I would estimate there are less than 100 men and women who make all the decisions in this world...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...they are the elite, pushing a globalist, free trade and open borders agenda on the Western world, caring nothing for how this impacts the middle and working class who are hurt by these policies.

Trump's election shocked these elitists, and they have mobilized all their forces to take him down by any means necessary.

They control most of the political parties, left, center and right, the media, Hollywood and the international entertainment industry, and have influence in all the schools, colleges and universities.

Their control is absolute and no one, except Trump, can really oppose them and survive their blistering attacks.

Trump's immense wealth is the only reason he can survive because they cannot take away his means to live.
Read up on Bilderberg. That's where the decisions are made.
...they are the elite, pushing a globalist, free trade and open borders agenda on the Western world, caring nothing for how this impacts the middle and working class who are hurt by these policies.

Trump's election shocked these elitists, and they have mobilized all their forces to take him down by any means necessary.

They control most of the political parties, left, center and right, the media, Hollywood and the international entertainment industry, and have influence in all the schools, colleges and universities.

Their control is absolute and no one, except Trump, can really oppose them and survive their blistering attacks.

Trump's immense wealth is the only reason he can survive because they cannot take away his means to live.
lol who are these people? What do they control? Why would they want no borders? How would having open borders protect the rich?

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills every time I visit this board.
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What interests me about Bildenberg is that this group has chosen U.S. Presidents all the way up to Trump, they didn't choose him, probably wanted Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton.
Power comes from individuals believing in and conforming to something or someone.
What interests me about Bildenberg is that this group has chosen U.S. Presidents all the way up to Trump, they didn't choose him, probably wanted Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton.
Lol what the fuck are you basing this shit on?
I think you have a good base in your OP and if people would really look at the full picture they could understand where you are coming from. I seen strange thing happen for no reason but looking closer I see the back ground of the wealthy running things. Take a look at Clinton Emails from Soros about the placement of three people on a Board in Europe. He requested and it happened.

The progressives have built a following over these last 3 or 4 decades that believe in a no borders world with a single government to "manage" (rule?) the world and everyone in it. They are dedicated to that end and will not stop...we call them communists today, yesterday they were democrats. Their goals are a direct threat to our nation and rooting them out while maintaining our Constitutional Republic will be difficult but not impossible. Their greatest weakness is their use of our guarantees, while our guarantees are our greatest strength. They constantly expose themselves with their use of media and free speech, as well as the rest of our Constitution, they are so dedicated to eliminate. What's hilarious and tragic is they don't think they can become victims of their own movement.

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