If you had a choice of owning a gun or owning a car, what would you choose

Such it can.
You point it at a driver and tell them where they should take you.
But a car can not be used for defense.
Firearms are the only means of defense.
But doing that is a crime, and committing crimes ultimately restricts your ability to move about freely so that's not a viable option.

I pray the day never comes when I have to make a choice because I do not look forward to being made into a criminal.
But doing that is a crime, and committing crimes ultimately restricts your ability to move about freely so that's not a viable option.

I pray the day never comes when I have to make a choice because I do not look forward to being made into a criminal.

No one suggested it is a good idea, but clearly in an emergency it would work.
So anyone claiming a gun can't be used for transportation, is wrong.
And in fact it is essential to being alive, so is necessary for anything and everything.
With an unarmed population, we would be at the mercy of the despots once again, as we were under corrupt monarchs and dictators, for thousands of years.
We would be better off death than to let that happen to us again and lose the democratic republic the Founders fought so hard for.
You are right. I do not let fear, unfounded fears, dominate my life.

when the government comes to get you, and they will...
But you sure do want other people to be afraid of leftist tyranny. The tyranny you support.

A bit of history for you:

When the new regime takes power, the traitors to the former regime are put up against a wall -- because those who betray one government will betray another.
Is it a remote possibility that the intentional manipulation of energy prices is a back door means to disable your use of your Dino-powered vehicles?
Just a thought...

Golfing Gator... Any Thoughts?

I have no doubt that the thought is that higher prices will change people's habits. It sort of worked in the past where people changed buying habits for vehicles and you saw far fewer low MPH vehicles on the road.
Dude, you are riddled with unnecessary fear. Your fear is unnecessarily ruining your life. Get help.
In the old days we would call you a scaredy cat. Medical definition, paranoid and neurotic.
Lol. Yeah our government would never do anything to harm the American people.

Dude, you are riddled with unnecessary fear. Your fear is unnecessarily ruining your life. Get help.
In the old days we would call you a scaredy cat. Medical definition, paranoid and neurotic.
Lol. Yeah our government would never do anything to harm the American people.

slaves will have the value of 3/5 of a free man. Women not mentioned in Constitution. Women could not vote. What did they mean by that
Men who did not own property could not vote either. I don't see why you are harping on how the Constitution used to be, or how the legal regime used to be, it is completely irrelevant to the conversation.

IF, you don't like the legal regime as it stands today? Work to change it. The majority of Americans disagree with you, that? IS A FACT JACK.

Times change, the meanings change, the constitution gets amended.

If you feel so strongly about the things you have written in this thread, feel free so join Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Safety, if, in fact, you aren't already a provocateur for them. Working for your thirty pieces of silver.

". . Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor and founder and owner of global financial services and media company Bloomberg LP, is the founder and the primary funder of Everytown. Bloomberg founded the anti-gun group in April 2014 as a rival to the influence of the pro-Second Amendment National Rifle Association.[1] Everytown’s 2015 tax return shows the group reporting total revenue of about $39.5 million.[2] Bloomberg had initially pledged about $50 million to fund anti-gun campaigns through the lobbying group during the 2014 election cycle.[3]

The group maintains an active presence on social media with Twitter and Facebook accounts where it advertises and promotes gun control campaigns. Everytown’s website includes a section that enables activist to locate events that are closest to their neighborhoods. The group has donated tens of thousands, and in some instances, hundreds of thousands of dollars to state-level organizations that support gun control.. . . "

Everytown launches ads targeting GOP lawmakers to act on gun-safety measures​



But? You don't have a lot of legitimate arguments to stand on. There are already hundreds of gun control laws on the books. The only thing you have left in your quiver, is to ask the American people if they would like to Amend the Constitution to get rid of the Second Amendment. And? I think you have your Answer. . . IT IS NO!

Now? Deal with it!
If you had a choice of owning a gun or owning a car, what would you choose. A car provides more freedom, for me, than any gun.
I would be more concerned with the government taking away everyone's vehicles than everyone's guns.

The government should allow cars and guns.
Put the same regulations on guns as you do cars for the same reason, the safety of all citizens.

Are you the best and brightest our education system has been vomiting out??
It's highly likely.
Men who did not own property could not vote either. I don't see why you are harping on how the Constitution used to be, or how the legal regime used to be, it is completely irrelevant to the conversation.

IF, you don't like the legal regime as it stands today? Work to change it. The majority of Americans disagree with you, that? IS A FACT JACK.

Times change, the meanings change, the constitution gets amended.

If you feel so strongly about the things you have written in this thread, feel free so join Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Safety, if, in fact, you aren't already a provocateur for them. Working for your thirty pieces of silver.

". . Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor and founder and owner of global financial services and media company Bloomberg LP, is the founder and the primary funder of Everytown. Bloomberg founded the anti-gun group in April 2014 as a rival to the influence of the pro-Second Amendment National Rifle Association.[1] Everytown’s 2015 tax return shows the group reporting total revenue of about $39.5 million.[2] Bloomberg had initially pledged about $50 million to fund anti-gun campaigns through the lobbying group during the 2014 election cycle.[3]

The group maintains an active presence on social media with Twitter and Facebook accounts where it advertises and promotes gun control campaigns. Everytown’s website includes a section that enables activist to locate events that are closest to their neighborhoods. The group has donated tens of thousands, and in some instances, hundreds of thousands of dollars to state-level organizations that support gun control.. . . "

Everytown launches ads targeting GOP lawmakers to act on gun-safety measures​



But? You don't have a lot of legitimate arguments to stand on. There are already hundreds of gun control laws on the books. The only thing you have left in your quiver, is to ask the American people if they would like to Amend the Constitution to get rid of the Second Amendment. And? I think you have your Answer. . . IT IS NO!

Now? Deal with it!
Yet Little Mikey will still have a security team around him fully armed. hypocrisy by the elite is limitless.
I have no doubt that the thought is that higher prices will change people's habits. It sort of worked in the past where people changed buying habits for vehicles and you saw far fewer low MPH vehicles on the road.
Subterfuge of this nature will destroy, yes I said destroy our economy... In absolutely no way is this attack on the Fossil Fuel industry going to work out the way the greenies see it happening... The sad part is that I don't consider you to be a greenie... Well not a real AOC freak, but you seem to be embracing this in a predictable way...

Without affordable fossil fuel, lots of folks die...
Subterfuge of this nature will destroy, yes I said destroy our economy... In absolutely no way is this attack on the Fossil Fuel industry going to work out the way the greenies see it happening... The sad part is that I don't consider you to be a greenie... Well not a real AOC freak, but you seem to be embracing this in a predictable way...

Without affordable fossil fuel, lots of folks die...

Recognizing what is happening is not the same as accepting it
Just take care of your loved ones...

That is what I do. Do my best to make sure we all are in the best situation to ride this whole thing out. So far the wife and I and our 27 year old are in a very good place. Still working on my 20 year old.
That is what I do. Do my best to make sure we all are in the best situation to ride this whole thing out. So far the wife and I and our 27 year old are in a very good place. Still working on my 20 year old.
Oh you are a lucky one... If you are puzzled about life, just ask the 20 year old, they know everything...
My ex and I had 2 kids, 13 months a part... They were almost 20 at the same time... There in their 40's now... Life is good...

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