If you're gay, get ready, the GOP and Trump's cabinet are coming after you. Believe it!

The crazy little (Soros funded?) masked thug army in the peoples republic of Berkeley rioted to prevent a Gay man from speaking on campus. Every topic the radical left wing comes up with seems to backfire.
Ask Dolce & Gabbana, the gay Italian designers. When they protested gay marriage for the sake of children (they both grew up in homes with both a mother and father, believing both were vital to who they were), the gay community descended on them like flies on crap. They were bullied by Elton John and his boyfriend who adopted I think it's two little boys now?... Before though, Elton John was straight. Then he went bi. Then he went full gay. But even while he was gay he believed gay marriage was wrong....until he himself was pressured by the cult into conforming.

Now maybe Dolce & Gabbana will "re-educate" this Berkeley speaker via threats and violence. Dolce & Gabbana were inundated with threats that their products would be boycotted until they "came around"... They reluctantly issued a forced-apology to the "gay community" (read: cult) so that they could continue to do business.

Do you still doubt LGBT is a cult? When not even people who are gay are allowed separate thoughts, you've got a cult...nothing less. And a cult who up until recently even controlled the US Supreme Court.
The crazy little (Soros funded?) masked thug army in the peoples republic of Berkeley rioted to prevent a Gay man from speaking on campus. Every topic the radical left wing comes up with seems to backfire.
Ask Dolce & Gabbana, the gay Italian designers. When they protested gay marriage for the sake of children (they both grew up in homes with both a mother and father, believing both were vital to who they were), the gay community descended on them like flies on crap. They were bullied by Elton John and his boyfriend who adopted I think it's two little boys now?... Before though, Elton John was straight. Then he went bi. Then he went full gay. But even while he was gay he believed gay marriage was wrong....until he himself was pressured by the cult into conforming.

Now maybe Dolce & Gabbana will "re-educate" this Berkeley speaker via threats and violence. Dolce & Gabbana were inundated with threats that their products would be boycotted until they "came around"... They reluctantly issued a forced-apology to the "gay community" (read: cult) so that they could continue to do business.

Do you still doubt LGBT is a cult? When not even people who are gay are allowed separate thoughts, you've got a cult...nothing less. And a cult who up until recently even controlled the US Supreme Court.
That is correct because it's not just about the rights of the adults. It's about the rights and well being of the children:

Bans against same-sex marriage are unconstitutional as a matter of law because they punish children in an effort to control the conduct of adults.
Punishing children for matters beyond their control is patently impermissible as a matter of Supreme Court precedent regarding the constitutional rights of children. In the first of these cases, ( Levy vs Louisiana –
https://supreme.justia.com/cases/fed...1/68/case.html )

Children are Also Victims When Gay and Lesbian Parents and Potential Parents are Discriminated Against by the Progressive Patriot

I am decidedly weary people of who use children and child rearing issues as pawns in the failed attempts to derail same sex marriage. Those children, who more than anything, need a stable, secure and loving home have a major stake in the issue. Yet, there are those who persist in claiming that children need a mother and a father to the exclusion of all other considerations in order to assail same sex marriage. They will point to bogus and faulty studies that purportedly show that the developmental and emotional outcomes for children of same sex couples is inferior to that of other children. My purpose here to not to debunk those studies-I have done that elsewhere- but rather to address the fact that regardless of what studies show, it is a ludicrous and logically fallacious argument to make against same sex marriage. In plain English, it makes no sense. It's the wrong argument.

Even if the outcomes for children raised in same sex household were in fact different than other children Consider this: If we are to base our policies as to who can marry on who does the best jobs with children, perhaps we should be taking a hard look at certain socio-economic or ethnic groups who produce children who's development and wellbeing can be contrasted to that of other groups . Maybe we should look at inner city vs. suburban parenting outcomes to set marriage policy? Is anyone willing to go there?

And how about this: It is known that Asian American children tend to be higher achievers than others, so maybe should prohibit marriage in order to discourage child rearing by white Americans whose children might not do as well.

The fact is that there are a couple of million kids already in the care of gay people and couples. Many are the biological children of a gay person. Those children can benefit greatly if their parent is able to marry and the non-biological parent is able to adopt as a second parent. There are many economic, legal and social benefits to doing so. Not allowing the adults to marry only serves to punish those children and place them at a disadvantage.

In some cases gay people adopt children through agencies. Yes, the idea that gay people can adopt has been way out ahead of gay marriage. My home state of New Jersey has been allowing joint adoption by same sex couples since 1997, the first state to do so. These are children who had NO parents until these gay folks stepped up. Maybe someone would like to compare the long term outcomes for children who grow up as wards of the state with those raised by same sex couples. Gay people can and will adopt children regardless of whether or not the parent(s) can marry so why deprive the children the advantages-discussed above- of having married parent

Lastly, perhaps the smallest number of children who are in the care of gay and lesbian parents are those who were conceived with the use of surrogacy, or artificial insemination. These are children who, arguably would not have been born at al.l While there are those who may believe that their souls might have otherwise been born into a more advantageous environment, we really don’t know that, What we do know is that those children are real, and once again, those children will benefit from having married parents.

So, I ask. What do we do, even if the highly questionable assertion that gay parenting is inferior is correct? Do we discourage or even prohibit gays from having children in their care? Or do we adapt policies to support them and maximize their ability to care for those children? Do we enact complex policies regarding which groups will be encouraged and which will be discouraged from having children based on some measure of their parenting ability which will, most assuredly be disputed. Or, do we treat everyone equally.

And lastly, I submit to you that yes, it is possible that the number of additional children living with gay parents will increase as the result of same sex marriage. Some will adopt and some will have children with medical/ scientific intervention. But those children, like countless others in the care of gay couples, will have two legal parents who are married. A tremendous advantage. And those adopted children had no parents and the ones who were conceived with help, would not have been born at all.
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When you're dealing with a cult, "freedom" means "the freedom to do exactly as they say...or else!"
Yeah....progressives have been bad for that since the beginning of their awful ideology. That's why we need to find a cure for that especially damaging form of cancer.
Be Afraid!! Be Very Very Afraid!!

These are the Secret Masters of the Dark Empire of Secret Societies. The Occult Hierarchy, the Black Adepts of the Cult of Evil, which is the ancient Luciferian Priesthood who can claim an ancient lineage of service to Evil going far back in history, back before recorded history began. They are the custodians and guardians of Ancient Plan to Transform Society, which is the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government that intends to set up World Empire and eradicate all human liberty and freedom from the face of the Earth. To do this, they must destroy Natural Moral Order on Earth set in place by the supreme Will of God. Homosexual Agenda
Maybe its not the White Hose that we have to worry about:

Seriously, Arkansas? Even Trump Knows Same-Sex Marriage Is Done Deal

Guys, you aren’t actually going to even believe this. There are still people trying to get rid of same-sex marriage. If you’re all, “didn’t we already fight about this a long time ago?” you’d be right. Except that news apparently hasn’t hit Arkansas just yet. One of its esteemed legislators just filed a Senate Joint Resolution requesting the United States Congress to start working on a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as the “union of one man and one woman.” How positively late-90s of him.

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