If nk fires at guam

The Washington Mall is still not full. Perhaps we can add another memorial like this one...

You know, Un has given us a time table to work with when he says he will launch, so instead of bitching and moaning about it, why don't we think constructively?

He's got ballistic missiles. He's told us his next launch test is going to be in the next month, and will hit somewhere close to Guam with 4 missiles.

The U.S. Navy has a ballistic missile defense system that we have tested and been successful with a few times. Since we have a rough idea of when, a rough idea of where from and where to, why not put the ships that are capable of that off the coast of N. Korea and see if we can shoot all of them out of the sky?

If we did that, N. Korea (and probably a few other countries as well) might slow their roll a bit. Nice, neat solution. If we manage to take out all 4, then N. Korea will probably think twice, and there would be no people killed, or property (other than the missiles) destroyed.

Win win. They get to test, we get to see if we've figured out our systems yet, and the missiles are supposed to land in international waters. Personal opinion? I think that is free training for the U.S. Navy.
You know, Un has given us a time table to work with when he says he will launch, so instead of bitching and moaning about it, why don't we think constructively?

He's got ballistic missiles. He's told us his next launch test is going to be in the next month, and will hit somewhere close to Guam with 4 missiles.

The U.S. Navy has a ballistic missile defense system that we have tested and been successful with a few times. Since we have a rough idea of when, a rough idea of where from and where to, why not put the ships that are capable of that off the coast of N. Korea and see if we can shoot all of them out of the sky?

If we did that, N. Korea (and probably a few other countries as well) might slow their roll a bit. Nice, neat solution. If we manage to take out all 4, then N. Korea will probably think twice, and there would be no people killed, or property (other than the missiles) destroyed.

Win win. They get to test, we get to see if we've figured out our systems yet, and the missiles are supposed to land in international waters. Personal opinion? I think that is free training for the U.S. Navy.
While not a bad idea I think that part of the fear of doing so is if we missed one of the test missiles.

That would embolden NK and weaken our position at the table.
You know, Un has given us a time table to work with when he says he will launch, so instead of bitching and moaning about it, why don't we think constructively?

He's got ballistic missiles. He's told us his next launch test is going to be in the next month, and will hit somewhere close to Guam with 4 missiles.

The U.S. Navy has a ballistic missile defense system that we have tested and been successful with a few times. Since we have a rough idea of when, a rough idea of where from and where to, why not put the ships that are capable of that off the coast of N. Korea and see if we can shoot all of them out of the sky?

If we did that, N. Korea (and probably a few other countries as well) might slow their roll a bit. Nice, neat solution. If we manage to take out all 4, then N. Korea will probably think twice, and there would be no people killed, or property (other than the missiles) destroyed.

Win win. They get to test, we get to see if we've figured out our systems yet, and the missiles are supposed to land in international waters. Personal opinion? I think that is free training for the U.S. Navy.

You usually protect land bases with land-based systems. Why type up ships with that mission? They are mobile for a reason.
I'll repeat, no other country on earth bombs & kills more than the US does. North Korea can't hold a candle to the US on that. Unfortunately, you've just been indoctrinated on supporting a Permanent War Agenda. You don't know anything else. And that's very sad, because you'll never benefit at all from all these wars. Only the very few Elites ever will.

Really? Just exactly who are we bombing and killing, and why?

I honestly cannot believe someone so out of touch with reality has the skills needed to operate a computer and access the Internet.

Admit it, you are paying some sap to do it for you!

Oh, I benefited all right. At the risk of my neck, it kept me employed for almost 12 years, and paid for all my postgraduate schools..

Sadly, you've been duped my friend. The US has become an Imperialist Empire. It's become the world's most deadly bully. It's now the enforcer for the New World Order. Any nation refusing to go along with the 'Order', is immediately targeted for elimination by the US. And like i said, you'll never benefit from all these wars. You'll always just be the poor sucker who pays for them. Only the very few Global Elites will ever benefit from them.

