Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
WOW !!!!! -- Not shocking, but definitely pathetic and unjust. Under Mr. Obama's recent plan for illegal immigrants, the illegals could reap untold $Billions of taxpayers hard earned dollars. This comes in the face of talks about raising taxes and finding money to fund much needed projects such as infrastructure repairs and upgrades. Of course, we all know that this money will be "borrowed money", and only add to our already astronomical and rising national debt. What in hell can he be thinking? And, why do we stand-by in silence and allow him to do it?

‘Amnesty Bonuses’ in Tax Code: Illegal Immigrants to Receive Earned Income Tax Credit
Could cost ‘more than $24,000 to those who receive deferred action’
The President effectively re-wrote the law in a way that significantly changed the status of some of those here illegally. From this point forward, any illegal alien who is approved under the new rules to stay in the U.S. – a process known as “deferred action” – will now be allowed to receive a Social Security Number.
The significance of this change, Ms. O’Connor noted, is that having a Social Security Number will allow individuals to get federal benefits that were previously unavailable. In particular, it could allow millions of people to receive a tax benefit known as the Earned Income Tax Credit, or EITC. Under the law, families with low to moderate incomes can get an EITC cash payment as high as $6,143, but only if they have a Social Security Number.

For some people, the total amount could go even higher. This is because under EITC rules, anyone eligible for the program can also ask for payments to cover the three prior years as well. This means that an illegal alien with a new Social Security Number can get a payment of more than $24,000 for years they were working illegally. On top of this, Ms. O’Connor noted, families could also get thousands more in payments through the Additional Child Tax Credit program. This means a family with three or more children might collect even more than $24,000.

Ms. O’Connor concluded by pointing to the work of your office, which has found enormous fraud rates in both the EITC program and in the Additional Child Tax Credit program. Therefore, we are concerned that because the President’s new rules would let millions of people access these programs for the first time, the cost to the taxpayer could be billions of dollars.

When the President announced his new polices in November, these facts were not included. Moreover, none of the documents released by the administration provided any explanation for this, either.

Amnesty Bonuses in Tax Code Illegal Immigrants to Receive Earned Income Tax Credit The Weekly Standard

At this point, why not just open the boarders and be done with it?

WOW !!!!! -- Not shocking, but definitely pathetic and unjust. Under Mr. Obama's recent plan for illegal immigrants, the illegals could reap untold $Billions of taxpayers hard earned dollars. This comes in the face of talks about raising taxes and finding money to fund much needed projects such as infrastructure repairs and upgrades. Of course, we all know that this money will be "borrowed money", and only add to our already astronomical and rising national debt. What in hell can he be thinking? And, why do we stand-by in silence and allow him to do it?

‘Amnesty Bonuses’ in Tax Code: Illegal Immigrants to Receive Earned Income Tax Credit
Could cost ‘more than $24,000 to those who receive deferred action’
The President effectively re-wrote the law in a way that significantly changed the status of some of those here illegally. From this point forward, any illegal alien who is approved under the new rules to stay in the U.S. – a process known as “deferred action” – will now be allowed to receive a Social Security Number.
The significance of this change, Ms. O’Connor noted, is that having a Social Security Number will allow individuals to get federal benefits that were previously unavailable. In particular, it could allow millions of people to receive a tax benefit known as the Earned Income Tax Credit, or EITC. Under the law, families with low to moderate incomes can get an EITC cash payment as high as $6,143, but only if they have a Social Security Number.

For some people, the total amount could go even higher. This is because under EITC rules, anyone eligible for the program can also ask for payments to cover the three prior years as well. This means that an illegal alien with a new Social Security Number can get a payment of more than $24,000 for years they were working illegally. On top of this, Ms. O’Connor noted, families could also get thousands more in payments through the Additional Child Tax Credit program. This means a family with three or more children might collect even more than $24,000.

Ms. O’Connor concluded by pointing to the work of your office, which has found enormous fraud rates in both the EITC program and in the Additional Child Tax Credit program. Therefore, we are concerned that because the President’s new rules would let millions of people access these programs for the first time, the cost to the taxpayer could be billions of dollars.

