In light of the tragedy what does Bush do?

So maybe you want to talk about the 6000 earmarks your heros put into a bill which was supposed to fix our infrastructure?
Glad to see that the infrastructure is now something the right thinks we should fix.

I guess having a different president must have done it?
Nothing like using emotion from a tragedy to pass more big government programs!

Bush knew the money had been collected for the infrastructure, via gasoline taxes, he knew it had been squandered. The states made their own problems.
I see you think the states should just be allowed to create a situation in which the entire country crumbles?
When the FEds quit mandating that the states spend crap loads of money on things that various states can't afford without federal dollars to support them which dollars are often not forth coming maybe the states will have money to fix a few things. When nearly 70% of the federal budget doesn't go to various social spending maybe they'll have some money to fix some infrastructure.

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