If reparations are paid to black Americans, they should come from the democrat party......obviously.


Shoulda realized it was demoquacks watching them.

Just give it a rest
As I said, if reparations are to be paid, the states which belonged to the Confederacy should pay reparations...obviously.
For those in the New Right who get wet between the legs over Tulsi Gabbard:

H.R.40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act To establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery.

Co-Sponsored by the New Right's favorite babe, Tulsi Gabbard.
Change Negro to Hippies
Quite frequently, the New Right is sounding more and more like the pinkos of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Appeasing Russia, foaming at the mouth about "The Establishment", attacking the police and the FBI, supporting terrorist acts, supporting far left protectionism, etc.

No wonder the dumb bastards are confused about what liberalism and conservatism are! Just as I predicted during Trump's 2016 campaign, they are being led into the far left cave.

Reparations going to people who were never slaves, taken from people who never owned slaves.....but to be more specific....people who were born hundreds of years after slavery...............is just dumb....

However, if any group needs to pay reparations...it should be the democrat party...

But if the supporters of reparations are right and that some restitution must be made, it becomes obvious who should do it: the Democratic Party. Indeed, it is an objective fact that the Democratic Party is intimately tied to slavery and segregation. The Democratic Party was founded by Andrew Jackson of Tennessee, himself a slaveowner, and Martin Van Buren, a New Yorker who owned at least one slave and exploited enslaved labor. More importantly, Van Buren’s plan gained the support of southern politicians for his policies in exchange for his support of the “peculiar institution” of plantation slavery. Such politicians became so numerous they had a name: doughfaces, since their characters lacked all substance.

This pattern continued through the end of the Civil War and the early 20th century. After the Civil War, Democratic politicians in the southern U.S. supported segregationalist policies that brutally infringed upon the rights and dignity of African-Americans.

As a result of this history, the Democratic Party should provide reparations, not the descendants of one class deemed politically expendable. Still, you may say, “that was the Democratic Party of the mid-19th century. So much has changed since then that the current officeholders and politicians could not possibly bear any blame for what their forebears did.” This is true, but it is also true of the American people.

Today, the American people are not directly responsible for slavery, segregation, Indian removal (also Van Buren), and a host of other injustices for which prominent Democrats ask for reparations. Moreover, the American people are being forced to pay for more spending programs, up to and including reparations. How is it any fairer to ask the American people to accept another raise in their taxes to fix a problem the progenitors of the Democratic Party started? Shouldn’t that be at least acknowledged?

Who should pay reparations for Native Americans?
https://lindasuegrimes.substack.com/p/the-big-lie-democrats-and-republicansA sadly funny and racist OP. Sad...

BTW, the old racist Democrats switched parties and are now Republicans. Google it...
A myth perpetrated by the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Left.


The answer is an emphatic no! Take a look at the Democrat’s most popular argument. It goes something like this:

The civil rights struggle of the 1960s caused a demographic shift in parts of the South from Democrat to Republican. Democrats tell us that this shift was motivated by racism. They argue that when Democrat President Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, racist Southern Democrats became disenchanted with their party and moved their allegiance to the Republican Party. Further, they contend that at the same time, Southern Republicans put on the cloak of the racist Southern Democrats—and, voila, the parties flipped.​
Of course, that is fantastically absurd on its face and there are some gaping holes in their argument—not to mention the questionable motivation behind Johnson’s and the Democrats’ sudden “love” for African Americans, i.e., Johnson’s infamous statement to two Southern Democratic Governors.​
Yet to this day, as false and irrational as their argument is, some Democrats continue to say that the parties switched in the 1960s and that most racist Democrats became Republicans! With this fallacious political sleight-of-hand, some have actually come to believe it, and that with the “switch” all of the past sins of the Democratic Party were transferred to the Republican Party and all of the noble accomplishments of the Republican Party were magically transferred to the Democrats. But most of them know the truth and, when pressed, they will tell you that it’s all about perception, that is what really matters. In other words, truth be damned. Tell the lie often enough and in time many people will believe it. (Unquote)​

For those in the New Right who get wet between the legs over Tulsi Gabbard:

H.R.40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act To establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery.

Co-Sponsored by the New Right's favorite babe, Tulsi Gabbard.

Ah, you mad?

Gabbard isn't perfect but was the best you had. Want Romney as a trade? Please take Matt Gaetz as well.
There were some notable defections of far right Democrats to the Republican party. Jesse Helms, for one.

But the migration of far right voters from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party was mostly from attrition.

The sons and daughters of the old right wing Democrats grew up to be Republicans.

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