When the President announced his new polices in November, these facts were not included. Moreover, none of the documents released by the administration provided any explanation for this, either.

Amnesty Bonuses in Tax Code Illegal Immigrants to Receive Earned Income Tax Credit The Weekly Standard

At this point, why not just open the boarders and be done with it?

Wait a minute...liberals were calling this bullshit the other day.
The only ones who are okay with this are illegals and those who dont pay taxes.
A portion of illegals have been paying taxes but getting zero benefits, including refunds and the IRS is fine with that! Yesterday's paper and a full page read about this and trust me you would not believe what is going on. This is yet another chapter in our convoluted rats nest bureaucracy we call "government". The IRS is the new mafia and truly needs to torn down and rebuilt with common sense instilled.
A portion of illegals have been paying taxes but getting zero benefits, including refunds and the IRS is fine with that! Yesterday's paper and a full page read about this and trust me you would not believe what is going on. This is yet another chapter in our convoluted rats nest bureaucracy we call "government". The IRS is the new mafia and truly needs to torn down and rebuilt with common sense instilled.

Zero benefits? Are you aware of the billions they cost in social costs? What petty income taxes they pay in should be considered pay back for their enormous social costs. Why the hell should they get anything back when they don't even have a right to work or reside in this country?
When is the last time you or a neighbor or a relative or a co-worker picked lettuce? No one should have to pay taxes without some kind of recognition. There are millions of illegals here in Texas and they are not going back. The IRS is to blame not the illegals. If there is one thinking person in America that does not believe the democrats see a vote pool in illegals then they are idiots. The conservatives would bend the rules to get that vote as well. The right to vote is being given to illegals as well in case you did not know. So, what we are seeing is a progressive change to make illegals legal in most every way, thereby capturing their vote for Hillary in 2016.
When is the last time you or a neighbor or a relative or a co-worker picked lettuce? No one should have to pay taxes without some kind of recognition. There are millions of illegals here in Texas and they are not going back. The IRS is to blame not the illegals. If there is one thinking person in America that does not believe the democrats see a vote pool in illegals then they are idiots. The conservatives would bend the rules to get that vote as well. The right to vote is being given to illegals as well in case you did not know. So, what we are seeing is a progressive change to make illegals legal in most every way, thereby capturing their vote for Hillary in 2016.

I laugh every time you pro-illegals use the ole crop picking argument. First off crop picking is not a career job in this day and age and only 3% of illegal aliens are picking crops anyway. The rest are all doing jobs that Americans have always done. And by the way, there are unlimited H-2A visas for LEGAL, foreign crop pickers so there is no need to hire illegal aliens except for more profit. Their employers just pass the social costs of these illegals unto we the taxpayer while they pocket the profits from cheap illegal labor.

Oh I see. So the illegals are the innocents here? They were dragged over the border against their will and forced to work here? They didn't know that by doing so they were violating our immigration laws?

Of course the Democrats are pandering for votes but illegals cannot lawfully vote. You have to be a citizen to vote although we know some get away with it. It's not the illegals they are pandering to though it is their racist citizen anti-American ethnic group who thinks their group should be above our immigration laws. Only a very few GOPers are willing to give our country away to pander to those racists for votes.

These illegals can consider what little income taxes they may pay as pay back to the taxpayer who has had to cover their enormous social costs, loss of jobs and reduced wages for years now.
When is the last time you or a neighbor or a relative or a co-worker picked lettuce? No one should have to pay taxes without some kind of recognition. There are millions of illegals here in Texas and they are not going back. The IRS is to blame not the illegals. If there is one thinking person in America that does not believe the democrats see a vote pool in illegals then they are idiots. The conservatives would bend the rules to get that vote as well. The right to vote is being given to illegals as well in case you did not know. So, what we are seeing is a progressive change to make illegals legal in most every way, thereby capturing their vote for Hillary in 2016.

