"Immigrants strengthen our country..."


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Uhhhh......Not really, if you look at the actual numbers. They cost a lot.

And I'm not really sure these numbers are correct. They might be a little low.

"The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration On United States Taxpayers 2023"

"This report is currently the only comprehensive examination of the financial impact of illegal
immigration in the United States. Every day, hundreds of millions of dollars in American taxpayer
money are spent on costs directly associated with illegal immigration. Only a small fraction of these
costs is ever recouped from taxes paid by illegal aliens, with the rest falling on the shoulders of American
citizens and legal immigrants..."

https://www.fairus.org/sites/defaul...igration on American Taxpayers 2023 WEB_0.pdf

Legal H1-B type immigrants usually get 6-figure jobs, pay income taxes, and get no benefits for 5 years. That's a pretty good deal. That means gramps can take transfer payments and buy depends so that when he shits himself watching Fox News he won't ruin his corduroy pants.

Less educated migrant workers fill labor shortages. If they're illegal, they're probably hitting the break-even point. They suck away some local resources, true, but they fill labor gaps, which keeps the economy moving and keeps prices in check. Without them, fast food joints and construction companies would raise their costs. And we'd end up buying agriculture from overseas.
Then send them back to strengthen their own damn countries.

Nah, they're here - deal with it. The reality is they contribute more real work to the American economy than welfare bums in the inner city and blue-haired debt college debt slaves - that's about 1/3 of the country right there. They're smarter than your average MAGA. And they're paying for retirees. Seems like a win-win.
Nah, they're here - deal with it. The reality is they contribute more real work to the American economy than welfare bums in the inner city and blue-haired debt college debt slaves - that's about 1/3 of the country right there. They're smarter than your average MAGA. And they're paying for retirees. Seems like a win-win.
A fuckton of them ARE welfare bums, fool.....And the most illiterate of "MAGA" can speak passable English, unlike the illegal invaders.

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