins with the Bible.

If he doesn't know jack, he's in good company.
what countries sallow ??
Haiti, Mexico, Cuba, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran...

The list is long and growing.

tried and succeeded, we've helped them all. so many more
"Helped them all?"

The way we helped Charlemagne Peralte in 1919 Haiti?

"After Charlemagne Peralte organized a provisional government in the northern part of Haiti, for instance, 1,861 of his supporters were killed in 1919 and 'Charlemagne...was eventually killed by two marines, disguised as blacks who sneaked into his camp at night and shot him,' according to THE UNITED STATES OCCUPATION OF HAITI, 1915-1934.

"The same book also noted that 'in an attempt to demoralize the guerrillas, the marines disseminated photographs of Charlemagne's body, but made the mistake of propping him up so that he looked like Christ on the cross' and 'the photograph became a continuing source of inspiration to Haitian nationalists.'"

Charlemagne and so many more...

The Occupation...
As for Noam Chomsky he's widely regarded as the 8th most widely quoted author of all time.

:cuckoo:Yeah for Socialist Communist idiots like Georgie...Hey Georgie do you think it was wrong that we dropped the atomic bomb on Japan which resulted in saving hundreds of thousands of additional American and Japanese lives? My grandfather was on his way to the invasion of the main Island of Japan then they dropped the bombs need after that the war was over:up:

Let me ask you this Georgie the Chomsky lover.. Do you think if the U.S. had not intervened anywhere around the world, these whacked out countries would be in great shape, thriving or would they still be shit holes? Do you think the eastern Europeans are glad we intervened? And liberated them from Soviet domination? Chomsky is an elitist that would like nothing more then to distribute the wealth the way he sees fit, and what does that mean? Tyranny! Wake up man!!
And if it's true Japan had proposed surrender before the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, would that change your moral calculus?

Knowing this world might have been spared your stupidity makes me seriously reconsider whether the invasion of Japan might have had redeeming features after all.

How many of "these whacked out countries" you mention have you lived in? Visited? Read about?

Do you even care how many millions of human beings the US military has murdered since 1776?

How about 1945?
What about future murder for money?

Ignorant slaves who revel in an accident of birth are where Tyrants come from.

You're a perfect example.
It's called mass murder.
War Crimes.
Rolling Thunder.

The fact that you're either ignorant or complicit in US war crimes doesn't mean you won't reap what you sow one day.


I fact that you're a brainwashed socialist idiot, and you can speak out against this country freely without being killed or arrested should tell you something.
It tells me someone who didn't care enough about this country to fight for it in WWII became commander in chief.

Do you think rich parasites like Bush and Buffett gave thanks to the Gipper?

How about you?
Reagan VOLUNTARILY served during WW2, Douchebag!

Now, when did you EVER serve?

When are you going to man up and fight along your beloved palestinian douchebags?

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