I'm ashamed of American who are ashamed of their Country


Gold Member
Aug 8, 2011
...but then it's so much easier to whine and piss and moan rather than actually do something, isn't it? Please feel free to find another country more deserving of your imagined superior intellect and/or morality. America will get along somehow and be better off for having shed the dead weight.
...but then it's so much easier to whine and piss and moan rather than actually do something, isn't it? Please feel free to find another country more deserving of your imagined superior intellect and/or morality. America will get along somehow and be better off for having shed the dead weight.

Let's see now:

I have a degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan.
I have an MBA from Long Island University.
I served my country as a Navy fighter pilot.
I worked as a Flight Test Conductor on the F-14 Tomcat test flight program.
I owed and operated a shool of Olympic style gymnastics for 12 years.
I worked as a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale.
I single handedly Stopped the City of Fort Lauderdale from dumping raw sewage into a river.
The day I retired from the City was dedicated to me in my honor by the City Commission.
I wrote a book entitled "While We Sleep" about my experiences in Public Service.
I sued the Federal Government acting as attorney pro se for voting citizens.
I hosted my own website for 8 years called the Constitution Forum.

Having said this, I know have three questions for you.

Do you really think doing all of the above amounts to doing nothing?

Do you really thing that doing all of the above indicates that I am dead weight?

Which coutry do you think I should go to?

Having asked my questions, I now would like to give you some advice. Before you open your mouth again, please make sure you know what you are talking about.

Have a nice day. :badgrin:
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Having said this, I know have three questions for you.
Do you really think doing all of the above amounts to doing nothing?

Well, you are obviously very impressed with yourself. That makes one of us.

Do you really thing that doing all of the above indicates that I am dead weight?
No, I think that your distain for my Country does.

Which coutry do you think I should go to?
One you can be proud of.

Having asked my questions, I now would like to give you some advice. Before you open your mouth again, please make sure you know what you are talking about.

Have a nice day.
You too
I'm not ashamed of our country.
The vast majority of fellow Americans are the kindest and most generous people one could meet.
Once you understand the disconnect between between real Americans and the Plutocratic Congress and Executive branch that we elect, there is more to be proud of, then not.
I do not personally hold it against fellow Americans whom continue to put blind faith into a broken, corrupt, money bought 2-party system that no longer works. Some have woken up and more are, everyday. We still have the ability and time to reinvent our system, grounded in striving for the ideal 'of liberty and justice for all'.
All we have to do next election is, VOTE OUT ALL THE INCUMBENTS, and continue to, until we get leaders with a vision.
When gold standard type leaders appear, we will instinctively know and respond.
Can I be ashamed of someone ashamed of someone ashamed of this country? :badgrin:

...but then it's so much easier to whine and piss and moan rather than actually do something, isn't it? Please feel free to find another country more deserving of your imagined superior intellect and/or morality. America will get along somehow and be better off for having shed the dead weight.
Can I be ashamed of someone ashamed of someone ashamed of this country? :badgrin:

...but then it's so much easier to whine and piss and moan rather than actually do something, isn't it? Please feel free to find another country more deserving of your imagined superior intellect and/or morality. America will get along somehow and be better off for having shed the dead weight.

Sure can.
As long as you take the Liberty to do so.
I used to be ashamed of our country too, until I started traveling around the third world. American is still one of the greatest countries in the world, but for how long.... not to sure about that one.
I'm a conservative, but - I'm ashamed of the phraseology of the title.

But yeh... marxists, move to f-ing cuba.
All this shame is pretty pointless. I feel absolutely no need to be ashamed of other people. Shame is something one should only feel over one's own failings.
Dude, that's the stupedest shit I've ever heard... 'people aren't allow3d to be ashamed of other people'?

Yr delusional.

Generally shame is meant to be felt about another persons folly's - it's just how it works.

you must be a dem, eh?
Dude, that's the stupedest shit I've ever heard... 'people aren't allow3d to be ashamed of other people'?

Yr delusional.

Generally shame is meant to be felt about another persons folly's - it's just how it works.

you must be a dem, eh?

Considering your grammar I guess you must be an expert on stupidity.

I'm not a "dem" (I presume you mean Democrat). I'm just somebody who believes in taking personal responsability.

If I wrote English like you do, I would indeed be ashamed. But since you are the one who is only semi-literate, I have absolutely no need to be ashamed of that. It's your problem, not mine.

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