ICE arrests Cambodians with deportation orders


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
In a letter this week, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn urged U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials to not use the arrested immigrants as "bargaining chips" in negotiations with the Cambodian government.

Cambodia has long been considered among so-called "recalcitrant" nations that do not fully cooperate with U.S. officials in accepting back deported nationals. While Cambodians have been deported over the years, U.S. officials have had problems getting that country's officials to issue travel documents, which are needed to repatriate deportees.

In September, the Trump administration announced visa sanctions against Cambodia, Eritra, Guinea, and Sierra Leone "due to lack of cooperation in accepting their nationals ordered removed from the United States." Temporary visitor visas for traveling Cambodians were discontinued as a result.

ICE spokeswoman Mack said the U.S. has more than 500 travel document requests pending with the Cambodian government, some dating back nearly a decade. She said there are more than 1,900 Cambodian nationals in the U.S. who have final deportation orders, and that the majority of these have criminal convictions.
ICE targets Cambodians with deportation orders

Take them and drop them off and tell Cambodia to "have fun with all of that".

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