If Only Stupid Could Actually Hurt


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
All the Republicans would have a massive migraine.

What Obama (and Boehner, and the economy ) are dealing with - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

I walked out of the vote with Rep. Jason Chaffetz and Rep. Jim Jordan, two of the House's CCB diehards. The two of them discussed the possibility of bringing the bill off the table. “They didn't kill it,” said Chaffetz. “They just tabled it. That's a great sign for us.” So it's alive? "Clearly. They're in panic mode."

That would be Jason Chaffetz, member of the House from Utah. And no, it’s not a “good sign” for CCB proponents; it’s not any kind of sign at all. Tabling is a normal way to kill things in the Senate. Chaffetz might want to learn that, since he happens to be running for the Senate. He is talking nonsense here (as Weigel explains in his post). Here’s the thing, though — how do you negotiate with people who just have no idea what they’re talking about?

All the Republicans would have a massive migraine.

What Obama (and Boehner, and the economy ) are dealing with - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

I walked out of the vote with Rep. Jason Chaffetz and Rep. Jim Jordan, two of the House's CCB diehards. The two of them discussed the possibility of bringing the bill off the table. “They didn't kill it,” said Chaffetz. “They just tabled it. That's a great sign for us.” So it's alive? "Clearly. They're in panic mode."

That would be Jason Chaffetz, member of the House from Utah. And no, it’s not a “good sign” for CCB proponents; it’s not any kind of sign at all. Tabling is a normal way to kill things in the Senate. Chaffetz might want to learn that, since he happens to be running for the Senate. He is talking nonsense here (as Weigel explains in his post). Here’s the thing, though — how do you negotiate with people who just have no idea what they’re talking about?


If stupid hurt, you'd be unable to post such vapid crap.

Here. Sit down. I'll get you a Midol.

Stupid bitch.

All the Republicans would have a massive migraine.

What Obama (and Boehner, and the economy ) are dealing with - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

I walked out of the vote with Rep. Jason Chaffetz and Rep. Jim Jordan, two of the House's CCB diehards. The two of them discussed the possibility of bringing the bill off the table. “They didn't kill it,” said Chaffetz. “They just tabled it. That's a great sign for us.” So it's alive? "Clearly. They're in panic mode."

That would be Jason Chaffetz, member of the House from Utah. And no, it’s not a “good sign” for CCB proponents; it’s not any kind of sign at all. Tabling is a normal way to kill things in the Senate. Chaffetz might want to learn that, since he happens to be running for the Senate. He is talking nonsense here (as Weigel explains in his post). Here’s the thing, though — how do you negotiate with people who just have no idea what they’re talking about?


the dems in the senate are free to submit their own budget or plan, you know that right? so far they have, in 2 years produced zip.

This is the second bill that the republicans have sent from the house,so, to recap;

obamas "plan" or framework was shot down 97-0 and then he never actually as he is supposed to, provide one to the house for mark up before it is pushed to the senate. The House has voted twice successfully and sent a plan to the senate twice.

Look Jillian, calling someone a loon for doing their job, whether you or wapo agree with the plan or not nonsensical. Its shows just how in the tank the media ala wapo is that they cannot recognize or choose not to acknowledge that fact or give it weight.
Why do people have to come up with such stupid thread titles.

Is it so hard to post the original title of the article.

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