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Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
English abounds in words for the hostility of the native for the alien,the majority for the minority, the respectable for the marginal, white for black, Christian for Jew, and so forth. We have prejudice, bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism, nativism, xenophobia, bias, discrimination, and so forth. But these words are themselves prejudicial: They sum up, one-sidedly, a vast range of sentiment and behavior without admitting reciprocal moral realities: the hostility of Jew for Christian, black for white, marginal for respectable, minority for majority, alien for native, abnormal for normal…

“…If we can sum up the worst attitudes of one side in the term “Nativism”, then we ought to have some such term, as “Alienism” (with apologies to the psychiatric profession) to sum up those of the other.”

The Natives Are Restless, By Joseph Sobran, National Review, February 22, 1985

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