If Joe Biden had been an Air Traffic Controller


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
his azz wouuld have been canned.

Always nodding off.

Yet the liberal media didn't say a thing about his falling asleep in the middle of Obamas speech.
OK let's think about this important topic for a second, hm, nothing coming, tries again, two second thought, hm, nothing, hold, maybe a minute thought would reveal the importance of this thread....hm, still nothing, OK maybe five minutes of thinking would...WTF do you wingnuts have nothing more than idiocy in your empty heads.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing conservative] voter." Winston Churchill
Biden is a gaffe a minute. Always puttting his foot in his mouth. (way before he ever became a VP candidate)

More of a dorfus than Agnew (wayward tee shots) or Ford as VP, or Quayle, or Cheney (hunting accident) - or even Nixon when he was VP

lib media was all over those guys..................

yet they give Biden a pass
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Every time he opens his yap -something idiotic comes out.

Called Obama a "clean" Negro during the 2008 campaign.
Remember when VP Rockefeller gave hecklers The Finger?

And when VP Agnew went after the liberal media?

2 VPs I liked.

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