If I May Clarify....

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que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Aye posted a thread down in the Flame Zone some time back. I think it may be confusing for the denizens down there and they didn't quite get what she said. So..if I may speak as one who used that info she gave to my own advantage, I hope this thread can stay for those who MAY want to do what I did.

I asked staff to ban me PERMANENTLY from the Flame Zone. This is not negotiable in asking to reverse it. It is forever. They complied to my request.

This means those in the FZ cannot page you. You won't see it.
You won't know the place even exists because it does not appear on your screen. It is gone. You will not see them posting whatever it is they are posting they just HAVE to have you see. They cannot come upstairs and tell you they paged you. What is upstairs, stays upstairs for those who want no part of the basement area called the FZ. What is posted downstairs, STAYS downstairs. You will not see it.

Personally, I thought it best for myself to do this. I think I am the first that has asked. I wanted to share this with those who might want to follow suit. If not, that's up to you. If so...just pm a mod and tell them you wish it. But be really sure that is what you want because as I stated..it is not EVER reversible.

That is all.
Two questions

1. What is the Flame Zone?
2. You really had to ask the mods to ban you from an area that you apparently no longer wished to view , meaning you couldn't control your own actions and ended up going there even when you didn't want to?

This is an example of why our country is the mess that it is.
Two questions

1. What is the Flame Zone?
2. You really had to ask the mods to ban you from an area that you apparently no longer wished to view , meaning you couldn't control your own actions and ended up going there even when you didn't want to?

This is an example of why our country is the mess that it is.
1. It is a shithole...to coin Trumps words.
2. Correct. I tried to make them understand humanity and wound up inhumane myself in the attempt. Stay in a poisoned well long enough, one becomes poisoned themselves. I kept going there. Hoping to reach that core of decency. I lost my own looking for it.
I probably would have just chosen to stay out of a place I didn't want to go, but that's me.
Yes. I should have. I was paged often, too. They had to make sure I saw whatever they were saying.
Whatever. This is not a defense. It is to let others know that they CAN request to not have to see or hear the loud and obnoxious neighbors down the street and under the overpass. If you want to argue about it and point fingers, knock yourself out.
Wasn't arguing. Just wondering why someone would need another person to prevent them from going somewhere they couldn't stop themselves from going to.

To each their own though.
I guess this means Gracie can not post her hateful crap anymore.
That's the plan. But...I posted hateful crap in retaliation. Which is what I said. I became inhumane myself.

Meanwhile, are you EVER non grumpy, sarge?
Wasn't arguing. Just wondering why someone would need another person to prevent them from going somewhere they couldn't stop themselves from going to.

To each their own though.
It got addicting. And not in a good way. I don't regret doing this one iota. No different than wanting a nice neighborhood and having to live next to a ghetto one street over.
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