In defense of Obama - From a Former Critic

Obamacare will be repealed and go on the ash heap of history just like communism.

And what are you going to do with all those people who are benefiting from the program? Are you going to banish them to Russia?
Obama actually accomplished what seven (7) previous Presidents, Repub and Dem, tried to do. History will note that.

Julian Castro says seven presidents before Barack Obama sought universal health care PolitiFact

The GOP better accept it and move on. The longer they fight it, the more they are going to lose. I talk to people everyday who, for perhaps the first time in their lives, actually have health insurance. They no longer depend solely on trips to the ER, which by the way, you frigin RWers paid for anyway. GET A GRIP!

Who do you hang around with? The homeless?
Obama actually accomplished what seven (7) previous Presidents, Repub and Dem, tried to do. History will note that.

Julian Castro says seven presidents before Barack Obama sought universal health care PolitiFact

The GOP better accept it and move on. The longer they fight it, the more they are going to lose. I talk to people everyday who, for perhaps the first time in their lives, actually have health insurance. They no longer depend solely on trips to the ER, which by the way, you frigin RWers paid for anyway. GET A GRIP!
He dint get universal healthcare.

Instead, he managed to get one of the largest corporate payoffs ever - capturing customers to insurance companies by force and ensuring that those companies are covered even if they choose poorly again and are not profitable.

The fact that the shills here can applaud such a move is not only disturbing but utterly sickening. If there ever was solid proof that both parties are captured by a corprotocracy then here it is - everyone is simply to damn partisan to see it.
The only folks who think the ACA is a winner are those the rest of us are now being forced to subsidize.

The rest of us are paying more for benefits and the deductables are ridiculous.

Yeah. Barry and the Dems should get medals for foisting this 8.6 billion dollar boondoggle around the necks of the America taxpayer.

Oh good grief.

WHEN will the RWs educate themselves about ObamaCare?

My guess is - never. Because if they give up their ignorance, they'd have to admit they've been wrong all along.

When will YOU educate yourself about Obamacare?

Most likely right after those rightwingers do...
Obamacare will be repealed and go on the ash heap of history just like communism.

So what are your going to do with the millions who are benefiting from the ACA? You going to throw them into the street?
Throw them into the street? lol - where are they now?

You are clueless, aren't you? They are waitresses and single mothers and part time workers. You just colored your world for us. You are Lilly white, middle class, white and GOP proud. You could care less about anyone that does not meet your "preconceived standards."
Page 2 of In Defense of Obama Rolling Stone

"His health reform is imperfect but still a huge step forward – and it's working better than anyone expected. Financial reform fell far short of what should have happened, but it's much more effective than you'd think. Economic management has been half-crippled by Republican obstruction, but has nonetheless been much better than in other advanced countries. And environmental policy is starting to look like it could be a major legacy."

Obama has certainly accomplished more for the average American that this Do Nothing Congress.
Why post idiocy from Rolling Stone when you could draw on your own creative abilities and at least claim the idiocy as your own?
Throw them into the street? lol - where are they now?

You are clueless, aren't you? They are waitresses and single mothers and part time workers. You just colored your world for us. You are Lilly white, middle class, white and GOP proud. You could care less about anyone that does not meet your "preconceived standards."

No, I just fail to see how this would put them in the streets. I work in health care. We still take care of the same people the same way now as before ZEROcare. The only difference is that we (taxpayers) pay the gov't instead of paying the insurance companies. Oh, and coverage is worse, and deductibles have tripled.

So now, the hundreds of millions get less from their insurance than they did before...

Punching the middle class in the gut is not a solution to fixing poverty!!

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