If Spending is Stimulative. Why do Liberals always want to cut Defense?

Regardless of the economic model used. Supply Side, Keynesian, Central Planning Austrian... whatever... the key issue is government overspending and waste. None of these methods will work till that is addressed. Government spending is ALWAYS a net drain on the economy as compared to private sector spending.
What are conservatives so scared of? They were TOLD about Bin Laden and didn't take it seriously.

They think weapons and money will keep them "safe". Well the money isn't theirs and they don't know how to use the weapons.

I hear the super rich are furious with Warren Buffet for suggesting their taxes should be raised.
It's funny when I'm told what I think by someone who isn't capable of thinking himself. :lol:

Whoever accused you of "thinking" had it all wrong. They didn't realize your memorized slogans were still somewhat new.

I'll take "What is the Huffington Post..." For $1,000 Alex.
Most of Liberals are traitors, therefore they do not need a strong Army, Jihad troupes are enough for them.
This thread is really humorous.

The OP created a strawman by saying that Liberals do not believe that defense spending is stimulative.

Yet, no one on this thread has said that defense spending is not stimulative.

The the wingnuts keep insinuating that liberals think that defense spending is not stimulative and arguing against that point.

It's like they have some imaginary 'Liberal' friend who they are arguing with - one that no doubt takes any position that they wish liberals would take.

Wow, I guess a lot of wingnuts really are psychotic!

Well, unfortunately - they only know the one note. But the good news is, they know it really well, and they sing it with all their heart(s)! :D
This thread is really humorous.

The OP created a strawman by saying that Liberals do not believe that defense spending is stimulative.

Yet, no one on this thread has said that defense spending is not stimulative.
No I did not. I asked Liberals if spending is stimulative why do you want to cut Defense spending. Then Several Liberal Posters on here proceeded to try and explain to me that Defense spending is not Stimulative. You need to go back and read there are more than 1 Posters in here who have indeed said Defense spending is not Stimulative, and gives you a net Negative Effect.

I never claimed Liberals do not believe Defense spending is Stimulative. However clearly that is exactly what a least a few Posters in here do believe, or want me to believe anyways.

The Central Question is this. Just how many jobs will be lost, and how badly will our Economy be hurt, if the Automatic 600 Billion dollar a year Defense cuts go into effect when the Debt Commission fails to meet it's Deadline?
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This thread is really humorous.

The OP created a strawman by saying that Liberals do not believe that defense spending is stimulative.

Yet, no one on this thread has said that defense spending is not stimulative.
No I did not. I asked Liberals if spending is stimulative why do you want to cut Defense spending. Then Several Liberal Posters on here proceeded to try and explain to me that Defense spending is not Stimulative.

I never claimed Liberals do not believe Defense spending is Stimulative. However clearly that is exactly what a least a few Posters in here do believe, or want me to believe anyways.

The Central Question is this. Just how many jobs will be lost, and how badly will our Economy be hurt, if the Automatic 600 Billion dollar a year Defense cuts go into effect when the Debt Commission fails to meet it's Deadline?

Not only will it hurt our economy? It will damage our defense. And our defense should be the prime argument. Effects on the economy secondary and needed.
The Central Question is this. Just how many jobs will be lost, and how badly will our Economy be hurt, if the Automatic 600 Billion dollar a year Defense cuts go into effect when the Debt Commission fails to meet it's Deadline?

A lot of jobs will be lost and it will seriously hurt the economy.

Which is why we didn't want it!
Last time i just checked we as a nation didnt convert everything into a giant warmachine for iraq, like we did with wwII.

I know facts are hard for you, because you never do seem to use them.

As for the op. They go after defense because defense is bloated and has waste in it.
but most programs do and they should all see cuts/reform/streamlining.
And yet if anyone proposes cuts to those other programs, they're accused of hating America. :cuckoo:

and yet if they purpose cuts to defense they are seen as anti-military
works both ways
Depends on the cuts they propose, doesn't it?
Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?

Are you admitting that spending is stimulative?

GI's don't get paid enough. But that's not the point. Most of the defense spending (somebody back me up with a citation here) is used for government contracts. Again - back to those "corporations are people" memes.
That's not why the military uses contractors. Do you want GIs cleaning bathrooms and mowing grass, or do you want them training for war?

No nation ever defeated another in war by cleaning their bathrooms for them.
Are you admitting that spending is stimulative?

GI's don't get paid enough. But that's not the point. Most of the defense spending (somebody back me up with a citation here) is used for government contracts. Again - back to those "corporations are people" memes.
That's not why the military uses contractors. Do you want GIs cleaning bathrooms and mowing grass, or do you want them training for war?

No nation ever defeated another in war by cleaning their bathrooms for them.
To kill people and break things...make the poor bastards they are fighting capitulate.
Defense spending has been the backbone of the U.S. economy since WWII.

Economically, it's really 'socialism with a middle-man".

Government, through contracting and sub-contracting, creates millions of jobs and pays for it all with tax payer dollars.

The middle-men, cronies of the politicians, make a fortune from the tax payers while everything is really paid for by tax dollars.

This is the great lie of American capitalism. Free-market capitalism only survives when underwritten by socialist defense spending.

How did Reagan get us out of the recession of the early 1980s? He started 'Star Wars', bollooned the deficit and stimulated the economy with socialist defense spending.

