In France, Muslims Make up 7% of Population yet 70% of Prison Population

Ratio remind you of anything? Blacks and incarcerations perhaps?

Exactly. That's exactly why when I was vagabonding in France I ended up hanging with the North Africans -- they constitute the underclass. And as such they know all the angles on .... where to sleep cheap.... where to eat cheap.... how to get work.... all that stuff. I didn't go seek out "Muslims"; I sought out practical survival information. And that's where it was.

And they do, and did then, experience a certain degree of prejudice and isolation. Not to the degree of the Old South, nothing like that -- more subtle but clearly present.
Wow. French legal system is really targeting the Muslims .
Or maybe, just maybe, they target criminals. You'd think some folks just watch when white people commit crimes and do nothing. Isn't that what the left insinuates when the percentages aren't equal? Couldn't be a mindset developed over years that causes people to behave a certain way.
Or maybe, just maybe, they target criminals. You'd think some folks just watch when white people commit crimes and do nothing. Isn't that what the left insinuates when the percentages aren't equal? Couldn't be a mindset developed over years that causes people to behave a certain way.

The white people just walk with slaps on the wrist . The jobless mooslims can't afford a lawyer . Straight to jail they go!
The white people just walk with slaps on the wrist . The jobless mooslims can't afford a lawyer . Straight to jail they go!

You've got that backwards, Timmy,

Most countries strive to minimize reporting of Muslim crimes for fear of being labeled racist. And here in the states, honor killings and beatings are called domestic violence. The media goes out of it's way to avoid reporting on illegal alien and Muslim criminals. It goes against their current narrative that only white Americans are bad.

Muslims tend to have more legal representation than other groups. There is no shortage of liberal lawyers who jump at the chance to defend the worst of the worst.

"England’s The Independent reported last year that Muslims make up 4.7% of the population of England and Wales, but comprise 14% of the prison population in those countries. The figures still don’t give the full picture of Muslim-perpetrated crime because Muslims tend to engage most often in serious crime. For example, the report adds that "in some prisons the proportion of Islamic inmates is more than one-third, and in Whitemoor, a Category A prison in Cambridgeshire, it is as high as 43 per cent." Explanations from Muslim apologists have been predictable:

Muzammil Quraishi, a senior lecturer in criminology and criminal justice at Salford University, said: "Young Muslim men are under the official gaze from their school days onwards — they have the lens of the state turned on them. Certain populations can become suspect populations in the eyes of the law enforcement agencies." Amal Imad, of the charity Muslim Aid, suggested that poor educational performance, problems finding fulfilling jobs and family breakdown were factors in the increasing numbers of Muslims behind bars. She said: "It may be that they can’t integrate into society, they don’t think they have a positive chance to integrate into society." Mizanur Rahman, a spokesman for the organisation Muslim Prisoners, blamed the spike on Islamophobia and racism among police officers.

So basically, these foreign apologists are arguing that ‘the lens of the state,’ ‘problems finding fulfilling jobs,’ and ‘racism among police officers’ are the reason why, by the British government’s own admission, Muslims are over-represented in rape convictions by three times their proportion of the population — not to mention the horrendous scandal showing that Muslims have been raping with impunity because police, social workers and politicians have been afraid of being stigmatized as racists. These biased commentators don’t feel the need to offer any substantial evidence for their argument, relying on buzzwords like ‘racism’ to deftly side-step any opportunity for rational debate and terrify authorities to simply allow Muslim crime to go unpunished.

But we truly live in a "Through the Looking Glass" kind of world, and while Muslim crime soars, the refrain from the media is that it is actually anti-Muslim ‘hate crime’ that is soaring. But is it? The Guardian reported that there were 500 ‘Islamophobic crimes’ across Britain in 2013. Many of these ‘crimes’ were of the "pig’s head left outside a mosque" variety. To put this into some kind of perspective, in the same year Muslims perpetrated at least 676 rapes. So for every pork-inspired teenage prank, there were probably a couple of Muslim rapes being carried out at the same time. I know which crime I view most seriously.

Even looking at the picture from a racial rather than religious viewpoint, the figures of the Crown Prosecution Service show that Whites are under-represented in rape convictions relative to their proportion in the population, whereas Blacks, ‘Asians’ (the label most often applied to Pakistanis, etc.), and those of mixed ethnicity all far exceeded their proportion of the population. So the media prefers the false alarm over hate crime to the real alarm which needs to be sounded over the ethnic rape epidemic."

"High profile-gang rapes in India have been in the headlines since December. The phenomenon is growing across Europe too, but tends to be under reported due to the high incidence of Muslim perpetrators which makes it politically incorrect to mention."

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