If Warren doesn't win her home state

Indications are that Warren might finish a dismal 3rd in the primary in her own home state of Mass and worse in her adopted home state of Oklahoma. Will she do the right thing and bow out of the race?

Warren’s campaign was finished a while ago. She just hasn’t realized it yet
Indications are that Warren might finish a dismal 3rd in the primary in her own home state of Mass and worse in her adopted home state of Oklahoma. Will she do the right thing and bow out of the race?

Warren’s campaign was finished a while ago. She just hasn’t realized it yet

who will her voters turn to, Biden or Sanders? Seems she is close to Sanders in her views. Did she stay in long enough to hurt him tonight and then will drop?
Indications are that Warren might finish a dismal 3rd in the primary in her own home state of Mass and worse in her adopted home state of Oklahoma. Will she do the right thing and bow out of the race?

Warren’s campaign was finished a while ago. She just hasn’t realized it yet

who will her voters turn to, Biden or Sanders? Seems she is close to Sanders in her views. Did she stay in long enough to hurt him tonight and then will drop?

I hope Warren stays in because she reduces Sanders chance of taking the nomination and, IMHO, she may because the party really wants her to stay in as well. The timing really leads me to think that the party managed to convince Buttigieg and Klobuchar to drop out to shore up Biden as Bloomberg fails to perform.
I expect Warren to drop out and blame the American people for being sexist.
Hahah I’m so happy !

Elizabeth Warren has all the answers, a plan for every disaster and the hectoring manner of a professor whose class are dozing off after lunch. Unfortunately, the voters don’t believe any of it.​

‘I’m in this race because I believe I will make the best president of the United States of America,’ Warren insisted at a rally in Detroit, Michigan on the afternoon of Super Tuesday. Meanwhile the voters of Massachusetts went to the polls and disagreed.​

Her odds of winning the nomination now 1 in 1024.
Liz needs to bow out.....she never had a chance and her supporters should rally for Mike or Joe. These sexiest attacks she keeps throwing out, only deepens the disdain voters are having against her. But its the typical ww play book....always victims of sexual bias. No other ethnic gender can claim the mantles that ww claim, even though discrimination comes in all forms for us.

"These sexiest attacks" :abgg2q.jpg:

I hope Warren stays in because she reduces Sanders chance of taking the nomination and, IMHO, she may because the party really wants her to stay in as well. The timing really leads me to think that the party managed to convince Buttigieg and Klobuchar to drop out to shore up Biden as Bloomberg fails to perform.

The DNC fucking Sanders over again will bite them in the ass for a long while, I have heard from many of his younger supporters that if the DNC does again what they did to him in 16 they will not vote again as they have lost any faith they might have had in the system.
I didn't say anything about her coming in at any number. I was asking you about how popular Fatboy Trump was? Thank [emoji519] goodness there is such a thing called reeducating oneself. He[emoji854]

I hope Warren stays in because she reduces Sanders chance of taking the nomination and, IMHO, she may because the party really wants her to stay in as well. The timing really leads me to think that the party managed to convince Buttigieg and Klobuchar to drop out to shore up Biden as Bloomberg fails to perform.

The DNC fucking Sanders over again will bite them in the ass for a long while, I have heard from many of his younger supporters that if the DNC does again what they did to him in 16 they will not vote again as they have lost any faith they might have had in the system.
The DNC not fucking Sanders over would have ruined them as well.

They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Here is the truth of the matter though - Sanders hard core supports that are not going to show up were never democrats to begin with and would not show up without Sanders on the ticket no matter what the DNC does. I am somewhat impressed with how much control the party actually has - the RNC fucked up royally when they did not do this exact same thing in 2016. I think the DNC took one look at what happened then, seen what was happening now and said hell no. Good for them. It remains to be seen how much this will hurt Biden.

In my mind there are 4 scenarios:

Biden takes the nomination and looses to Trump: Bad for the RNC as they slip further into Trumpism. Somewhat bad for the DNC as the socialists convince themselves once again if the Democrats had just run the nutcase on the stage he would have won.

Biden takes the nomination and Beats Trump: Good for everyone - Trumpism gone and proven to be a piss poor political movement (you have to be terrible to lose to Biden). Good for the DNC as the sane choice is proven to be the decent one. No worries about weather or not they should have went with the nutcase.

Sanders takes the nomination and looses to Trump. Good for the DNC as the socialist movement in the Democrat party is proven to be totally ineffective (as if Sanders entire senate career is not already proof of that) though they are likely to blame cheating or some other such nonsense. Losing to Trump will put all the nails, not just the last one, in the coffin of Sanders and his movement's chance of taking over the Democrat Party ever again.

Sanders takes the nomination and Beats Trump. I cant think of a worse scenario - both parties lose their marbles and we have a communist in the White House. Unlikely though - I think Trump will eat Sanders for breakfast. He is MUCH better at the gutter politics of populism.

This does ignore Ginsburg's SCOTUS seat but I do not have any significant problems with Trump and the SCOTUS so far. There is zero chance I would be on board with allowing Sanders to seat a justice. Not sure Sanders has even bothered to read the constitution let alone understand it.

I hope Warren stays in because she reduces Sanders chance of taking the nomination and, IMHO, she may because the party really wants her to stay in as well. The timing really leads me to think that the party managed to convince Buttigieg and Klobuchar to drop out to shore up Biden as Bloomberg fails to perform.

The DNC fucking Sanders over again will bite them in the ass for a long while, I have heard from many of his younger supporters that if the DNC does again what they did to him in 16 they will not vote again as they have lost any faith they might have had in the system.
When the only base you have to pull from is young people wanting free shit, Bernie needs a fuckin over and if young people fail to show up at the polls, than 4 more years of Trump is what they'll get in return and trust me, nothing free is coming your way, guys, except the coronavirus and no healthcare

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