Illegal crossings plunge as US extends policy across border

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Illegal crossings plunge as US extends policy across border

POSTED 11:36 AM, JANUARY 19, 2020

YUMA, Ariz. (AP) — Adolfo Cardenas smiles faintly at the memory of traveling with his 14-year-old son from Honduras to the U.S.-Mexico border in only nine days, riding buses and paying a smuggler $6,000 to ensure passage through highway checkpoints.

Father and son walked about 10 minutes in Arizona’s stifling June heat before surrendering to border agents. Instead of being released with paperwork to appear in immigration court in Dallas, where Cardenas hopes to live with a cousin, they were bused more than an hour to wait in the Mexican border city of Mexicali.

“It was a surprise. I never imagined this would happen,” Cardenas, 39, said while waiting at a Mexicali migrant shelter for his fifth court appearance in San Diego, on Jan. 24.

Illegal crossings plunge as US extends policy across border

That's right..... wait outside ..I mean jesus just who in the hell does the help think they are ...I'm telling ya

Keep building wall

She could be a corn pop bot


Mexican O'Crazio Corn Pop
"I am a 19 year old female from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I went to the Trump rally back in 2016 with my mom, brother, and a couple of friends. We were being yelled at from anti-trump protesters. I was NOT for Trump. I was totally against him & went to cause HELL, but my mom (1/x)


Read her whole story
If all these efforts are as successful as claimed, no wall is necessary and no Constitution Free Zone is necessary.

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