Yet the vast majority of item produced by the defense industry is never used - it's placed in armouries until it's obsolete. The real advantage to society is that those recieving defense industry 'welfare', are made to hold jobs and behave respectably. Regular welfare recipients often degenerate - nothing to do except watch T.V., have sex, and take drugs.

It irks liberals when conservatives insist on cutting spending on all non-defense items while never allowing defense spending to be cut.

Other industries are not allowed to feed off the taxpayer and can't create jobs whenever the governement issues a contract. So everyone outside of the military industrial complex is subject to the brutalities of capitalism.
The vast majority of items procured by the military that are never used are munitions. One-time use only. The delivery systems -- tanks, artillery, airplanes, ships -- are used all the time.

Further, the reason the government pays industry to build things is because the government can't build things. True story.
The thing about spending on the military is that it's very short term stimulus and more a one way waste of taxes.

Complete Bull shit. Spending on the Military is much more stimulative and long term than the Spending Obama wants to do. It puts money in the coffers of US private Sector Companies, that make the stuff the Military uses.

You guys look real Funny on this one. Defending the Spending the Obama want's to do, then trying to explain why spending on Defense is not Stimulative.

To funny indeed.

How do you consider defense contractors to be 'private sector' when they make their money from the government?
Because they're not owned by the government. A company's customers do not define whether the company is private or public sector.
Complete Bull shit. Spending on the Military is much more stimulative and long term than the Spending Obama wants to do. It puts money in the coffers of US private Sector Companies, that make the stuff the Military uses.

You guys look real Funny on this one. Defending the Spending the Obama want's to do, then trying to explain why spending on Defense is not Stimulative.

To funny indeed.

How do you consider defense contractors to be 'private sector' when they make their money from the government?
Because they're not owned by the government. A company's customers do not define whether the company is private or public sector.
I fail to understand why Dickie-H asked that question?
Defense spending has been the backbone of the U.S. economy since WWII.

Economically, it's really 'socialism with a middle-man".

Government, through contracting and sub-contracting, creates millions of jobs and pays for it all with tax payer dollars.

The middle-men, cronies of the politicians, make a fortune from the tax payers while everything is really paid for by tax dollars.

This is the great lie of American capitalism. Free-market capitalism only survives when underwritten by socialist defense spending.

How did Reagan get us out of the recession of the early 1980s? He started 'Star Wars', bollooned the deficit and stimulated the economy with socialist defense spending.

Yet the vast majority of item produced by the defense industry is never used - it's placed in armouries until it's obsolete. The real advantage to society is that those recieving defense industry 'welfare', are made to hold jobs and behave respectably. Regular welfare recipients often degenerate - nothing to do except watch T.V., have sex, and take drugs.

It irks liberals when conservatives insist on cutting spending on all non-defense items while never allowing defense spending to be cut.

Other industries are not allowed to feed off the taxpayer and can't create jobs whenever the governement issues a contract. So everyone outside of the military industrial complex is subject to the brutalities of capitalism.
The vast majority of items procured by the military that are never used are munitions. One-time use only. The delivery systems -- tanks, artillery, airplanes, ships -- are used all the time.

Further, the reason the government pays industry to build things is because the government can't build things. True story.
And they are barred from really owning any industry...that's why they have to contract out to the private sector.
You cut the post by 90% and didn't address any of it.

N-O. Military spending is NOT stimulative. It's like heroin.

You feel good..but it's a negative overall.

So, Building a road is stimulative, Giving a Solar company money is stimulative, but buying tanks and planes and guns from US companies is not stimulative.

Is that actually what you are trying to say? If so you are a bigger idiot than I thought.

Stimulative to what extent?

Does military spending provide jobs? Sure. So in that..yes..it's stimulative.

Does anything that comes out of military spending benefit the country as a whole? For the most part..no. Seriously...how can the private sector or a citizen in general use a tank? It's not like a road..that gets used by both. And gets used to conduct business for both.

Sometimes you get an "unexpected" benefit like the internet or GPS..but those benefits are far to few to justify the spending.

We should be concentrating our efforts toward goals that don't involve killing other people or the total annihilation of the planet.
Wow. You really have no idea of the benefit to society as a whole from military technologies, do you?

Here are spin-offs just from ordnance:

&#198 Aeragon - Ordnance

Mass production
Machining data handbook
Chemical manufacturing
Environmental data
Weather forecasting
Walky-talkies and cell phones
Space technology
Fortification construction techniques​
And don't forget the internet.

Soooo...looks like you're wrong, buddy.
What are conservatives so scared of? They were TOLD about Bin Laden and didn't take it seriously.

They think weapons and money will keep them "safe". Well the money isn't theirs and they don't know how to use the weapons.

I hear the super rich are furious with Warren Buffet for suggesting their taxes should be raised.
It's funny when I'm told what I think by someone who isn't capable of thinking himself. :lol:

Whoever accused you of "thinking" had it all wrong. They didn't realize your memorized slogans were still somewhat new.

That's particularly rich, coming from you. :lol:
GI's don't get paid enough. But that's not the point. Most of the defense spending (somebody back me up with a citation here) is used for government contracts. Again - back to those "corporations are people" memes.
That's not why the military uses contractors. Do you want GIs cleaning bathrooms and mowing grass, or do you want them training for war?

No nation ever defeated another in war by cleaning their bathrooms for them.
To kill people and break things...make the poor bastards they are fighting capitulate.

I'm not entirely sure what leftists feel should be the role of the military, but I'm pretty sure that's not it.

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