Imagine... 'impossible' mathematical discovery unproven for 2,000 years


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2008
A mathematical problem that people have been trying to solve for 2000 years has been solved by two female Students in New Orleans in 2023, and media gloats. Post edited to preserve clean start.

New Orleans East teens make 'impossible' mathematical discovery unproven for 2,000 years

However, girls don't explain anything, just gloat.
At the end, the guy explains their discovery by saying: "They say they've proved Pythagoras' Theorem can be proven without trigonometry ..."
Just to conclude: "What they were able to do is find a way to prove the theory using trigonometry ..."

Can't make this shit up. :D
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A mathematical problem that people have been trying to solve for 2000 years has been solved by two female baboons in New Orleans in 2023, and media gloats.

New Orleans East teens make 'impossible' mathematical discovery unproven for 2,000 years

However, girls don't explain anything, just gloat.
At the end, the guy explains their discovery by saying: "They say they've proved Pythagoras' Theorem can be proven without trigonometry ..."
Just to conclude: "What they were able to do is find a way to prove the theory using trigonometry ..."

Can't make this shit up. :D
Yeah...but you can lie about it eh? The two female baboons slur makes you a total piece of shit--but I'm sure that such as yourself is well used to people viewing you as such~
Two high-schoolers already smarter and genetically superior to you..must really hurt eh?
From the link:

If you need a refresher on Pythagorean Theory, you're not alone.
Calcea and Ne'Kiya explained it to me like this: Basically, trigonometry is based on Pythagoras' Theorem (A^2 + B^2 = C^2, sound familiar?), so using trigonometry to prove Pythagoras's Theorem is what's known as circular logic.

An idea can't prove itself.
What they were able to do is find a way to prove the theory using trigonometry WITHOUT circular logic-- something mathematicians have been trying to do for nearly 2,000 years.
At the end, the guy explains their discovery by saying: "They say they've proved Pythagoras' Theorem can be proven without trigonometry ..."
Just to conclude: "What they were able to do is find a way to prove the theory using trigonometry ..."

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I'm just glad they proved it without using social justice. At least they are learning math!
The narrator clearly did screw up at the end. That said,
An idea can't prove itself.
it's difficult to believe "circular logic" is not being intentionally abused here. It clarifies nothing. If one squares then adds the lengths of the shorter sides of a right triangle, the result is literally the square of the longest side. No circles involved, nor any premises being asserted circularly. One could make square boxes of equal height, fill the smaller two to overflowing with water, then pour the contents into the largest to literally "prove" the theorem correct. The circumference of a perfect circle is literally 2πr which can be checked simply with a length of cord and a ruler as well. We continue "discovering" math just as we discovered fire. It's exquisitely real, just intangible.

Anyway, here's how the AMS describes what the students (supposedly) accomplished:


In the 2000 years since trigonometry was discovered it's always been assumed that any alleged proof of Pythagoras’s Theorem based on trigonometry must be circular. In fact, in the book containing the largest known collection of proofs (The Pythagorean Proposition by Elisha Loomis) the author flatly states that “There are no trigonometric proofs, because all the fundamental formulae of trigonometry are themselves based upon the truth of the Pythagorean Theorem.” But that isn’t quite true: in our lecture we present a new proof of Pythagoras’s Theorem which is based on a fundamental result in trigonometry—the Law of Sines—and we show that the proof is independent of the Pythagorean trig identity \sin^2x + \cos^2x = 1.
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Yeah...but you can lie about it eh? The two female baboons slur makes you a total piece of shit--but I'm sure that such as yourself is well used to people viewing you as such~
Two high-schoolers already smarter and genetically superior to you..must really hurt eh?
From the link:

If you need a refresher on Pythagorean Theory, you're not alone.
Calcea and Ne'Kiya explained it to me like this: Basically, trigonometry is based on Pythagoras' Theorem (A^2 + B^2 = C^2, sound familiar?), so using trigonometry to prove Pythagoras's Theorem is what's known as circular logic.

An idea can't prove itself.
What they were able to do is find a way to prove the theory using trigonometry WITHOUT circular logic-- something mathematicians have been trying to do for nearly 2,000 years.

If you read the article, they didn't prove anything, because whoever wrote the article simply couldn't explain it, just like the retard in the video, who has it backwards.

"They say they've proved Pythagoras' Theorem can be proven without trigonometry ..."
"What they were able to do is find a way to prove the theory using trigonometry ..."

Girls were onto something that media couldn't interpret. They also claimed they proved it in a “non-circular logic”, by not using the same logic that was used to derive the expression in the first place, in other words, what they "proved" is pretty much nothing and media jumped on it just because they're black.
If you read the article, they didn't prove anything, because whoever wrote the article simply couldn't explain it, just like the retard in the video, who has it backwards.

"They say they've proved Pythagoras' Theorem can be proven without trigonometry ..."
"What they were able to do is find a way to prove the theory using trigonometry ..."

Girls were onto something that media couldn't interpret. They also claimed they proved it in a “non-circular logic”, by not using the same logic that was used to derive the expression in the first place, in other words, what they "proved" is pretty much nothing
"and media jumped on it just because they're black."
Perhaps. I would not go there without more compelling evidence.
And I agree with EvilEyeFleegle, insofar as you being "a total piece of shit" for initially describing them as "two female baboons".
"and media jumped on it just because they're black."
Perhaps. I would not go there without more compelling evidence.
And I agree with EvilEyeFleegle, insofar as you being "a total piece of shit" for initially describing them as "two female baboons".

Oh that? Hewww, for a moment I thought you're upset because I assumed their gender.

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