I laugh every time you pro-illegals use the ole crop picking argument. First off crop picking is not a career job in this day and age and only 3% of illegal aliens are picking crops anyway. The rest are all doing jobs that Americans have always done. And by the way, there are unlimited H-2A visas for LEGAL, foreign crop pickers so there is no need to hire illegal aliens except for more profit. Their employers just pass the social costs of these illegals unto we the taxpayer while they pocket the profits from cheap illegal labor.

Oh I see. So the illegals are the innocents here? They were dragged over the border against their will and forced to work here? They didn't know that by doing so they were violating our immigration laws?

Of course the Democrats are pandering for votes but illegals cannot lawfully vote. You have to be a citizen to vote although we know some get away with it. It's not the illegals they are pandering to though it is their racist citizen anti-American ethnic group who thinks their group should be above our immigration laws. Only a very few GOPers are willing to give our country away to pander to those racists for votes.

These illegals can consider what little income taxes they may pay as pay back to the taxpayer who has had to cover their enormous social costs, loss of jobs and reduced wages for years now.

"you pro-illegals"....try reading my post before you quote and reply. "3% you say that would leave me to believe someone knows exactly how many are doing what when and that is simply not true. I drive by illegals two -three times a week standing on the side of Stuebner Airline street in Houston and they will pick lettuce or do any type of work you offer and negotiate price. I have been driving that street for eleven years. Obama wants to give amnesty to 5,000,000 more to get their vote which the dems already have locked up anyway, why bother. We don't know how many are here, where they are and what they are doing and I would guess because we simply cannot control it and therefore don't give rats ass.
When is the last time you or a neighbor or a relative or a co-worker picked lettuce? No one should have to pay taxes without some kind of recognition. There are millions of illegals here in Texas and they are not going back. The IRS is to blame not the illegals. If there is one thinking person in America that does not believe the democrats see a vote pool in illegals then they are idiots. The conservatives would bend the rules to get that vote as well. The right to vote is being given to illegals as well in case you did not know. So, what we are seeing is a progressive change to make illegals legal in most every way, thereby capturing their vote for Hillary in 2016.

I laugh every time you pro-illegals use the ole crop picking argument. First off crop picking is not a career job in this day and age and only 3% of illegal aliens are picking crops anyway. The rest are all doing jobs that Americans have always done. And by the way, there are unlimited H-2A visas for LEGAL, foreign crop pickers so there is no need to hire illegal aliens except for more profit. Their employers just pass the social costs of these illegals unto we the taxpayer while they pocket the profits from cheap illegal labor.

Oh I see. So the illegals are the innocents here? They were dragged over the border against their will and forced to work here? They didn't know that by doing so they were violating our immigration laws?

Of course the Democrats are pandering for votes but illegals cannot lawfully vote. You have to be a citizen to vote although we know some get away with it. It's not the illegals they are pandering to though it is their racist citizen anti-American ethnic group who thinks their group should be above our immigration laws. Only a very few GOPers are willing to give our country away to pander to those racists for votes.

These illegals can consider what little income taxes they may pay as pay back to the taxpayer who has had to cover their enormous social costs, loss of jobs and reduced wages for years now.

"you pro-illegals"....try reading my post before you quote and reply. "3% you say that would leave me to believe someone knows exactly how many are doing what when and that is simply not true. I drive by illegals two -three times a week standing on the side of Stuebner Airline street in Houston and they will pick lettuce or do any type of work you offer and negotiate price. I have been driving that street for eleven years. Obama wants to give amnesty to 5,000,000 more to get their vote which the dems already have locked up anyway, why bother. We don't know how many are here, where they are and what they are doing and I would guess because we simply cannot control it and therefore don't give rats ass.

Many of us give a rat's ass but it sounds like you don't with your sarcasm and defeatist attitude. Illegals have no right to be standing on corners undercutting American for jobs. What part of that aren't you getting.? And again, the 3% figure is correct as for crop picking. I note you glazed right over the fact that crop picking is not a career job but there are unlimited visas for legal, foreigner crop pickers. Anything to defend illegal aliens in our rmidst though, right? There is a battle going on to stop this nonsense. Why don't you join it instead of having a smart assed attitude?

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