Immigration counters . Com


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
IMMIGRATION COUNTERS . COM informs the public of the realities of illegal immigration while challenging the myths and misinformation surrounding it. After decades of passively watching this problem grow, most Americans are now aware of the severity of this issue. Our government has demonstrated a complete lack of urgency to control illegal immigration both on the borders and within the interior. Because of this failure, that which traditionally had been the American way of welcoming immigration is now dividing the country because of one word, illegal. Opposing illegal immigration and wanting the laws enforced is not un-American. It is time to set the record straight on what is un-American, illegal.

Immigration - Live Counters, News, Resources

Isn't it time for ICE to come out of the shadows?"
Doug from Utah
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Uncle Ferd says, "Namby-pamby, bleedin'-heart lib'rals...
ACLU Sues Feds for Shackling Immigrant Detainees
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 — The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit in San Francisco federal court seeking to halt a practice in which alleged illegal immigrants are shackled at the feet, waist and wrists while appearing in immigration court.
The ACLU alleges in the suit filed Wednesday that the blanket policy violates constitutional bans against cruel and unusual punishment.

According to the suit, the overwhelming majority of prisoners appearing in immigration courts have no violent criminal histories and aren't flight risks. The lawsuit seeks to compel the Department of Homeland Security to make individual determinations about shackling rather than carrying out a blanket policy.

Officials at DHS declined to comment on the lawsuit.

ACLU Sues Feds for Shackling Immigrant Detainees |

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