In a world without guns...the strong and the many can brutally beat the weak and outnumbered...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So, there are people who wish there were no guns...anywhere, thinking that this would be a good thing. Of course, they are wrong. Guns allow the physically weaker, the individual vs. the many, the peaceful vs. the more aggressive have a chance at surviving a violent attack...this is one case of that...5 strong, athletic men, savagely beat one man when he stands up to them....over offensive remarks the 5 made about his girlfriend...

5 Division II Football Players Assault Man Leave Him Brain Damaged The Daily Caller

According to witnesses, 30-year old Lewis Campbell confronted the young men after one of them said something to his girlfriend. The football players waited for Campbell to leave Spuds before jumping him and repeatedly stomping on his head. Campbell quickly lost consciousness, and the five fled the scene, yelling, “Football strong!”

It is a good thing that no one involved had a gun...say...the man or his is much better that the man be beaten and brain damaged....right?
Jesus wept....

Perhaps the OP can explain why countries with very few guns invariably also have very few murders?

No, of course he can't.

Carry on.
People murder people.

And our gun murder rate is more directly tied to our inner city gang problems than it is to legal gun ownership.

Americans do not believe the rights of law abiding people should be curtailed because some people will choose to break the law.
Guns per capita & homicides per capita:

USA : 90 guns per 100 people
Holland: 3.9

USA 4.7
Holland: 0.9

And another myth bites the dust.....

Not really since the CDC has reported that nearly 80% of gun murders can be tied to gang activity. Remove just a few cities from those stats and our gun murder rate drops significantly.

We do not have a gun problem. We have a gang problem.
Jesus wept....

Perhaps the OP can explain why countries with very few guns invariably also have very few murders?

No, of course he can't.

Carry on.

In 2011 Finland had a homicide rate of 2.1 per 100,000 compared to the American white population homicide rate of 2.55 per 100,000


Okay, then your turn...tell me....why is it that Russia, with almost no guns in private hands has a murder rate far higher than we do...dittos all the latin American countries...?

Genocide...Ruwanda...committed genocide with little or no use of guns, most deaths from machete attacks...

The other guys are right...most of American gun violence...about 80% is confined to democrat controlled inner cities where welfare policies have created breeding grounds for drug gangs....

Fix the gang problem...and you fix the gun problem...if you remove murders by gang members our murder rate drops to about 1.4 per 100,000...

And keep in mind...guns save more lives than they take in this country...
Rik -

Finland has a high level of gun ownership.

Finland has a high level of gun-related homicides.

It's not difficult stuff, this.

Gun ownership per 100 residents:

America = 90
Finland =45
Estonia = 9.2

Homicide rate per 100,000 population:

American white = 2.55
Finland = 2.1
Estonia = 5.0
Okay, then your turn...tell me....why is it that Russia, with almost no guns in private hands has a murder rate far higher than we do...dittos all the latin American countries...?

Genocide...Ruwanda...committed genocide with little or no use of guns, most deaths from machete attacks...

The other guys are right...most of American gun violence...about 80% is confined to democrat controlled inner cities where welfare policies have created breeding grounds for drug gangs....

Fix the gang problem...and you fix the gun problem...if you remove murders by gang members our murder rate drops to about 1.4 per 100,000...

And keep in mind...guns save more lives than they take in this country...
The 15-year average murder rate in 93% white Idaho with lax gun control laws is 40% higher than it is in 77% white Canada with strict gun control laws.

The Canadian prairie provinces have a higher rate of homicide than Idaho.

Hmmm...perhaps you could explain why Britain has a higher level of violent crime than the United States...considering they have some of the strictest gun control in the world....could it be that violent criminals will still prey on the weak, the old and people they outnumber...but those same people are left defenseless...and must quietly submit to their beatings, robberies, rapes and murders...yeah, that is so much better...
An unarmed population is a victim population...either from criminals or from their own government...and armed population is a free population...and a safe one...from both criminals and their government...
Hmmm...perhaps you could explain why Britain has a higher level of violent crime than the United States...considering they have some of the strictest gun control in the world....could it be that violent criminals will still prey on the weak, the old and people they outnumber...but those same people are left defenseless...and must quietly submit to their beatings, robberies, rapes and murders...yeah, that is so much better...

Here's something to chew on:

Thanks to strict criminal laws, working conditions in Great Britain are the safest in the Western world—that is, if your profession is burglary. On the other hand, if you’re a law-abiding citizen quietly staying at home, you’re at much greater risk in the nearly gun-free United Kingdom, than in the gun-happy United States of America.

In late October, teacher Robert Symonds, who lived in the London suburb of Putney, was stabbed to death in his home by a burglar. Last week, in Halifax (near Manchester), 71-year-old priest Father Ingwell was stabbed several times by a burglar. The same week, burglars in the fancy London neighborhood of Chelsea stabbed banker John Monckton to death. Terrifying home invasion burglaries are not rare events in England. Overall, Great Britain has a higher violent crime rate than the United States, and a higher burglary rate. Significantly, only about one-eighth of American burglaries take place while the victim is home, whereas over half of all British burglaries do.

One reason that British burglars are so much bolder than their American cousins is that only about 4% of British homes legally possess a gun, whereas about half of American homes do. British police administrators require guns at home to be stored unloaded in a safe, and that ammunition be in a separate safe. No American jurisdiction has such extreme “safe storage” requirements. As a result, an American burglar who breaks into an occupied home faces a significant risk of getting shot.
Here's a bit more to chew on:

It is axiomatic in the United States that burglars avoid occupied homes. As an introductory criminology textbook explains, "Burglars do not want contact with occupants; they depend on stealth for success." [FN8] Only thirteen percent of U.S. residential burglaries are attempted against occupied homes. [FN9] But this happy fact of life, so taken for granted in the United States, is not universal.

The overall Canadian burglary rate is higher than the American one, and a Canadian burglary is four times more likely to take place when the victims are home. [FN10]

In Toronto, forty-four percent of burglaries were against occupied homes, and twenty-one percent involved a confrontation with the victim. [FN11] Most Canadian residential burglaries occur at night, while American burglars are known to prefer daytime entry to reduce the risk of an armed confrontation. [FN12]

Research by the federal government's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention found that, based on 1994 data, American youths 10 to 17 years old had much higher arrest rates than Canadian youths for every category of violent and property crime. The lone exception was burglary, for which Canadian youths were one-third more likely to be involved. [FN13] In cities such as Vancouver, home invasion burglaries aimed at elderly people have become endemic, and murders of the elderly during those burglaries all too frequent. [FN14] Unfortunately, help from the government is not always available. In Quebec, the provincial police (Sureté du Québec) are under orders from their commander to reduce arrests for burglary, because the jails are full. [FN15]​
The 15-year average murder rate in 93% white Idaho with lax gun control laws is 40% higher than it is in 77% white Canada with strict gun control laws.

The Canadian prairie provinces have a higher rate of homicide than Idaho.


And there aren't many black people or gangs in the prairies.

Not many in Idaho either and, as you note, Idaho has a higher rate of firearm ownership than Canada.

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