If you don't like Boehner, who would you prefer ...


Feb 14, 2011
If you don't approve of the job Boehner is doing, whom from the GOP side of the aisle would you prefer to serve as Speaker of the House?

I'm actually glad that Boehner is Speaker. He receives a lot of criticism from the right though and so I wonder who might be suggested as an alternative.
How about a true conservative? Someone who knows that the federal debt has to be cut and that the only way to cut that debt is by limiting the spending to about half what it is and use what tax money is left to pay down the debt. It may still take hundreds or even thousands of years to pay it off but it has to be done and now or the USA will fold like a house of cards in the next twenty years.
If you don't approve of the job Boehner is doing, whom from the GOP side of the aisle would you prefer to serve as Speaker of the House?

I'm actually glad that Boehner is Speaker. He receives a lot of criticism from the right though and so I wonder who might be suggested as an alternative.

Love Boehner. Btw, nobody but the Teaparty approves of what he's doing. He's a big drunk moron.
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How about a true conservative? Someone who knows that the federal debt has to be cut and that the only way to cut that debt is by limiting the spending to about half what it is and use what tax money is left to pay down the debt. It may still take hundreds or even thousands of years to pay it off but it has to be done and now or the USA will fold like a house of cards in the next twenty years.

We need a name. Who would fill the bill in your opinion? Who has a chance to gain the speakership and the ability to secure votes down the road for conservative legislation? Who has the resolve you want but enough knowledge and discipline that they won't shoot the GOP caucus in the foot by making unforced errors on the Sunday talk show circuit, for example?
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If you don't approve of the job Boehner is doing, whom from the GOP side of the aisle would you prefer to serve as Speaker of the House?

I'm actually glad that Boehner is Speaker. He receives a lot of criticism from the right though and so I wonder who might be suggested as an alternative.

Love Boehner. Btw, nobody but the Teaparty approves of what he's doing. He's a big drunk moron.

I am under the impression that Tea Partiers in general do not approve of how Boehner is doing his job.

He's not a moron. He's been handling Obama quite well. He has the ability to stand firm on key points while not giving the media any traction for one of the narratives they would love to write. He's not someone they can bill as a rude and brash and unreasonable leader of the GOP caucus. And yet still he manages to get Obama talking about entitlement reform, etc.
There is no one in either party with the foresight and determination that would be put into that position.
There are several who know the problem and have the courage to attempt to implement change but they are "beyond the scope of the party platform".
A name? Ron Paul. He was adement about the real problem and had viable solutions during the campaign process. There is no way he would get appointed though because he disregards all the "feel good" stuff that the feds spue forth and gives the power of governing back to the states where it belongs. Somebody has to govern - and the feds have proven that they are no good at it. Ron Paul would cut the feds budget and power and return the power to the states.
If you don't approve of the job Boehner is doing, whom from the GOP side of the aisle would you prefer to serve as Speaker of the House?

I'm actually glad that Boehner is Speaker. He receives a lot of criticism from the right though and so I wonder who might be suggested as an alternative.

I have no problem with the current speaker, the problem is the TPM/radical right, the blind ideologues who refuse to accept the fact that tax increases will need to be part of any serious solution to balancing the budget.

Although partisan, Boehner’s not an ideologue, he’s a career politician and pragmatic accordingly. The democrats want to work with him but the TPM chuckleheads keep the speaker’s hands tied, to the detriment of the Nation.
If you don't approve of the job Boehner is doing, whom from the GOP side of the aisle would you prefer to serve as Speaker of the House?

I'm actually glad that Boehner is Speaker. He receives a lot of criticism from the right though and so I wonder who might be suggested as an alternative.

I have no problem with the current speaker, the problem is the TPM/radical right, the blind ideologues who refuse to accept the fact that tax increases will need to be part of any serious solution to balancing the budget.
Although partisan, Boehner’s not an ideologue, he’s a career politician and pragmatic accordingly. The democrats want to work with him but the TPM chuckleheads keep the speaker’s hands tied, to the detriment of the Nation.

How come there's no discussion about the radical left, the blind ideologues who refuse to accept the fact that spending cuts and entitlement reforms will need to be part of any serious solution to balancing the budget. BTW, the democrat do not want to work with Boehner, they want to rollover him.

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