IDF Opens Field Hospital to Treat Wounded Palestinians


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Can you imagine the Syrian Army opening up field hospitals for the Syrian civilians who needed care?

IDF Opens Field Hospital to Treat Wounded Palestinians

By Raphael Poch July 23, 2014 , 9:00 am

Fifteen days into Operation Protective Edge, the IDF has gone and done something quite remarkable. The army set up a field hospital near the border with Gaza to treat the injured and wounded caught in the crosshairs of the conflict in Gaza.

Israel has a long history of providing medical treatment to those in need, especially to Palestinians in need. The IDF however, took the humanitarian spirit up a notch by opening a field hospital at the Erez crossing, right next to where the first Israeli was murdered during the current operation.

The field hospital, which is strategically located between Israel and the Gaza Strip, will serve as an emergency clinic, providing medical services for injured Palestinians from Gaza. The hospital will also have a fully equipped delivery room for expectant mothers.


IDF Opens Field Hospital to Treat Wounded Palestinians - Israel News
Can you imagine the Syrian Army opening up field hospitals for the Syrian civilians who needed care?

Yes, of course. But would your western medias report? Anyway, there is no border so civilians can be brought to hospitals.

If you feel there is no need for these field hospitals even when areas were under siege, you can show us the ambulances arriving to take these wounded people to hospitals.
Surely, there are Arab news media who would report on this.
Can you imagine the Syrian Army opening up field hospitals for the Syrian civilians who needed care?

Yes, of course. But would your western medias report? Anyway, there is no border so civilians can be brought to hospitals.

If you feel there is no need for these field hospitals even when areas were under siege, you can show us the ambulances arriving to take these wounded people to hospitals.
Surely, there are Arab news media who would report on this.
Look, there are over 6 million internally displaced people in Syria. That means that the towns and cities where the battles take place are are far-reaching abandoned and only full of terrorists. On the other side, the "rebels" are busy to destroy the infrastructure such as the Al-Kindi Hospital:

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priester----give up-----you are tying yourself in knots and getting nowhere

I think it is very kind of Israel to treat these Syrians who were wounded. Even Turkey is treating the wounded. For those Syrians we read about whose wounds are festering and there is no help for them, my heart goes out to them.
priester----give up-----you are tying yourself in knots and getting nowhere

Looky looky who stepped up to the plate to utter some more Einsteinian wisdom: Lil Rosie! Wow Rosie! Gotta thank you for those words of intellect which completely settled the debate! DAMN but you have such a way with words!
So tell me, Einstein, do you have any proof to prove him wrong or are you just going to open your stupid c*&kholster again and really let everyone know that you have the IQ of a fucking toadstool? :banana2:
If you come up with anything be sure to let us know, OK??!!:lol:

Looky, looky who felt he had to chime in -- someone whose IQ is probably on the moron level. Why not be honest with the viewers and admit that you care nothing about the unfortunate people in any part of the Middle East who need help. You are just, the same as many of your two=bit Anti-semites do, using these Arabs as your pawns. If you are so concerned with these Syrians, why not visit one of the churches here in the U.S. and ask their relatives and also those who have fled just what is going on.
Syrian Health Minister calls on international organizations for more cooperation

Damascus, SANA –Health Minister in the caretaker government, Dr. Saad al-Nayef, stressed the importance of bolstering cooperation with the international organizations to meet the health needs of patients.

Meeting head of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees mission, Tareq al-Kurdi, Minister al-Nayef called on the international organizations to offer more support through providing qualitative medicines and medical equipment which are difficult to get from health establishments due to the unjust economic sanctions imposed on the Syrian people.

The minister added that the number of medical shipments the ministry delivered to all provinces this year reached 415 shipments, of which 115 shipments were offered by international organizations.

For his part, al-Kurdi stressed that the Health Ministry is the only side that will be cooperated with in Syria.

Health Minister calls on international organizations for more cooperation | Syrian Arab News Agency
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Shoot them and then patch them up.........who says the Juden don't have a sense of humor. . :lol: :lol:

good point, sunni----jews smile when they cure ummahniks of their sicknesses------and
ummahnik sluts wiggle their fat asses and ululate with joy when their "brothers" slit the
throats of jewish children------some things never change. Sala'adin did not trust the '
meccaist scum as doctors------so he clung to rabbi moshe ben maimon. Some things never
change------even today the meccaists in my town trust ONLY the jewish hospitals-
The first time I saw the results of the HACK job ummahniks do on their sons-----with the
RAGGED edges-------I was horrified. An interesting article appeared in the medical literature
several years ago-------very interesting------ummah circumcision is not all that protective
against penile cancer because of those Ragged Edges. A statistical analysis------the conclusion
is an interpretation------but it was made in a muslim country----by muslim docs. I was impressed
that they admitted the fact-------they were probably executed for blasphemy by now
the Palistinians using this IDF field hospital should probably take care that they are not identified by their fellow Palistinians .
Israel offered medical aid to Gazans, but the PA refused to accept it
Health Ministry prepared millions of shekels worth of medicine, chemotherapy and medical equipment for Gaza; MDA offered blood donations.

Published: 07.27.14, 20:56

Israel's Health Ministry offered humanitarian aid worth millions of shekels to the Gaza Strip, but the Palestinian Authority has refused to accept it.

A senior Health Ministry official told Ynet that the aid is funded out of the ministry's budget, and includes medicine, chemotherapy and medical equipment that are ready to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority, after having been approved by the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories.

The Health Ministry said it would continue efforts to transfer the medical supplies to the Strip.

Earlier this week, Magen David Adom said it offered to send blood donations to the Strip in order to help wounded Palestinians, but the PA refused to accept that offer as well.

"Israel is going through a very difficult time, but we still got supplies from our stocks and budgeted aid worth millions of shekels for the residents of the Strip," Health Minister Yael German told Ynet. "In addition, we offered full medical treatment to the Gaza citizens in any of our hospitals and will continue to offer that."

"The State of Israel has no desire to hurt the people of Gaza. We didn't go to war to kill, but rather to defend the people of Israel, and will continue offering full humanitarian aid to the Palestinians for as long as we can," she added.

Israel offered medical aid to Gazans, but the PA refused to accept it - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

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Israel offered medical aid to Gazans, but the PA refused to accept it
Health Ministry prepared millions of shekels worth of medicine, chemotherapy and medical equipment for Gaza; MDA offered blood donations.

The messages are clear and consistent:
Israelis value human life ... even those of their mortal enemies.
Arabs value human life only as cannon fodder or media points.
Anyone who claims Arabs are just like other peeps is either ignorant or lying. Period.

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