“If Hitler Said Something Like That You Wouldn’t Think It’s Funny

Without Obama there would be no Biden. Think of that. Obama gave us this pile of pudding shit

Without the Clintons, the Bushes, and Obama in office fucking up this country and selling us out to our enemies...............Trump would have never decided to run for president. And there's a 99% chance we would all be living our "normal" lives.........without COVID, without psychotically maniacal Dementocrats in the White House, and without them giving reasons for all of these leftist lunatics to slither out of their hidey-holes and out into society to poison and shit on everything.
Without the Clintons, the Bushes, and Obama in office fucking up this country and selling us out to our enemies...............Trump would have never decided to run for president. And there's a 99% chance we would all be living our "normal" lives.........without COVID, without psychotically maniacal Dementocrats in the White House, and without them giving reasons for all of these leftist lunatics to slither out of their hidey-holes and out into society to poison and shit on everything.
Without COVID, Trump would still be president. The leftists seized the opportunity to blame Trump, and enough people lacking in knowledge and believing the propaganda from CNN, fell for it. It was so bad that a Biden voter actually said to me, prior to the election, that Trump was so horrible that she prefers someone with dementia as president.
Referring to hitler is so overplayed it means nothing anymore.

I bet if a republican had a dog and painted then Obama would say "you know Hitler liked dogs and painted also"
and the republicans ran an failed insurrection at the capital Jan 6th.

All the red state are now making laws containing voter suppression.

Need I say more.
and the republicans ran an failed insurrection at the capital Jan 6th.

All the red state are now making laws containing voter suppression.

Need I say more.
no one has been charged with insurrection - fuck off.

feds led that raid and begged people to do it - fuck off.

bullshit. how about we making registering to vote like getting a gun, same qualifications - fuck off
Once again we see obama engaging in what he is known for....his true legacy.

Dividing America

But yet the Worthless Negro backed the filthy ass BLM insurrection that spent six months rioting, looting, buring, destroying and murdering.

Only idiots listen to shitheads like him.
Without COVID, Trump would still be president. The leftists seized the opportunity to blame Trump, and enough people lacking in knowledge and believing the propaganda from CNN, fell for it. It was so bad that a Biden voter actually said to me, prior to the election, that Trump was so horrible that she prefers someone with dementia as president.
The only question is did the Democrats conspire with the Chinese to release the bio weapon to destroy Trump or did they do it all on their own?
Without the Clintons, the Bushes, and Obama in office fucking up this country and selling us out to our enemies...............Trump would have never decided to run for president. And there's a 99% chance we would all be living our "normal" lives.........without COVID, without psychotically maniacal Dementocrats in the White House, and without them giving reasons for all of these leftist lunatics to slither out of their hidey-holes and out into society to poison and shit on everything.
Rush Limbaugh gave you trump.
The only question is did the Democrats conspire with the Chinese to release the bio weapon to destroy Trump or did they do it all on their own?
Wait until you see what our next plot against you is! You must be the dumbest group of people on the planet for us to keep getting away with all this!
Once again we see obama engaging in what he is known for....his true legacy.

Dividing America

"Gateway Pundit" prints a lot of fake news.

If it's a real story, Fox News will cover it. Fox News is a real news source who cares about the truth.
"But that’s okay. But when your supporters hold a rally where they pledge allegiance to a flag that was flown at the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, the biggest threat to our democracy in my lifetime. When you don’t separate yourselves from them, when you don’t think that’s a problem, well, you know what? That’s a problem."

"Either he actually believes in the same conspiracy theories that resulted in a mob, or he doesn’t believe it, but he’s willing to go along with it to say, or do anything to get elected."

"We don’t have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars, this fake outrage that right wing media’s pedals to juice their ratings."

"Instead of spreading misinformation and disinformation about the last election, we should be trying to strengthen our democracy and make it easier for more people to vote in future elections."

"There’s a politics of meanness and division and conflict, of tribalism and cynicism. And that’s one path. But the good news is there’s another path, where we pull together and we solve big problems and we rebuild our society in a way that gives more and more people, a better life. And that’s the choice we face."

The only question is did the Democrats conspire with the Chinese to release the bio weapon to destroy Trump or did they do it all on their own?
That is a question. I wouldn’t put anything past the Dems at this point. They were willing to sacrifice American lives if it meant making Trump look bad. One obvious example is how the NY mayor/Governor sent back the medical ship EMPTY while elderly New Yorkers were being sent to COVID-infected nursing homes.
One liar, Obama, comes out and supports the other, McAuliffe.
And he wants to make it "easier" for people to vote, which is the left's attempt to poison the well
in future elections so the people they brought into the country illegally are able to vote for
future authoritarian pricks like Terry McAuliffe.

No mention by Obama of resurrection at the Capitol when Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed on the Supreme Court. Hundreds arrested at anti-Kavanaugh protest: 'It's time for women to be heard'
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Once again we see obama engaging in what he is known for....his true legacy.

Dividing America

Actually, if Hitler did say something like this, I would think it funny.

For one thing, the guy is dead and for another...coming back from the dead to say that trumptards are a threat to democracy? That would indeed be hilarious. Thanks for the laughs!
Nothing has changed. Normal people have no concern over what that dog-eating muzzie faggot is peddling.

I picture it dining on a border collie while Big Mike is mounting it from the rear, giggle for 10 seconds, and then go back to thinking about how birdies I'm going to get on Thursday.
Once again we see obama engaging in what he is known for....his true legacy.

Dividing America

It is worse. The truth about this guy and how many traitors have lied to enable him, including "Republican" traitors, is just a terrible reality of how misled Americans are....

This guy is a homo with a man as a wife. He was born in Kenya, and was the beneficiary of every possible exploitation of so called Affirmative Action. His ancestors are Confederate slave owners and those in Africa accused of rounding up other tribes and selling them to the boats. His high school classmates say he was a gay coke whore who liked older white men (like Biden and Richard Branson) and there is a trail of corpses in the wake of keeping the closet door shut (Joan Rivers, Don Young, Paul Horner). The GOP knew in 1996 this guy was gay. Somehow, Fox News and Pence and McConnell never could figure that out....

What the cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief did at DOJ is par for the course, all truth hidden in the closet....