Illegal Immigration and Preemption


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Is there a lawyer in the house?

I'm reading about Obama's contest of the Arizona Illegal Immigration Law and have the impression that any action with respect to the illegal status of Illegal Immigrants falls solely to the Federal government. If an Illegal commits a state crime, drugs, murder, etc, they can be charged by the state for that crime, but the logic seems to be that only the Federal government and federal officers can take action against an Illegal.

Is that correct?

Also, are there any other uniquely federal crimes, treason, espionage, terrorism that can only be prosecuted by a federal officer? If a NY City policeman captures a terrorist is that any less legally binding than if he captures an Illegal Alien?
i can't answer your question Frank, but I just heard Colmes on O'Reilly saying that the feds have an interest in maintaining a uniform immigration policy and that a hodgepodge of different state laws could cause chaos. I'd be willing to accept that argument, however as someone posted earlier this week, what about sanctuary laws? Certainly they are a hodgepodge and have caused chaos. Why aren't they going after those? Hypocrites.
Is there a lawyer in the house?

I'm reading about Obama's contest of the Arizona Illegal Immigration Law and have the impression that any action with respect to the illegal status of Illegal Immigrants falls solely to the Federal government. If an Illegal commits a state crime, drugs, murder, etc, they can be charged by the state for that crime, but the logic seems to be that only the Federal government and federal officers can take action against an Illegal.

Is that correct?

Also, are there any other uniquely federal crimes, treason, espionage, terrorism that can only be prosecuted by a federal officer? If a NY City policeman captures a terrorist is that any less legally binding than if he captures an Illegal Alien?

Giving aid and comfort to America's enemies should put Obama's neck in a noose for treason. The next candidate for president should run on that platform.

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