If this were a just world this bitch would be in federal prison

Nancy Pelosi is not as stupid as Newt, who got thrown out by his own party for corruption. Newt was replaced by Livingston who retired after it was discovered he'd had affairs. Livingston was replaced by Vitter, and so it goes.
Livingston is now Newt's senior advisor. :lol:
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Here is another orange jump suit candidate. Too good to talk to the people.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWabRNPPu74&feature=player_embedded]Rep. Maxine Waters - 2/16/12 - YouTube[/ame]
Pelosi is so crooked when the bitch finally dies they'll have to SCREW her into the ground. Her hubby's company got millions from the stimulus, she has illegal aliens working in her winery, she insisted on a government jet to fly her back and forth from DC to San Francisco.

You think this shit is something that makes her a hero?

Dumbasses, I SWEAR!
Remember when Nancy Pelosi said she she was willing to do anything to get Obamacare passed? Here’s a refresher:

You go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, you go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole vault in. If that doesn't work, we’ll parachute in. But we’re going to get health care reform passed for the American people.

Well, it could be that same approach to fundraising that now has her in hot water. According to CNN, the House Minority Leader may have broken the law when she solicited donations during a speech in the Capitol building.

CNN explains:

At a Capitol Hill press conference Thursday, Pelosi was making the case for campaign finance reform and said Democrats will disclose donors to their political groups, even when the law doesn't require it.

During her comments, she said “by the way we’re asking people to contribute to us if they want to elect more reformers to Congress so we can do away with super PACs – we can do away with secret contributions.”

So what’s so odd about that statement? Well, the part where she says “we’re asking people to contribute” while standing inside the U.S. Capitol is. That’s because, as CNN notes, “The law prohibits any kind of fundraising on federal grounds.”

A Pelosi spokesman, Drew Hammil, denied any wrongdoing.

The comment was very clearly referring to our efforts to disclose, reform and amend,” he told CNN. “Reporters have repeatedly asked the Leader how to square fundraising and reform policy so that’s why she said we have to raise money to elect more reformers. That is her pitch to supporters.”

In 1997, the Clinton administration (and Al Gore) faced a probe over whether he solicited donations by making campaign phone calls from the Oval Office. The law that forbids such conduct is called the Pendleton Act.

She "may have broken the law"? Then, by all means, hang her.
GOP House Speaker Lies by Omission when he omits fact that of what he really did when he handed out checks on the House floor. Boehner handed ut checks WHILE THE HOUSE WAS IN SESSION

Remember when Nancy Pelosi said she she was willing to do anything to get Obamacare passed? Here’s a refresher:

You go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, you go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole vault in. If that doesn't work, we’ll parachute in. But we’re going to get health care reform passed for the American people.

Well, it could be that same approach to fundraising that now has her in hot water. According to CNN, the House Minority Leader may have broken the law when she solicited donations during a speech in the Capitol building.

CNN explains:

At a Capitol Hill press conference Thursday, Pelosi was making the case for campaign finance reform and said Democrats will disclose donors to their political groups, even when the law doesn't require it.

During her comments, she said “by the way we’re asking people to contribute to us if they want to elect more reformers to Congress so we can do away with super PACs – we can do away with secret contributions.”

So what’s so odd about that statement? Well, the part where she says “we’re asking people to contribute” while standing inside the U.S. Capitol is. That’s because, as CNN notes, “The law prohibits any kind of fundraising on federal grounds.”

A Pelosi spokesman, Drew Hammil, denied any wrongdoing.

The comment was very clearly referring to our efforts to disclose, reform and amend,” he told CNN. “Reporters have repeatedly asked the Leader how to square fundraising and reform policy so that’s why she said we have to raise money to elect more reformers. That is her pitch to supporters.”

In 1997, the Clinton administration (and Al Gore) faced a probe over whether he solicited donations by making campaign phone calls from the Oval Office. The law that forbids such conduct is called the Pendleton Act.


By bdc_dante at 2012-02-16


a Republican congressman mentions the future speaker did something disgusting

John Boehner -- Profile of House Speaker John Boehner

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If this were a just world, the majority in Congress would or should be in single-file right behind her. But that's not going to happen because no matter how much damage these tongue-in cheek servants of the people and the country do to both, they "just" keep being re-elected.

Perhaps that's the "just" in the world.
Pelosi is so crooked when the bitch finally dies they'll have to SCREW her into the ground. Her hubby's company got millions from the stimulus, she has illegal aliens working in her winery, she insisted on a government jet to fly her back and forth from DC to San Francisco.

You think this shit is something that makes her a hero?

Dumbasses, I SWEAR!

You nailed it! 100% correct.........
"If this were a just world, the majority in Congress would or should be in single-file right behind her."

RIGHT! and not an oz. of KY among 'em!
I am always fascinated by the partisan republican conservative moral scale, if they are in power illegal invasions that kill thousands of innocent people are OK, out of power the moral scale tips so far into the absurd, irrationality is the only explanation. The boxes in their heads can deny healthcare to fellow Americans and remove early nutritional support for children, but tax benefits for the wealthy in no need of more loot is argued as a good. Is it any wonder when given power they are such failures? When simple things elude them the complex is not even noticed. Sad bunch.
Remember when Nancy Pelosi said she she was willing to do anything to get Obamacare passed? Here’s a refresher:

You go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, you go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole vault in. If that doesn't work, we’ll parachute in. But we’re going to get health care reform passed for the American people.

