If Grovor Norquist is evil, why isn't AARP?


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
I keep hearing from liberals how awful Grovor Norquist is because he resists tax increases. Well, if that's true, why isn't AARP also evil since they resist spending cuts to Medicare and Social Security?

Grover Norquist has a nice goofy foreign sounding name and a silly face. The whole point to arguing to the person rather to ideas is to make the person the point.

There is no face to AARP. It is a bunch of sweet old grandma types baking cookies.

that is the reason Grover is a better fiend than the Brothers Koch.

That is the way nincompoops argue. Avoid the ideas and make a person the enemy. It worked for Odysseus when he made Theristes the goat back in the days of the Aneied. And it still works today. You don't argue with 2500 years of success.
Grover Norquist has a nice goofy foreign sounding name and a silly face. The whole point to arguing to the person rather to ideas is to make the person the point.

There is no face to AARP. It is a bunch of sweet old grandma types baking cookies. (MS Edit: And a large voting block ;))

that is the reason Grover is a better fiend than the Brothers Koch.

That is the way nincompoops argue. Avoid the ideas and make a person the enemy. It worked for Odysseus when he made Theristes the goat back in the days of the Aneied. And it still works today. You don't argue with 2500 years of success.
Because refusing to allow our country to fund its self will lead to its distruction.

Helping the elderly is not evil, its doable if we fund it right.
"Because he resists tax increases" - really? That's your take on the situation?

Rather simplistic, I think.

Grover Norquist is a public interest lobbyist. So are the AARP. Toro's question is divorced from policy. Just on the matter of why is this guy a black hat, and why is AARP a white hat? They are equally devoted to pushing their agenda. Which is why we have elections.

Of course, elections are supposed to be about ideas rather than personalities. But Ad hominium arguments have worked better for 2500 years than actually discussing the issues.
Because refusing to allow our country to fund its self will lead to its distruction.
No it won't, it'll just have to be smaller. What's wrong with that?

And why the fuck do people like you want a giant gov't with massive powers anyway? Don't you ever read history books?
I will never join AARP. Its a left wing organization who supported the health care law and then asked for vouchers so they did not have to abide by the law ..

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