If you could add one amendment to the United States Constitution, what would it be?

I'd modify the 14th to end birthright citizenship. We need to stop the Russian and Chinese cottage industry of making Americans on vacation so that they have dual citizenship and then bring the whole family over. That's insane.
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Thomas Jefferson proposed a bill that punished male rapists with castration

This was a great country
I'd add the Equal Rights Amendment! the way the laws of the times are changing and the way what is up is now down, and what is the truth is now fake and what is false is now true, I want my equality to be emblazoned in the constitution, so you can't take it away.... :D
I'd add the Equal Rights Amendment! the way the laws of the times are changing and the way what is up is now down, and what is the truth is now fake and what is false is now true, I want my equality to be emblazoned in the constitution, so you can't take it away.... :D

How would it work?
I'd add the Equal Rights Amendment! the way the laws of the times are changing and the way what is up is now down, and what is the truth is now fake and what is false is now true, I want my equality to be emblazoned in the constitution, so you can't take it away.... :D

How would it work?
Democrats are always more equal than Republicans.
I'd add the Equal Rights Amendment! the way the laws of the times are changing and the way what is up is now down, and what is the truth is now fake and what is false is now true, I want my equality to be emblazoned in the constitution, so you can't take it away.... :D
thats already there,,,what you want is special rights,,,
I'd like to give the Constitution some teeth, make it a felony for any public servant to willfully commit any act that openly violates the Constitution.

The minimum penalty should be twenty years in prison, and a lifetime ban on holding any position in government.
Balanced budget amendment with an exception for a true national emergency (like Pearl Harbor or 9-11 kind of shit)
I'd like to give the Constitution some teeth, make it a felony for any public servant to willfully commit any act that openly violates the Constitution.

The minimum penalty should be twenty years in prison, and a lifetime ban on holding any position in government.
there is already a law about that,,,its called treason,,,
I'd like to give the Constitution some teeth, make it a felony for any public servant to willfully commit any act that openly violates the Constitution.
there is already a law about that,,,its called treason,,,

No. That has nothing to do with what treason is. See Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.

The correct term for the crime I am describing would be malfeasance. Every public servant swears an oath, above all else, to uphold the Constitution, adn to defend it against all enemies, foreign or domestic. They agree to this, as a condition of their job, and it is a primary duty. Yet our public servants violate this oath, and the Constitution, with impunity,and face no adverse consequences for so doing. They are the very enemies against whom they swore to defend the Constitution.
An amendment that all taxation must be leveled equally. No more Democrats using taxation as a punitive action or taxing people into submission. You want free college? You want government healthcare? You want wars? Then everybody pays for it, rich poor and anything in between.

Also an amendment that strips bureaucracies of any and all authority over the people. No more non-elected nameless faceless people writing laws or punishing people for not following them.
Electoral college would be tossed out the window, Republic would be dissolved and the reign of King My2¢ would commence. Long live the king.
An amendment that all taxation must be leveled equally. No more Democrats using taxation as a punitive action or taxing people into submission. You want free college? You want government healthcare? You want wars? Then everybody pays for it, rich poor and anything in between.

Remember Steve Forbes Ray?

An amendment declaring corporations are not people and restricting their rights concerning political contributions and lobbying as well as a corporate "death penalty" for large corporations convicted of serious financial or environmental crimes.

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