If the Healthcare bill is as bad as House Republicans Claim, Why Are They Voting For It.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
The House leadership has decide not to wait for CBO scoring of the bill, knowing quite well what it will say. This rush to pass a badly flawed bill is reminiscent of the House passage of Obamacare. Like the Democrats in 2009, House Republicans are depending on the Senate to fix the bill. However, this will be an uphill battle with Republican's narrow margin in the Senate and Senate rules making it almost impossible to repeal Obamacare without Democrat support. Chances are that this bill coupled with the remains of Obamacare will create a far more serious problem than what we have now.
They backed themselves into a corner. Either they face their constituents at home with having voted for a shit bill,
or they face their constituents at home trying to explain to them why after all their promises, they can't repeal and replace Obamacare.
The House leadership has decide not to wait for CBO scoring of the bill, knowing quite well what it will say. This rush to pass a badly flawed bill is reminiscent of the House passage of Obamacare. Like the Democrats in 2009, House Republicans are depending on the Senate to fix the bill. However, this will be an uphill battle with Republican's narrow margin in the Senate and Senate rules making it almost impossible to repeal Obamacare without Democrat support. Chances are that this bill coupled with the remains of Obamacare will create a far more serious problem than what we have now.
the GOP will likely make one or two small changes to obamacare, then rename it trump care and then in 4 years be hailing it as the most successful republican program ever made
This is a sign of our times in politics where representatives are willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces.
I agree completely. The goal of congressmen is to get something done so they can return home to campaign on a "look what I have done platform", disregarding the long term consequences. They are betting on the short memory of their constituents.
I doubt it as they know Obamacare was sinking fast and they don't want that failure wrapped around their neck.
The House leadership has decide not to wait for CBO scoring of the bill, knowing quite well what it will say. This rush to pass a badly flawed bill is reminiscent of the House passage of Obamacare. Like the Democrats in 2009, House Republicans are depending on the Senate to fix the bill. However, this will be an uphill battle with Republican's narrow margin in the Senate and Senate rules making it almost impossible to repeal Obamacare without Democrat support. Chances are that this bill coupled with the remains of Obamacare will create a far more serious problem than what we have now.
the GOP will likely make one or two small changes to obamacare, then rename it trump care and then in 4 years be hailing it as the most successful republican program ever made
I doubt it as they know Obamacare was sinking fast and they don't want that failure wrapped around their neck.
The House leadership has decide not to wait for CBO scoring of the bill, knowing quite well what it will say. This rush to pass a badly flawed bill is reminiscent of the House passage of Obamacare. Like the Democrats in 2009, House Republicans are depending on the Senate to fix the bill. However, this will be an uphill battle with Republican's narrow margin in the Senate and Senate rules making it almost impossible to repeal Obamacare without Democrat support. Chances are that this bill coupled with the remains of Obamacare will create a far more serious problem than what we have now.
the GOP will likely make one or two small changes to obamacare, then rename it trump care and then in 4 years be hailing it as the most successful republican program ever made
they told you dumbass rubes that's the case, but that doesn't mean it's true
And what do you see as proof that it won't help?
I doubt it as they know Obamacare was sinking fast and they don't want that failure wrapped around their neck.
The House leadership has decide not to wait for CBO scoring of the bill, knowing quite well what it will say. This rush to pass a badly flawed bill is reminiscent of the House passage of Obamacare. Like the Democrats in 2009, House Republicans are depending on the Senate to fix the bill. However, this will be an uphill battle with Republican's narrow margin in the Senate and Senate rules making it almost impossible to repeal Obamacare without Democrat support. Chances are that this bill coupled with the remains of Obamacare will create a far more serious problem than what we have now.
the GOP will likely make one or two small changes to obamacare, then rename it trump care and then in 4 years be hailing it as the most successful republican program ever made
they told you dumbass rubes that's the case, but that doesn't mean it's true
The House leadership has decide not to wait for CBO scoring of the bill, knowing quite well what it will say. This rush to pass a badly flawed bill is reminiscent of the House passage of Obamacare. Like the Democrats in 2009, House Republicans are depending on the Senate to fix the bill. However, this will be an uphill battle with Republican's narrow margin in the Senate and Senate rules making it almost impossible to repeal Obamacare without Democrat support. Chances are that this bill coupled with the remains of Obamacare will create a far more serious problem than what we have now.

It's too bad so many people actually think Obamacare's repeal will be to their benefit.

The most important reform necessary for Obamacare as it stands today, are getting the scofflaws who disobey the law to pay as required.

Less people would be harmed if the Congress passed a law, and Trump signed it, allowing health care providers to turn away those who don't pay for health care; those who use ER's should be turned away too, except when necessary, and when not a threat to the pubic.

But their bill must be paid, and any assets they have should be confiscated under the due process clause and sold to pay their debt.

Realistically, it would make sense for health care to be funded by a tax.

Consider too, if every sale or purchase of a financial instrument were to be taxed .25 cents how much revenue would accrue and how it could be used to subsidize preventative care in America.

[For example, I give $100 every month to my grandsons 529 college savings plan that costs me $3.00 per year; the initial cost to open up the 529 account was $5,000, and that too would have added .25 cents to my cost.[

Thus. .25 cents to provide preventative care seems to be a simple solution with no negative consequence.
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Because the goal isn't about the little guy or caring...It is all about giving the richest more money.
  • Yes, the bill cuts taxes for the wealthy, drug companies, and medical device manufactures.
  • It changes the subsidies into tax credits which for millions of low income workers means big increases in their cost of health insurance.
  • They reduced government subsidies for middle income workers driving up their costs.
  • To make sure the poor and low income are hit hard, they stopped expanded medicaid, and reduced the funding to the states for medicaid.
  • They allowed states to opt out of the prexisting ban and use high risk pools but did not provide sufficient funds for those pools guaranteeing many very sick people will have no healthcare coverage.
  • They allowed insurance companies to raise premiums for older workers.
  • Health insurance will not be required. So healthy young workers will not have to carry health insurance which will drive up the cost of insurance for the remainder of the workforce because insurance pool will have less healthy people paying premiums.
  • Maternity care will be an option and expensive one.

The big winners in this bill are the insurance companies, drug companies, medical device manufacturers, the wealthy, young health workers. The losers will be the poor, low income workers, older workers, and those with serious medical conditions.

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