Well, it could be that same approach to fundraising that now has her in hot water. According to CNN, the House Minority Leader may have broken the law when she solicited donations during a speech in the Capitol building.

CNN explains:

At a Capitol Hill press conference Thursday, Pelosi was making the case for campaign finance reform and said Democrats will disclose donors to their political groups, even when the law doesn't require it.

During her comments, she said “by the way we’re asking people to contribute to us if they want to elect more reformers to Congress so we can do away with super PACs – we can do away with secret contributions.”

So what’s so odd about that statement? Well, the part where she says “we’re asking people to contribute” while standing inside the U.S. Capitol is. That’s because, as CNN notes, “The law prohibits any kind of fundraising on federal grounds.”

A Pelosi spokesman, Drew Hammil, denied any wrongdoing.

The comment was very clearly referring to our efforts to disclose, reform and amend,” he told CNN. “Reporters have repeatedly asked the Leader how to square fundraising and reform policy so that’s why she said we have to raise money to elect more reformers. That is her pitch to supporters.”

In 1997, the Clinton administration (and Al Gore) faced a probe over whether he solicited donations by making campaign phone calls from the Oval Office. The law that forbids such conduct is called the Pendleton Act.

Who can believe her? She is one of the ones who has made a fortune on trading on insider information. I would not trust her as far as I can throw her. She is a money whore just like so many of them...on both sides of the isle. I am a liberal and if she is one of the representatives, I am something else. She has the gall to talk about reforms when she is crooked as the day is long.
I am always fascinated by the partisan republican conservative moral scale, if they are in power illegal invasions that kill thousands of innocent people are OK, out of power the moral scale tips so far into the absurd, irrationality is the only explanation. The boxes in their heads can deny healthcare to fellow Americans and remove early nutritional support for children, but tax benefits for the wealthy in no need of more loot is argued as a good. Is it any wonder when given power they are such failures? When simple things elude them the complex is not even noticed. Sad bunch.

Check out the 15 points all fascists have in common and you will have your answer to the Republican ritual...
Remember when the Bush admin fired the guy who said the pill bill was going to cost lots more than the Bush admin said?

Remember who was correct?
And who was just right?

But yes Pelosi sucks.
As do virtually all politicians.
Remember when Nancy Pelosi said she she was willing to do anything to get Obamacare passed? Here’s a refresher:

You go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, you go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole vault in. If that doesn't work, we’ll parachute in. But we’re going to get health care reform passed for the American people.

Well, it could be that same approach to fundraising that now has her in hot water. According to CNN, the House Minority Leader may have broken the law when she solicited donations during a speech in the Capitol building.

CNN explains:

At a Capitol Hill press conference Thursday, Pelosi was making the case for campaign finance reform and said Democrats will disclose donors to their political groups, even when the law doesn't require it.

During her comments, she said “by the way we’re asking people to contribute to us if they want to elect more reformers to Congress so we can do away with super PACs – we can do away with secret contributions.”

So what’s so odd about that statement? Well, the part where she says “we’re asking people to contribute” while standing inside the U.S. Capitol is. That’s because, as CNN notes, “The law prohibits any kind of fundraising on federal grounds.”

A Pelosi spokesman, Drew Hammil, denied any wrongdoing.

The comment was very clearly referring to our efforts to disclose, reform and amend,” he told CNN. “Reporters have repeatedly asked the Leader how to square fundraising and reform policy so that’s why she said we have to raise money to elect more reformers. That is her pitch to supporters.”

In 1997, the Clinton administration (and Al Gore) faced a probe over whether he solicited donations by making campaign phone calls from the Oval Office. The law that forbids such conduct is called the Pendleton Act.

she should be ousted!

Term limits would get rid of most of those turds.
Looks like none of the usual rw's have bothered to read up on Speaker Pelosi's amazing accomplishments FOR the working class.


Just because she did some good one time does not justify the nefarious things she has done.
I guess by that logic, I can go ahead and eat that heart attack burger as long as I follow it with a salad!
You can't break the law and think that squares things. It is a shield. Kinda of like the old quote from the Exorcist; "The devil is a lier, but he will mix truth with lies so as to confuse us." This devil deserves no recognition except the recognition that she deserves to be in prison. She has an ichor dripping off her, a hagfish would be proud of.
What a STOOPID op. Nancy Pelosi is what our politics SHOULD be all about but instead, many of those in office refuse to work for their constituents because they're already employed by the 1%.

We all need to be very grateful that our Orange Golf Pro is so ineffective that he cannot do anywhere near the damage he wants to. WHY does Boehner need to consult with a radio talk show entertainer? WHY does he call lushbo for help? WHY can't he function in his job?

Bring back the REAL Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Ya just gotta think that people post stuff like this jut for fun!

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