If elizabeth warren is Cherokee as she claims, does she owe reparations?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Since the miserable fucking bony racist liar claims she is Cherokee AND a democrat, and since the Cherokee were one of at least 10 Native American tribes that owned slaves, and since Republicans never owned slaves.....

How much money should be owed by that stupid white bony bitch?


Superbrutha? How much should that white bony Cherokee owe you?
Kamala Harris is from a slave owner family, she certainly does.
It's official: The above thread has been awarded the 'Stupid Post of the Month Award'. The 'Stupid' award, the highest award for inane comparison and stupid thinking is awarded monthly to a person of such low reason and sense they must be extraordinarily stupid. Simple levels of stupid do not qualify for the award or it would have to be given too often. While it may seem this award is not politically correct, the rational for the award recognizes that some stupid posts far exceed the usual stupid, demonstrating a level of stupid rarely reached in even the stupidest setting. Please accept this award with our fondest wishes it is not an inheritable trait.

Rarely is the board of selectors for the 'Stupid' award unanimous, but in the case noted above, many wished they could vote twice or more.
Do you think this Pocahontas thing is the best way to shut her down in 2020?
Cannot tell what the left wing losers are saying that is false?

Are they denying the bony bitch claimed she is a Cherokee?

Are they denying that Native American tribes owned slaves and fought for the confederacy?

Are they aware that Republicans never owned a slave?

Are they denying that the bony bitch called for reparations for negroes?

How stupid are left wingers anyway?
Do you think this Pocahontas thing is the best way to shut her down in 2020?

I myself do not think personal attacks are the way to go in any political race, unless the lack of integrity of the candidate in question could be severe enough to compromise discharging duties of whatever office. Even despite the clear "life" forgery Warren has engaged in, if I were Trump or one of his campaign strategists, I'd advise him to focus down on dismantling her platforms and talking points, which are largely socialist/postmodernist/race-class warfare in nature, and easily banished as anti-American. That said the whole "Indian who never was" narrative is highly entertaining. Perhaps Trump could hand out wampum campaign buttons to her supporters if she wins the nomination.
Warren is the fakest "Indian" I've seen since those early '70s, low-budget, ridiculous Billy Jack movies, in which they had various blondish WHITE actors playing American-Indians. I remember in the sequel they painted Billy Jack's skin a brownish-red color, which looked even more ridiculous; he still looked like a white guy with a bunch of paint on his skin. It's just as hilarious.

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