Illegal Surveillance of Trump?

Mar 29, 2017
We know the federal government under Obama did it, and lied about it.

We know that Obama endorsed Hillary and that he hated Trump.

'Unfit to be president': Obama hammers Trump with harshest comments yet

The goofy Dems think they have a circumstantial case against Trump for alleged Russian collusion. This is nonsense. However, it strikes one with common sense that it is entirely plausible that Obama was spying on Trump and other political enemies of Obama. Why wouldn't Obama use all means at his disposal, including indirect Surveillance, if he sincerely believes that Trump is as bad as he says?
If there was a legal warrant and the material on Trump was collateral info, tuff Trump-traitors.
We know the federal government under Obama did it, and lied about it.

We know that Obama endorsed Hillary and that he hated Trump.

'Unfit to be president': Obama hammers Trump with harshest comments yet

The goofy Dems think they have a circumstantial case against Trump for alleged Russian collusion. This is nonsense. However, it strikes one with common sense that it is entirely plausible that Obama was spying on Trump and other political enemies of Obama. Why wouldn't Obama use all means at his disposal, including indirect Surveillance, if he sincerely believes that Trump is as bad as he says?

The world knows the Obama administration spied on Trump in order to try to maintain power. That's what's so funny about Trump kicking Hillary's ass in the election. The election was rigged in Hillary's favor, and she still lost! Obama spied on Trump and found out everything that the left needed to know to cheat and win, but Trump STILL won! Lol...
There is nothing there on Obama SnowFlake...get over it..

Looks like Trump has been laundering money with and for the Russians maybe they are spying on him...

Maybe Manafold did it for being fired...He laundered money too.

There's no evidence of money laundering. You really need to stop lying. Oh wait. You're a left winger. Lying is in your DNA.
You've got Farkas admitting she was a leaker. AND CrowdStrike is busted for lying in their report and changing it.

Happy Birthday! Merry Christmas! Happy New Years Conservatives!

I heard on Mark Levin "the great one" this Farkas had quit the govt work as Foreign Policy advisor on The Beast campaign. Yet she was still able to get to Classified Info? All Obama goons are as dirty as a hog pen. Time for cuffs. No more messing around.
If there was a legal warrant and the material on Trump was collateral info, tuff Trump-traitors.
"Ifs", "ands", and "buts" will not keep you warm on a cold night in prison.
It certainly is not going to put anyone in jail other than traitor Trump and his treasonous crew.

Oh no. I'm about to put up a thread. Gowdy is going to now investigate the spying on the Trump transition team. I'm having so much fun today.
If there was a legal warrant and the material on Trump was collateral info, tuff Trump-traitors.
"Ifs", "ands", and "buts" will not keep you warm on a cold night in prison.
It certainly is not going to put anyone in jail other than traitor Trump and his treasonous crew.

Oh no. I'm about to put up a thread. Gowdy is going to now investigate the spying on the Trump transition team. I'm having so much fun today.
Gowdy can interfere with the progress of justice and pay the price, yes.
Obama’s Former Asst. Defense Secretary ADMITS Obama Spied on Trump

Hard to fight against the actual words even though the story is @ WATCH: Obama’s Former Asst. Defense Secretary ADMITS Obama Spied on Trump (VIDEO)

If trump people were communicating with the foreign agents being surveiled then they were caught in the surveilance and their identities were minimized.

If the Trump people communicating with the foreign russian agents and were unmasked, it means the Trump people unmasked were involved in the intel community's investigation on the Russians and their identities were important to the Russian investigation on interfering with our election process....

It means, trump people, could possibly be in trouble....
There is nothing there on Obama SnowFlake...get over it..

Looks like Trump has been laundering money with and for the Russians maybe they are spying on him...

Maybe Manafold did it for being fired...He laundered money too.

There's no evidence of money laundering. You really need to stop lying. Oh wait. You're a left winger. Lying is in your DNA.

He is going down...just a matter of time.

Manafort’s 2006 purchase of a Trump Tower apartment for all cash coincided with his firm’s signing of a $10 million contract with a pro-Putin Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, that was revealed last week in an investigative report by The Associated Press.

For the Carroll Gardens home, a brownstone on Union Street, Manafort recently borrowed nearly $7 million on a house that was purchased four years ago for just $3 million. The loans — dated January 17, three days before President Trump’s inauguration — were made by a Chicago-based bank run by Steve Calk, a Trump fundraiser and economic advisor.

Manafort's NYC real estate moves raise money-laundering suspicion
I heard on Mark Levin "the great one" this Farkas had quit the govt work as Foreign Policy advisor on The Beast campaign. Yet she was still able to get to Classified Info? All Obama goons are as dirty as a hog pen. Time for cuffs. No more messing around.

Both Mark and Sean were all over this today. They rocked.
There is nothing there on Obama SnowFlake...get over it..

Looks like Trump has been laundering money with and for the Russians maybe they are spying on him...

Maybe Manafold did it for being fired...He laundered money too.

There's no evidence of money laundering. You really need to stop lying. Oh wait. You're a left winger. Lying is in your DNA.

He is going down...just a matter of time.

Manafort’s 2006 purchase of a Trump Tower apartment for all cash coincided with his firm’s signing of a $10 million contract with a pro-Putin Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, that was revealed last week in an investigative report by The Associated Press.

For the Carroll Gardens home, a brownstone on Union Street, Manafort recently borrowed nearly $7 million on a house that was purchased four years ago for just $3 million. The loans — dated January 17, three days before President Trump’s inauguration — were made by a Chicago-based bank run by Steve Calk, a Trump fundraiser and economic advisor.

Manafort's NYC real estate moves raise money-laundering suspicion

Get back to us when there are charges because all you've put out there are rumours and out and out lies. And Manafort is a world reknowned lobbyist and promoter. His association with the oligarch has always been out there.

His creds are impeccable. And there's nothing fucking wrong or illegal doing business with Russians. No matter how hard you try to push this bullshit fairy tale. As compared to pay to play and have your charity receive millions of dollars and get favours back from the SoS.

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