If you don't like US system, go back youre "biting the hand that feeds you"


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
I always felt that these American patriots feel they clothe me, feed me, and give me freedoms that I have etc. and now the cat is out of the box. So Let's get it straight, these scumbag American nationals, these Zionist defenders, feed me, clothe me, bathe me, give me freedom, what else should I be thankful to them for? how exactly do they feed me? I want the details....

Then go fucking back where you came from. YOU are the parasite. You immigrate to this country, a county that didn't have to let you come here, and then you find nothing but fault with it. You are a parasite, living in a land you despise, a land that gave you a home and all kinds of freedoms and opportunities you didn't have in your birth place. STFU or go home.
So much for American freedom of speech, this is the response I was expecting in the first place, and this response explains why in this so called "free nation of freedom of speech" I was arrested for robbery from my own house shortly after I started speaking out against the system, why I was repeatedly banned from all the political forums (this is the only forum I was only banned from once) for speaking out against the system, why my bar was vandalized for speaking out against this system, and why my two dogs were shot for speaking out against this system. so fuck your illusion of freedom

Then go fucking home. If you don't like it, then go back where you came from. What you are doing is biting the hand that feeds you. You were allowed and very fortunate to be able to immigrate to the US. If it isn't up to your standards, instead of bitching about it, just go back to the idyllic life you left in Eastern Europe. People like you make me sick. The same type who place bombs at the Boston Marathon.
It is an expression that when you live here and hate the US then you are biting the hand that feeds you. It's metaphorical and is in relationship to the way you make a living.
I always felt that these American patriots feel they clothe me, feed me, and give me freedoms that I have etc. and now the cat is out of the box. So Let's get it straight, these scumbag American nationals, these Zionist defenders, feed me, clothe me, bathe me, give me freedom, what else should I be thankful to them for? how exactly do they feed me? I want the details....

The government can do all the above but can not give freedom . Or it can give freedom but not the "benefits" you described.

At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN was queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation—

Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

Benjamin responded: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

It is an expression that when you live here and hate the US then you are biting the hand that feeds you. It's metaphorical and is in relationship to the way you make a living.

actually it is a mirror image of what the OP is claiming himself - the statism in it's purest display.

If the OP is not on welfare than claiming that "he bites the hand feeding him" is idiotic as he is feeding himself as anybody and anywhere is.
It is an expression that when you live here and hate the US then you are biting the hand that feeds you. It's metaphorical and is in relationship to the way you make a living.
Ok Genius, which America do YOU believe in? the one before 1913 or the one After 1913, in which people starting with children in schools are being taught that American founding fathers were SLAVE OWNERS. here is WHY you are being taught that:

James Madison: "History records that
the money changers have used every
form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and
violent means possible to maintain their
control over governments by controlling
money and it's issuance."

Thomas Jefferson: "I believe that banking
institutions are more dangerous to our
liberties than standing armies. The issuing
power (of money) should be taken away
from the banks and restored to the people
to whom it properly belongs."

U.S. President James A. Garfield: "Whoever
controls the volume of money in any
country is absolute master of all industry
and commerce."

I have no doubt what so ever, that the political Big shots in the government and the media today, all have servants that wash their dishes, clean their homes and more. And I have a very valid reason to be concerned that a lot of those servants are being raped, and a lot of those servants have no escape.
I always felt that these American patriots feel they clothe me, feed me, and give me freedoms that I have etc. and now the cat is out of the box. So Let's get it straight, these scumbag American nationals, these Zionist defenders, feed me, clothe me, bathe me, give me freedom, what else should I be thankful to them for? how exactly do they feed me? I want the details...
Get this straight. It's "the cat is out of the bag" not "box"!
Vox and Contumacious, nice to see some decent people here. I have not sat on welfare or public assistance. only in around 1991 for a month or two my father was on welfare. other than that we received absolutely no government assistance. Many Americans often assumed that we receive some government hand outs because we are foreigners, even when we bought our new place for which I worked with my hands. people are very quick to judge. Me and my father worked for everything we have, and I blame the stupidity of these imbeciles pumped with hate on networks such as FOX NEWS. THESE are the enemies of humanity, THEY are the ones who deceive.
Vox and Contumacious, nice to see some decent people here. I have not sat on welfare or public assistance. only in around 1991 for a month or two my father was on welfare. other than that we received absolutely no government assistance. Many Americans often assumed that we receive some government hand outs because we are foreigners, even when we bought our new place for which I worked with my hands. people are very quick to judge. Me and my father worked for everything we have, and I blame the stupidity of these imbeciles pumped with hate on networks such as FOX NEWS. THESE are the enemies of humanity, THEY are the ones who deceive.

You will be much better off if you change your limited circle and move.

Your father won't, because he is used to it and he is not as young as you are, but you should - somewhere into the area where the streams are full of fish and you can go there and rest.

The information you are soaked with is not only biased and idiotic one but also poisonous.
Vox and Contumacious, nice to see some decent people here. I have not sat on welfare or public assistance. only in around 1991 for a month or two my father was on welfare. other than that we received absolutely no government assistance. Many Americans often assumed that we receive some government hand outs because we are foreigners, even when we bought our new place for which I worked with my hands. people are very quick to judge. Me and my father worked for everything we have, and I blame the stupidity of these imbeciles pumped with hate on networks such as FOX NEWS. THESE are the enemies of humanity, THEY are the ones who deceive.

You will be much better off if you change your limited circle and move.

Your father won't, because he is used to it and he is not as young as you are, but you should - somewhere into the area where the streams are full of fish and you can go there and rest.
ok, I'm moving to this place, donations to help me move can be sent to "Hillary Clinton/Rand Paul 2016 foundation.org"




The information you are soaked with is not only biased and idiotic one but also poisonous.
Ugh, I better listen to more Rush Limbo and the MSNBC shows then, they report the cure..

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