If all aspects of gov't were politicized during Obama administration


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
All aspects from IRS being politicized, Federal law agencies, house investigative comittee, even funders of gov't like social media and online monopolies, MSM, the Corporations who own the media outlets who have acted in the same manner IRS has attacking opponents- harassing them etc, and more recent, even claimed non partisan fact checkers have been politicized.
So who orchestrated it?
Everything has a process, the network is there and quite obvious, from activist org ties to mobster ties, it's surrounding the same circles.
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Anybody who has any understanding of the American Political System knows that if you can corrupt the Justice Department, you are one step away from establishing Tyranny.

Nixon tried to do this, and when even Republicans understood he was trying to do, they joined in riding him out on a rail.

Obama did it with ease almost from Day One, by appointing Eric Holder, who had absolute RACE CARD IMMUNITY, and the result is unfolding before us.

Had Hillary Clinton, that craven bitch, been put in place to continue this Usurpation, our American Republic would have been undone....and it is still in serious jeopardy...as the events unfold....with Democrats ignoring revelations of gross abuse of power at the Justice Dept. and F.B.I. ......and their New York Media allowing them to get away with it.

Big war coming on...not likely a shooting war, but one for control of America---Jeffersonians versus Marxists.
It's interesting to note that MSNBC's parent Company seems to have the same problem imitated inside Comcast's own ranks.
Our Gov't has old staffers from the former administration hanging on to positions sabotaging the new administration from within, for revenge and for profit and by and through affiliation pride.
Comcast similarly had kept around former merger company competitor staffs that seem to be rogue agents sabotaging the company from within, stealing from their customers and harrassing whistleblowers.
Trump was right from the beginning in trying to remove these disgruntled holdovers who were not team players Country first before Party.
Comcast made the mistake of assuming assimilation of your competition would be smooth without issue. No- they go rogue, learn human behavior, learn to recognize similarities, learn from the past, learn from your mistakes and lift the veils & have your eyes wide open.
Similarities to watch: assimilation of other country's disgruntled political religious opponents.
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Snouter you can't have it both ways, you can't call us cheap then claim we financed Obama's ego trip.
Furthermore Obama's record against Israel
destroys your argument.
Valid points being raised here. Was Obama responsible, I doubt it; he’s definitely not bright enough. Obama was/is just a pawn. Good possibility Soros is a major player although even he is just a piece of the puzzle
But Obama has this strange obsession with
Fox news and Trump and his ego is bent upon revenge. If he was just retired without involvement then his Soros sponsored Moveon org would not be the mentor involved in training and managing
the Resist org. An ex president would not want his signature on a soft terrorist
like org.
Obamas former employee activist Ashley Kroetsch runs the Resist movement.
Obviously Obama didn't learn from Bush on how to bow out quietly when leaving office.
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Globalist agenda... I was under the impression that Obama next stop would have been as head of the U.N..Maybe that explains in part why Obama was willing to weaken the United States in many ways it might also explain why he did not bow out gracefully as he expected to carry on from UN headquarters.... I do find it very interesting where Obamalambasted Trump for at least five minutes at the democratic dinner as to why he would not have figured out that Trump would burn with revenge for his actions towards him after that event...Afterallthat is tremendous motivation for anyone esp Donald Trump....

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