
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

San Francisco is cracking down on Americas homeless on the streets and making it illegal. But it is not illegal aliens for hanging out on the street as day workers. They are even building shelter for day workers.
What’s wrong with this picture. It is illegal for Americans to be homeless in America. It’s a crime that America even have homeless people and many are veterans but not for illegal aliens.

San Francisco Homelessness in the Media 2010 - San Francisco ...
Jun 4, 2010 ... Homelessness in San Francisco came under increased media attention ... "Debating Whether It's a Crime to Rest on San Francisco's Sidewalks" ... -

Homeless Activists Converge on San Francisco | End Homelessness ...
Jan 21, 2010 ... Homeless Activists Converge on San Francisco .... Categorize Crimes Against the Homeless as Hate Crimes. Take Action. 629 People ... - Cached - Similar
Ordinance Would Require Shelters For Day Laborers (illegal aliens ...
10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Aug 6, 2008LOS ANGELES -- Companies that open large home-improvement stores in Los Angeles would have to set aside space for day laborers under an ... - Cached

Ordinance Would Require Shelters For Day Laborers (illegal ...‎ - Aug 6, 2008
La Raza Centro Legal - Day Labor Program
The San Francisco Day Labor Program is an organization of immigrant workers ... workers to have their basic needs met while at the same time building a larger ... shelter referrals, etc), and take the pulse of the day labor communities ... - Cached - Similar
See, you give an inch....a labor shelter, then you 68 miles down the road..."We need to have our needs met!"

Fuck that. Don't give an inch. Not a shelter not a center not a god damned umbrella! Everyone should do what we do in my county. Arrest them for loitering, check their immigration status, put their ass in jail and deport them back to where they came from.
Totally agree


Wouldn't it be sweet if all the illegals fleeing AZ went to SF??

Imagine. They could put all the kids in the SF school system. Suck the SS dry and Oh yeah, mow the lawns.

Sanctuary City?? How about bankrupt City.

Wonder how the taxpayers of SF would like that?? Gotta take care of the illegals. LOL
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Hi Lady:


San Francisco is cracking down on Americas homeless on the streets and making it illegal. But it is not illegal aliens for hanging out on the street as day workers. They are even building shelter for day workers.
What’s wrong with this picture. It is illegal for Americans to be homeless in America. It’s a crime that America even have homeless people and many are veterans but not for illegal aliens ...

This is exactly what STUPID Americans (my Topic) deserve for allowing 20 to 30 goddamned Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals (like the one in the White House) to run around loose EVERYWHERE. American workers are forced to compete with 20 to 30 Illegal Aliens living in one house, while everyone from Obama to the local sheriff is looking the other way. The 'displaced workers' cannot afford to make their house payments (record foreclosures) and cannot afford to pay their taxes (record budget deficits) and end up in bankruptcy (record bankruptcies), until eventually they end up on the street begging for handouts.

There is no such thing as a Dept Of Homeland Security, when millions and millions and millions of Illegal Aliens are allowed to come here in the middle of the night and do whatever they please. San Francisco panders to Open Border Lobby Corporations at the expense of 'legal' California workers, then the bought-and-paid-for politicians complain when their constituents end up homeless :)cuckoo:) ...


Hehehe....that's what happened here. All the illegals left and went to Fairfax county and Montgomery county. They are wreaking havoc there. Crime rates, crowding, emergency rooms, overcrowded schools, needs for day labor centers. (the town council in Centreville just voted to spend money for one over the objections of the citizens and the small business owners). Just insane radicals. :cuckoo:
Illegals - go to San Fran. They want you there and will love to foot the bill. Please! Leave So. CA.!!!
Please don't send them to New Mexico. We have more than our fair share now. I think LA, San Diego, and San Francisco is just where they ought to be if they are gonna be in the USA.

It is speculated, by some, that at least half the people in New Mexico's over populated jails and prisons are illegals. The reason we don't know is it was the policy of our previous Albuquerque mayor and our current New Mexico governor to effectively, if not formally, make Albuquerque a sanctuary city and New Mexico a sanctuary state.

Our new Mayor Berry campaigned on an unwillingness to continue that policy. And he won easily. He is under heavy criticism now for keeping his campaign pledge about that, but he's sticking to his guns. If he continues to do so, and is a good mayor in other ways too, people like me will be helping him all we can to be re-elected.

Likewise, Susana Martinez, in a crowded GOP field, most with much more name recognition than she has, won the GOP nomination for governor easily by running on a 'crack down on illegals and secure the border' platform. That seems to be a high priority among New Mexicans these days.

But the ACLU and the pro-illegal forces are mobilizing and its going to be a battle. If Susana is elected and keeps her campaign promises, we'll probably be the next state to be damned by the pro-illegal liberals.

While campaigning for mayor last year, Berry criticized a city policy that characterized Albuquerque as a "sanctuary city" for illegal immigrants.

ALBUQUERQUE - A new prisoner-processing facility will check the immigration status of every person arrested in New Mexico's largest city, but Albuquerque's mayor on Thursday denied any effort to shadow Arizona's tough crackdown on illegal immigrants.
"This has nothing to do with immigration law. This has to do with keeping the streets of Albuquerque safe," Mayor Richard Berry said after the facility was unveiled.

The biggest difference between the current booking facility and the new 5,000-square-foot site is that U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents have a station inside, where they can check any prisoner's immigration status.

ICE agents work at jails elsewhere, but Police Chief Ray Schultz said the Albuquerque facility is believed to be the first to have a station inside the booking area where those agents can check fingerprints or photos to examine a prisoner's immigration status.

Bill Jepsen, assistant director of ICE's office for New Mexico and West Texas, said the facility will make work easier for agents because they'll maintain a 24-hour presence.

He said currently, up to 40 illegal immigrants are detained each week at the Bernalillo County jail, but others are sometimes released before their immigration status can be checked.

Critics of the Arizona law, set to take effect July 29, have complained that it encourages racial profiling and is unconstitutional.

It requires police enforcing other laws to question a person about his or her immigration status if there is "reasonable suspicion" that the person is in the United States illegally and makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally.

Berry said complaints about racial profiling would be off the mark because every prisoner at the Albuquerque facility will stop at the ICE station. He said the immigration status of anyone booked for a crime "is always pertinent." . . . .

. . . ."There was an ambiguity in the policy," Berry said. "They knew that they may or may not be checked when they were arrested. That was the concern I had. This is a well-balanced way to address it."

Berry also insisted he won't tolerate racial profiling.

He noted the agreement with federal officials to work at the new facility was reached months ago, long before Arizona's law made headlines, and said Albuquerque's approach protects crime victims and witnesses, who won't be questioned about immigration status.

"Immigrants from any nation are welcome in Albuquerque," Berry said. "Criminals are not."

Peter Simonson, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico, said his group is concerned that the program will erode trust between local law enforcement and the immigrant community. He said the public typically doesn't make a distinction between police and jail authorities.

"I appreciate Mayor Berry's assurances regarding racial profiling, but we will be especially vigilant now for signs that Albuquerque police are arresting people because of race or that this program is being applied only to Hispanic arrestees," Simonson said.
Read more here:
Durango Herald News, Immigration checks standard at New Mexico jail
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