You are a stupid schmuck according to just about everyone that reads your tripe, and yet I am the one being duped? Right!

You parrot the left-wing talking points beautifully and then claim you are a libertarian. What you are is a huge fucking tool!

I hear ya, most Americans are poor duped Warmongers like you. They truly believe in the Permanent War Agenda. They just don't know any better. It's a very sad tragedy.

You know, if everyone would do like I am going to do, you will be talking to hear your own head rattle. You contribute nothing but meaningless parroted phrases to assuage your guilt at being uneducated enough to buy into such garbage. You have exceeded my limit for mindless prattling. You are are a liberal at war with your own stupidity. Ignoring you will be a pleasure.

Well, if that's how you wanna play it, i'm good with it. Whatever floats your boat. But hopefully one day you'll see the light. The vicious circle of war needs to be broken. Time to stop running all around the world bombing & killing, being an Imperialist Empire. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. They fully understood all Empires fall. But hey, i enjoyed debating you. Take care.
BEIJING — China won’t come to North Korea’s aid if it launches missiles threatening U.S. soil and there is retaliation, a state-owned newspaper warned Friday — but it would intervene if Washington strikes first.

The Global Times newspaper is not an official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, but in this case its editorial probably does reflect government policy, experts said. Beijing warns Pyongyang: You’re on your own if you go after the United States
Rice Krispies

If we obliterate NoKo without warning, China will be too afraid to do anything.
In the mean time, President Kennedy put a naval embargo around Cuba. Russia had cargo ships and war ships heading for Cuba. Kennedy told Krucheve any Russian ships heading toward Cuba would be stopped in International waters, boarded and searched. If they were carrying any military weapons, they would be forced to turn around.

It was not negotiations, it was sheer force. The Russian ships kept coming and the U.S. Navy was stationed in their path. NOBODY knew what would happen. The two were within sight of one another when Russia blinked. They slowed, then stopped dead in the water. I guess the phones lines were hot between Russia and the U.S.A. After a while, the Russian ships started moving again, turned and headed back to Russia. All of them.

Actually the first russian ships cross the embargo line, and the american ships let them through. It was after the back channel deal that the Russian ships stopped.

So America blinked (let the russians through) which was a signal to Kruschev and opened up for a deal to be made.
In the mean time, President Kennedy put a naval embargo around Cuba. Russia had cargo ships and war ships heading for Cuba. Kennedy told Krucheve any Russian ships heading toward Cuba would be stopped in International waters, boarded and searched. If they were carrying any military weapons, they would be forced to turn around.

It was not negotiations, it was sheer force. The Russian ships kept coming and the U.S. Navy was stationed in their path. NOBODY knew what would happen. The two were within sight of one another when Russia blinked. They slowed, then stopped dead in the water. I guess the phones lines were hot between Russia and the U.S.A. After a while, the Russian ships started moving again, turned and headed back to Russia. All of them.

Actually the first russian ships cross the embargo line, and the american ships let them through. It was after the back channel deal that the Russian ships stopped.

So America blinked (let the russians through) which was a signal to Kruschev and opened up for a deal to be made.
Logic would lead you away from both the official version and any conspiracy-theory plant. JFK was a loose cannon who almost started World War III over a simple deal for us to remove our missiles in Turkey if the Russians would remove theirs from Cuba. But no, JFK had to play tough guy, so the KGB demanded that the Kennedys be removed. They, for their part, deposed Khrushchev, who had not realized that JFK was nothing but a pushy fraternity bully.
In the mean time, President Kennedy put a naval embargo around Cuba. Russia had cargo ships and war ships heading for Cuba. Kennedy told Krucheve any Russian ships heading toward Cuba would be stopped in International waters, boarded and searched. If they were carrying any military weapons, they would be forced to turn around.

It was not negotiations, it was sheer force. The Russian ships kept coming and the U.S. Navy was stationed in their path. NOBODY knew what would happen. The two were within sight of one another when Russia blinked. They slowed, then stopped dead in the water. I guess the phones lines were hot between Russia and the U.S.A. After a while, the Russian ships started moving again, turned and headed back to Russia. All of them.

Actually the first russian ships cross the embargo line, and the american ships let them through. It was after the back channel deal that the Russian ships stopped.

So America blinked (let the russians through) which was a signal to Kruschev and opened up for a deal to be made.
In the mean time, President Kennedy put a naval embargo around Cuba. Russia had cargo ships and war ships heading for Cuba. Kennedy told Krucheve any Russian ships heading toward Cuba would be stopped in International waters, boarded and searched. If they were carrying any military weapons, they would be forced to turn around.

It was not negotiations, it was sheer force. The Russian ships kept coming and the U.S. Navy was stationed in their path. NOBODY knew what would happen. The two were within sight of one another when Russia blinked. They slowed, then stopped dead in the water. I guess the phones lines were hot between Russia and the U.S.A. After a while, the Russian ships started moving again, turned and headed back to Russia. All of them.

Actually the first russian ships cross the embargo line, and the american ships let them through. It was after the back channel deal that the Russian ships stopped.

So America blinked (let the russians through) which was a signal to Kruschev and opened up for a deal to be made.
Logic would lead you away from both the official version and any conspiracy-theory plant. JFK was a loose cannon who almost started World War III over a simple deal for us to remove our missiles in Turkey if the Russians would remove theirs from Cuba. But no, JFK had to play tough guy, so the KGB demanded that the Kennedys be removed. They, for their part, deposed Khrushchev, who had not realized that JFK was nothing but a pushy fraternity bully.

You know, Un has given us a time table to work with when he says he will launch, so instead of bitching and moaning about it, why don't we think constructively?

He's got ballistic missiles. He's told us his next launch test is going to be in the next month, and will hit somewhere close to Guam with 4 missiles.

The U.S. Navy has a ballistic missile defense system that we have tested and been successful with a few times. Since we have a rough idea of when, a rough idea of where from and where to, why not put the ships that are capable of that off the coast of N. Korea and see if we can shoot all of them out of the sky?

If we did that, N. Korea (and probably a few other countries as well) might slow their roll a bit. Nice, neat solution. If we manage to take out all 4, then N. Korea will probably think twice, and there would be no people killed, or property (other than the missiles) destroyed.

Win win. They get to test, we get to see if we've figured out our systems yet, and the missiles are supposed to land in international waters. Personal opinion? I think that is free training for the U.S. Navy.
While not a bad idea I think that part of the fear of doing so is if we missed one of the test missiles.

That would embolden NK and weaken our position at the table.

Maybe if we missed every one, but if we got a 50 percent or higher average, it would give them pause. Especially because they only have a limited amount of nuclear material and missiles.
Even if they miss, it's an act of war, is it not?
Depends. If there is a nuclear detonation, they won't be given a 'do over' if they miss. They'll just start dying when we attack.

If it's a splash in and we recover a nuclear warhead, that would be an act of war.

If it's a splash in and we find out it was a bluff, we just point and laugh

But why wouldn't we just shoot any missile out of the sky? You think anyone in the military is going to wait to fish something out of the water before responding?
Well, if they can, then they should. I have My doubts on the accuracy of the system.
Not very sophisticated is within 20 miles.
Sophisticated is within a hundred feet.

Glad you agree that North Korea trying to hit a target 20 miles from Guam could easily miss by...20 miles.

By now you have seen the great success of the tactics and policy of President Donald Trump. Kim Jung-un has backed away from his threats proving your whining and hand wringing was futile and childish.

Soon, perhaps you'll grow up.
"Kim Jong Un of North Korea made a very wise and well reasoned decision. The alternative would have been both catastrophic and unacceptable!" - Trump

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